Create unique composites with Adobe Stock and Photoshop for iPad
- Topics:
- Image Editing
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- User
Bring the power of Photoshop to your fingertips. Learn to use one of your favorite Creative Cloud applications in a whole new way, with a re-engineered touch-based interface.
So, what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be combining a couple of different images from Adobe stock to just give us a chance to play with a couple of the features that we’ve looked at throughout this webinar.
So the three images we’re going to be working with are going to be this image of some clouds, this image of someone walking with an umbrella through a snowy pathway, and then we’ve got this, that very cool doorway here. So we’re going to combine all three of these images together. So you’re going to want to have these in your Creative Cloud files or somewhere that you can access these on your iPad.
Well, I’m going to do the same thing I did before. I’ll have the small video showing up here on the left and the full resolution of my iPad showing up here on the right. So I’m going to tap on my home icon here to sort of close out everything that we’ve done so far. So to begin, we’re going to come up here to the top center. We’re going to click on this item here that says open end import. So let’s tap on that. Then you’re going to tap on files.
If you’re back at your location area, you want to pick where you saved your Adobe stock images, whether you put them on your cloud files, Dropbox, and your camera roll. So mine are my Creative Cloud files. So I’m going to tap on Creative Cloud. I’m going to go into the webinars and I’m going to find my workshop file. So here are the three. We’re going to start by opening the umbrella, the winter scene.
So let’s tap one time. And so what Photoshop’s going to do is it’s going to pull that in. If it’s not already downloaded, it will download it to your local device, to your iPad, create a brand new layer, start a brand new document, and this is already now saved as a cloud document. So it’s saving everything’s been done for us automatically.
So now inside of this screen here on the right hand side, we have our layers panel. Your layers made default to opening as a little tiny icon here, which is the top layers selection. This is totally up to you as it’s a personal preference thing. I tend to like the layers opened a little bit and 30 years of working with Photoshop. I’ve technically only worked with it for 28 years though. I missed the first two years. So I like the layers panel open there.
So at this point, you all should have your file open to this point. So what we’re going to do here is we want to have the, this I think this is a woman. So I’m going to say it’s woman. Have this woman walking through the doorway. So she’s going to walk into spring and we’re going to want to sort of fade off part of the background from the image we’re going to bring in on top of this, but we want to have her sort of showing in front of that piece. So we’re going to need this multi-layered thing. So let’s start by selecting layer zero. And you can tell if it’s selected by this little blue icon here. Then let’s come down and click on the ellipsis tool and we’re going to come down and choose duplicate layer. So it’s right down here. It’s about these sixth one down. That’s going to give us a second layer.
Let’s temporarily hide the first layer. You can click on the little eye icon here so that the first layer is hidden and we’re just looking at the second layer.
With the second layers selected, let’s double tap.
I’m just going to name this top.
So that’s going to be our top layer.
Now with that layer selected, over on the left hand side, I want you to click and hold on the marque selection tool, which is the third tool down.
And then let’s come in here and choose select subject. So you can tap on this.
So Photoshop will then use sensei to come in here and figure out what it thinks the main subject of the photograph is. And now you’ll see the marching ants all around the the woman here with her umbrella. So with all of these marching ants, without doing anything else, we can either tap on the mask icon down here at the bottom or on the right. In either case, that’s going to add a brand new layer mask and it’s going to mask out everything except that shape. So the main subject. Once that’s done, let’s come over here to the layers panel and let’s bring our layer back on. So now we can see the layers.
Once we have that done, we’re going to bring in the image of the door.
So let’s tap on the image icon on the left hand side.
Let’s come over here to files, and let’s go find the image of the door. So wherever you’ve saved your Adobe stock images go back to that same place. Let’s bring in the door.
Let’s tap. Now once this comes in, don’t do anything yet. We have our selection tool around here, which is our transform. So once we’ve brought this in, we can transform this before committing it to a brand new layer.
So what I want to do is with your finger tap in the center of the door and just drag it so that it’s at the top of the screen.
Then let’s grab either the bottom right or left corner, tap and drag, and we want to scale this up so that the bottom of the door is right about aligned with the woman’s waist. Maybe a little bit higher, right about here. Then I’m going to tap again and drag the door so that it’s centered.
Centered on her so it looks like she would actually be walking through. So somewhere about right here. I can see it on the transform in the top center. This is about 184%.
You might notice a bunch of other possibilities on the left are sheering and skewing tools. So there’s a bunch of different things we can do. So once we have this in place, let’s come up here and tap on done.
