Workflow and planning tutorials

Build streamlined and transparent workflows across the entire content lifecycle. Accelerate the review and approval process. Automate manual workflows.

The Adobe solutions used for workflow and planning:

  • Adobe Workfront
  • Adobe
Our team of Adobe product experts have assembled a collection of integration tutorials for key Content supply chain use cases. If you are using more than one solution, learn the best way to integrate them! Check out the Content supply chain integration tutorials.

Getting started with AEM Assets Essentials

Getting started with AEM Assets Essentials

Learn how AEM Assets Essentials can streamline asset management for your organization.

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thumbnail image for the 'Configuring AEM Assets for Administrators' tutorial

Configuring AEM Assets for Administrators

Learn how to establish a solid foundation for your AEM Assets implementation by configuring the core concerns, from setting up a baseline content architecture and taxonomy to customizing metadata and asset processing.

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Integrate Adobe Workfront and AEM Assets Essentials

Integrate Adobe Workfront and AEM Assets Essentials

Learn how to integrate Workfront and AEM Assets Essentials to streamline the management of creative workflows.

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Use Adobe Workfront plugins to integrate with Creative Cloud

Use Adobe Workfront plugins to integrate with Creative Cloud

Integrate Workfront with Creative Cloud to find and update the work assigned to you without leaving Adobe Creative Cloud.

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Configure Adobe Workfront and AEM Assets Essentials

Configure Adobe Workfront and AEM Assets Essentials

Learn how to configure the Adobe Workfront and Assets Essentials integration

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Workfront enhanced connector basics

Workfront enhanced connector basics

Learn about the basics of the Adobe Workfront and Experience Manager Assets enhanced connector.

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Integrate Workfront and AEM Assets with the enhanced connector

Integrate Workfront and AEM Assets with the enhanced connector

Four part videos series on integrating Workfront and AEM Assets using the enhanced connector.

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Additional resources
