Administrative Roles

Using the Adobe Admin Console, organizations can define a flexible administrative hierarchy that enables fine-grained management of Adobe product access and usage. One or more System admins, provisioned during the enterprise onboarding process, sit at the top of the hierarchy. These System admins can delegate responsibilities to other admins, while still retaining overall control.

Administrative Roles provide the following key benefits to enterprises:

  • Controlled decentralization of administrative responsibilities
  • Quick view of product assignments—by user and by product
  • Functionality to assign quotas to Product admins

Administrative hierarchy

Applies to: Adobe enterprise customers.

The administrative hierarchy can be used to suit the unique requirements of your enterprise. For example, an enterprise can appoint different admins to manage entitlements to Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Marketing Cloud offerings. Alternatively, an enterprise can have different admins to manage entitlements of users belonging to different business units.

The administrative hierarchy doesn’t apply to teams customers. Teams customers have a single System admin role. The contract owner (previously referred to as Primary admin) is the system administrator with access to the contract details and the billing history. If you are the current contract owner, you can nominate an existing system administrator (previously referred to as secondary admin) as the contract owner.

admin image

Admin roles hierarchy

System Admin
Super user for the organization; allowed to perform all administrative tasks in the Admin Console.
Also, has permissions to delegate the following administrative functionality to other users: Product admin, Product Profile admin, User Group admin, Deployment admin, and Support admin.
Product Admin

Administers the products assigned to that admin and all associated administrative functions, which include:

  • Create product profiles
  • Add users and user groups to the organization but not remove these
  • Add or remove users and user groups from product profiles
  • Add or remove Product Profile admins from product profiles
  • Add or remove other product admins from the product
  • Add or remove Group admins from groups
Product Profile Admin

Administers the Product Profile descriptions assigned to that admin and all associated administrative functions, which include:

  • Add users and user groups to the organization but not remove these
  • Add or remove users and user groups from product profiles
  • Assign or revoke product permissions to users and user groups from product profiles
  • Manage product roles of users and user groups for product profiles
User Group Admin

Administers the user group descriptions assigned to that admin and all associated administrative functions, which include:

  • Add or remove users from groups
  • Add or remove User Group admins from groups
Deployment Admin
Creates, manages, and deploys software packages and updates to end users.
Support Admin
Non-administrative role that has access to support-related information, such as customer-reported issue reports.
Storage Admin
Manages the storage administration of the organization. The administrator can view storage consumption of both active and inactive users and transfer contents to other recipients.

For a detailed list of permissions and privileges for each admin role, see Permissions.

Add an enterprise admin role add-enterprise-role

Applies to: Adobe enterprise customers.

As an admin, you can assign an admin role to other users, giving them the same privileges as you have, or privileges for a role under your admin role in the hierarchy as described above. For example, as a Product admin you can give Product admin privileges or Product Profile admin privileges to a user, but not Deployment admin privileges. For the permissions on the Admin Console, see the Permissions matrix.

To add or invite an admin:

  1. In the Admin Console, choose Users > Administrators.

    Alternatively, go to the relevant Product, Product Profile, or User Group and navigate to the Admins tab.

  2. Click Add Admin.

  3. Enter a name or email address. You can search for existing users or add a new user by specifying a valid email address, and filling the information on the screen.

  4. Click Next. A list of admin roles appears.

  • The options on this screen depend on your account and admin role. You can either give the same privileges as you have, or privileges for a role under yours in the hierarchy.
  • As the System Admin of a team, you can assign only one admin role: System Admin.
  1. Select one or more admin roles.
  2. For Admin types like Product Administrator, Product Profile Administrator, and User Group Administrator, select the specific products, profiles, and groups respectively.
For a Product Profile Administrator, you can include profiles for more than one product.

add admin

  1. Review the admin roles assign to the user and click Save.

The user receives an email invitation regarding the new administrative privileges from

Users must click Get started in the email to join the organization. If new admins do not use the Get started link in the email invitation, they would not be able to sign into the Admin Console.