So that’s going to commit the importing of that new image. It’s going to create a brand new layer.
Then what I want you to do is tap and hold on that brand new door layer and let’s drag it in between the two layers that we have.
So now the door is covering up the back image, which includes covering up the woman. But the second copy of the woman in the top with the layer mask now shows in front of the door. So now we’ve got this really nice interplay between the layers.
So once you have that in place, let’s come over here. Let’s tap on the door layer, make sure that it’s selected.
Then let’s come over here and apply a layer mask. So now we have a new layer mask assigned to the door layer.
Then let’s come over here to the brush tool, tap and hold.
I’m sorry, simply just tap once. If you tap and hold you can change properties about your brush. There’s a lot of beautiful brushes in here. You can also create your own and you can bring in Kyle’s brushes, which were available through the Create Magazine site a couple months ago. Anyway, let’s tap one time so we just get all the brushes here. So on the top, we want to make sure that we have black on the foreground.
Tap on the number here. This is going to be the sides of the brush. So tap on the number. You’ll see a circle show up in the middle of the screen and then you can increase the size of the brush. So I’m going to bring this to about right here.
So about 180 or so.
Next let’s come down here and click on the opacity of the brush or the flow.
Let’s bring this down to about half. So about right here. This means every time we paint, we’ll only be using half the amount of ink or paint. And then finally, let’s come down to the bottom one. Let’s tap on this and let’s set this to a really soft brush. So let’s pull this down to, all the way to the bottom.
So we’re going to get a nice sort of edges.
So now with our brush set up over in the layers panel, make sure that we have the mask selected. So we see the blue icon showing up around the mask here and not on the main layer.
And now with either your finger or your stylus, let’s come in here and let’s start painting away the bottom of this image. So as soon as I paint once, I’m going to tap and hold and drag this around. I’m painting with about 50% of that brush. So I’m going to paint around about like this.
Then I’m going to pick up my finger and tap again, and now we’re painting with another 50%. So can start to really take away some of this background here. And I’m not going to paint up as high as the first time.
I’m going to lift up, tap again, paint just along the bottom here, and then one more time pick up and come down, and let’s get rid of that seam right across the bottom.
So now we create this really nice sort of effect of the background being blurred out.
Now to make an adjustment, let’s say we went a little too far in on the doorway. Let’s go back to our brush tool. I’m going to come in here and just make my brush size a little bit smaller here. As you can see here and then let’s change the foreground and background. You can do that by tapping on the foreground color, which is black, pull it down, and the white swatch will switch its place. So now we’re painting with white. If you want to zoom in, you can tap two fingers, and pinch in, and now let’s come in here and just paint some of the door back in.
Now we don’t have to worry about painting over the woman because she’s on a separate layer. So now come in here and we’ll just paint some of the doorway back in with our soft brush. If we go too far, I don’t want to see the bottom. You can switch to colors again and let’s paint some of that out.
As you can imagine, you could spend hours doing this. It’s so much fun.
So I’m going to paint up in here. I just want to get rid of a little bit of the doorway at the top there.
And now at this point, let’s bring in the clouds. So I’ll do this part a little quicker. This is being recorded. So you can come back and watch this again. I want to make sure we have time for questions. It’s top of the hour. So I’m going to go in here and go to files. I’m going to bring in the clouds.
Let me pinch to zoom out. I’ll move the clouds into place.
I’m going to put them right about here. I’m going to tap done.
Then what I’m going to do is I’m going to hide the clouds for the moment.
I’m going to select the door layer, going to come up to the marque selection tool. I’m going to click on the quick select.
I’m going to just quickly select the sky in the background.
Let’s show the clouds, select the clouds, hit our mask tool.
And then on the mask, I can go to my brush and just maybe paint some of the bottom of the cloud so it’s not quite as blue on the bottom.
