GitHub account setup

Set up a GitHub account

To contribute changes or additions to Adobe (or other organizations) documentation on GitHub, you need to set up your own GitHub account. It’s easy.

  1. If you don’t already have a GitHub account, go to
  2. Follow the prompts to create your account.
  3. If you’re unfamiliar with GitHub, go through the tutorial at the end of the setup process.

Identify any affilations in your GitHub profile. Identification helps us build a complete profile of all your activitives.

Sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA)

All third-party contributions to this project must be accompanied by a signed contributor license agreement. This gives Adobe permission to redistribute your contributions as part of the project.

  1. Sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA) if acceptible.

Adobe Employees

If you are an Adobe employee, we recommend that you go to, sign in using your LDAP account, and locate the content you want to edit.
You can then use either the minor (in-browser) or major (forking and local cloning) approach to editing articles and submitting pull requests.