As part of the sign-in process, users may be asked to set up an Adobe profile if they do not have one already. If users have multiple profiles associated with their email address, users must choose “Join Team” (if prompted) and then select the profile associated with the new organization.

admin rights image

Add a teams admin add-admin-teams

Applies to: Adobe teams customers.

As an admin, you can assign the System admin role to other users, giving them the same privileges as you have.

To add or invite a System admin:

  1. In the Admin Console, choose Users > Administrators.

    A list of existing admins displays.

  2. Click Add Admin.

    The Add an Administrator screen displays.

  3. Enter a name or email address. You can search for existing users or add a new user by specifying a valid email address, and filling the information on the screen.

    By default, System Administrator is selected.

  4. Click Save.

teams admin image

Since all users in a teams organization are Business ID users, they receive an email invitation regarding the new adminstrative privileges from
Users must click Get started in the email to join the organization.

As part of the sign-in process, users may be asked to set up an Adobe profile if they do not have one already. If users have multiple profiles associated with their email address, users must choose “Join Team” (if prompted) and then select the profile associated with the new organization.

admin rights image

Edit enterprise admin role

Applies to: Adobe enterprise customers.

As an admin, you can edit the admin role to other admin that are below you in the Administrative hierarchy. For example, you can remove admin privileges of other admins.

To edit admin roles:

  1. In the Admin Console, choose Users > Administrators. The list of existing admins displays.

    Alternatively, go to the relevant Product, Product Profile, or User Group and navigate to the Admins tab.

  2. Click the name of the admin to edit.

  3. In the User Details, click icon for the Administrative Rights section and choose Edit admin rights.

    edit admin rights

  4. Edit the administrative rights and save your changes.

Edit teams admin role

Applies to: Adobe teams customers.

As a teams System admin, you can remove the System admin privileges of other admins.

To revoke System admin privileges:

  1. In the Admin Console, choose Users > Administrators.

    The list of existing admins displays.

  2. In the User Details, click icon to the right of the Administrative Rights section and choose Edit admin rights.

    edit admin rights

  3. Edit the administrative rights and save your changes.

Remove an admin

Applies to: Adobe teams enterprise customers.

  1. To revoke admin permissions, select a user and then click Remove Admin.

remove admin image

Removing an admin does not delete the user from the Admin Console, but only removes the privileges associated with the admin role.

Enterprise admins permissions matrix

Applies to: Adobe enterprise customers.

The following table lists all the permissions for the different types of admins, categorized by the following areas of functionality:

Identity management

System admin
Support admin
Add domain (request/claim a domain)
View domain and domain listing
Manage domain encryption keys
Manage default org password policy
View default org password policy

User management

System admin
Support admin
Add user to org
Remove user from org
View user details and listing
Edit user profile
Add Product Profile to user or group
Remove Product Profile to user or group
Add Product Profile to multiple users
View product profiles for a user
View product user listing
Bulk add users to org

Administrator management

System admin
Support admin
Grant Org Admin to a user
Revoke Org Admin from a user
Grant Product License Admin to a user
Revoke Product License Admin from a user
Grant Deployment Admin to a user
Revoke Deployment Admin from a user
Grant user group admin to a user
Revoke user group admin from a user
Grant product owner admin to a user
Revoke product owner admin from a user

Product license configuration management

System admin
Support admin
Grant product entitlement to org
Remove product entitlement from org
View total number of licenses owned by the org
View available products and product families
Edit product license descriptions/data
Provision product license to a user
Deprovision product license from a user
Add new product license configuration
Edit product license service configuration
Delete product license service configuration
Remove product access from a user (strip from all configs)

Storage management

System admin
Support admin
View Active and Inactive user folders
Delete Inactive user folders and transfer content


System admin
Support admin
View/use Packages tab


System admin
Support admin
View support tab
Manage support cases

User group management

System admin
Support admin
Create user group
Remove user group
Add user to user group
Remove user from user group
Assign user group to product license
Remove user group from product license
View member of user group
View list of user groups