So in just a couple of minutes, we’re able to combine a couple of different images from Adobe stock, create our own custom artwork, welcoming in spring. And with that, I hope you just found this totally exciting and fun. And I hope that you have tons of hours of fun playing with Photoshop on the iPad. -
Creative Cloud
- Overview
- Creative Cloud for enterprise
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- Tutorials
- Acrobat for Content Creators
- Improve CC workflows with CC Libraries
- Taming type anxiety
- Adobe Express: Content that stands out
- Collaboration: The future of creativity
- Creating Creative Cloud Libraries for teams
- Sharing branding assets with Creative Cloud Libraries for teams
- Create unique composites with Adobe Stock and Photoshop for iPad
- Creating cinemagraphs with Photoshop
- Decoding the alphabet soup of graphic formats
- Try your hand at Fresco on the iPad and iPhone
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- Adobe Express
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- What’s on the Home Page
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- Introduction to templates
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- UX of a project
- How to add text
- How to add an image
- How to add a Gen AI image
- How to use grids
- How to use elements
- Working with layers & artboards
- How to collaborate
- How to share & download
- How to use version history
- Undo and redo
- Get quick inspiration
- Intro to animations
- Different types of animation
- Tweaking the settings of your animations
- What is the animation timeline?
- How to stagger your animations
- Adding sections to your timeline
- Adding audio to your animations
- How to resize your animations
- Exporting your animations
- How to remove background from any image
- What are the new Gen AI features in Adobe Express?
- How to use the object eraser tool
- How to use Generative Fill
- Improving your text design with Gen AI
- How to use Text-to-template Gen AI
- How to bulk translate your content
- How to edit a PDF
- How to use the scheduler for posting
- Group objects
- Create multiple pages
- Use CC Libraries
- Google Drive integration
- Refine a cutout
- Create curved text
- How to start a video project
- How to add video clips
- What’s a video timeline?
- Working with multiple clips
- How to add audio
- How to export video
- How to and why lock layers
- Maximize efficiency: Create a reusable template
- Save & share templates
- How to use templates
- Use case tutorials
- Overview
- Create multi-channel HR content for events
- Creating a promo visual for an online learning course
- Creating an end-of-year video
- How to create a newsletter
- Create digital screen announcements for the office
- Creating backgrounds for presentations
- Update finance round-up image
- Create compelling merchandising content
- Empower marketing teams to create multi-channel content
- Empower distributed teams to localize content
- Jumpstart creative ideation
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- Create social posters with Firefly
- Easily run social campaigns
- Create webinar posters with Firefly
- Adobe Firefly
- Overview
- Tutorials
- Overview of Adobe Firefly
- Discover Adobe Firefly
- Accelerate creative ideation
- Create reusable scenes for merchandise
- Create a Custom Model using a subject
- Create a Custom Model using styles
- Landing page
- Text to image
- Text effects
- Generative fill
- Generative recolor
- Examples of how to use Firefly
- Enable creative efficiency
- Banner ad variations in Photoshop
- Generative Fill in Photoshop
- Generative Recolor in Illustrator
- Webinars
- Adobe Stock
- Overview
- Tutorials
- Stunning digital assets
- Search Adobe Stock licensing history
- Add a hand-drawn aesthetic to Adobe Stock images
- Add flair to typography with masks and animation
- Animate an Adobe Stock vector illustration in Photoshop
- Begin Your Annual Report with a video created with Adobe Stock and Spark Video
- Bring creative to life with custom animations by Adobe Stock
- Change an Adobe Stock image’s colors to match your story
- Create a 3D collage for a poster using Adobe Stock images
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- Create a company guidelines infographic with Adobe Stock
- Create a product feature comparison chart using Adobe Stock
- Create a semi-surreal composite with Adobe Stock
- Create a semi-surreal pattern with Adobe Stock
- Create an interactive product configurator with Adobe Stock
- Create an interactive tourism photo with Adobe Stock and XD
- Create animations for email with Adobe Stock and Photoshop
- Create cohesive brand imagery with beautiful gradients and Adobe Stock assets
- Create engaging web graphics by combining Adobe Stock images with CSS
- Create inspiring mood boards in no time with Adobe Stock
- Create realistic photo composites with Adobe Stock images
- Customize a loading screen animation with Adobe Stock and XD
- Customize an Adobe Stock presentation template to look professional
- Customize the colors in an Adobe Stock vector illustration
- Adobe 3D & VR
- Adobe Video
- Adobe XD
- Deploy & Manage
- Adobe MAX
Adobe Creative Cloud at Summit
Register for these user sessions:
- Elevate and Empower Teams with Agentic AI for Exceptional Experiences (attend online)
- Adobe + Webflow: How Marketers use AI to Build, Manage & Optimize Websites (attend online)
- How Adobe Uses GenStudio to Supercharge Its Global Marketing Organization
- Rewriting the Agency Playbook: How Gen AI Transforms Client Partnerships
- Level Up Your Content Supply Chain with Adobe Express and Experience Cloud (hands-on lab)
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