ACSD-56280: Gift registry purchases are not completed
- Topics:
- Checkout
- Experienced
- Admin
The ACSD-56280 patch fixes the issue where the gift registry purchases are not completed. This patch is available when the Quality Patches Tool (QPT) 1.1.44 is installed. The patch ID is ACSD-56280. Please note that the issue is scheduled to be fixed in Adobe Commerce 2.4.7.
Affected products and versions
The patch is created for Adobe Commerce version:
- Adobe Commerce (all deployment methods) 2.4.6
Compatible with Adobe Commerce versions:
- Adobe Commerce (all deployment methods) 2.4.4 - 2.4.6-p3
package to the latest version and check the compatibility on the Quality Patches Tool: Search for patches page. Use the patch ID as a search keyword to locate the patch.Issue
The gift registry purchases are not completed.
Steps to reproduce:
- Login as a customer, and add a product to gift registry.
- Share the gift registry link.
- Open the gift registry link in another browser/incognito window.
- Add the quantity, and add the items to the cart.
- Go to the Checkout Page, select shipping method(As shipping address is already selected, provided by the registrant).
- Select the payment Method.
- Click on Place Order Button.
Expected results:
The order should be placed.
Actual results:
The order is not placed, and the error displayed is, Call to a member function getUpdatedQty() on null
Apply the patch
To apply individual patches, use the following links depending on your deployment method:
- Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source on-premises: Quality Patches Tool > Usage in the Quality Patches Tool guide.
- Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure: Upgrades and Patches > Apply Patches in the Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure guide.
Related reading
To learn more about Quality Patches Tool, refer to:
- Quality Patches Tool released: a new tool to self-serve quality patches in the support knowledge base.
- Check if patch is available for your Adobe Commerce issue using Quality Patches Tool in the Quality Patches Tool guide.
For info about other patches available in QPT, refer to Quality Patches Tool: Search for patches in the Quality Patches Tool guide.
More help on this topic
- Overview
- Site-Wide Analysis Tool
- Quality Patches Tool
- Quality Patches Tool: A self-service tool for quality patches
- Quality Patches Tool: Search for patches
- Usage
- Release notes
- Patches available in Quality Patches Tool
- Overview
- v1.1.0
- v1.1.1
- v1.1.2
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.2
- MDVA-37115: “Only 0 left” notice is shown on product page
- MDVA-37364: Custom customer attribute of date type breaks Grid UI
- MDVA-38447: “Not visible individually” configurable child products are returned in GraphQL response and slow MySQL query
- MDVA-38852: Catalog inventory locks tables which decreases performance
- MDVA-38929: Invoice with FPT shows wrong total
- MDVA-39043: Admin users get error adding widget to CMS page
- MDVA-39195: Add to Cart is inactive on Category Page
- MDVA-39384: Unable to save custom customer attribute for company user
- MDVA-39521: Unable to set shipping address on carts via GraphQL
- MDVA-39923: Search by SKU in B2B quick order functionality is case-sensitive
- MDVA-39935: GraphQL returns configurable child products disabled at the website level
- MDVA-39966: Unable to deploy locales other than en_US
- MDVA-39986: Unable to place orders in admin in Safari browser on macOS
- MDVA-40134: GraphQL not returning related products when shared catalog is enabled
- v1.1.3
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.3
- MDVA-31590: Unable to update attributes in bulk using MySQL async queues
- MDVA-33606: Users get error when saving CMS page assigned to hierarchy
- MDVA-36309: Products search by attributes is slow in admin grids
- MDVA-37234: Adding item to cart multiple times creates duplicate line item
- MDVA-40262: GraphQL queries don’t show in popular search terms in admin
- MDVA-40601: Unable to retrieve data about category changed by scheduled update via GraphQL
- v1.1.4
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.4
- MC-42528: GraphQL query of categoryList shows all categories
- MDVA-25631: Unable to save and refresh customer segments
- MDVA-26005: Unable to select category in tree for Cart Price rule conditions
- MDVA-29400: Duplicated orders placed with PayPal Express Checkout
- MDVA-37725: Emails sent via non-default sites contain default site’s logo URLs
- MDVA-39482: Product goes out of stock if imported with ‘0’ quantity with backorders enabled
- MDVA-40101: Items remain mini-cart after order placement PayPal Express Checkout
- MDVA-40399: Partial invoices for same order can’t be created simultaneously via API
- MDVA-40401: Coupon usage value changes after failed order
- MDVA-40435: Discount on bundle product is not applied correctly via GraphQL
- MDVA-40537: Creating store view gives error when several CMS pages have same URL Key.
- v1.1.5
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.5
- MDVA-31763: Catalog price rules are reverted until manual reindex
- MDVA-37748: GraphQL query returns products not assigned to shared catalog
- MDVA-39229: Error after updating Catalog rule Staging update start time
- MDVA-40545: Only the first node for a page is retrieved
- MDVA-40619: Hierarchy changes break CMS page inline edit and throw 500 error
- MDVA-41046: Simple products with custom options not available for assigning
- MDVA-41061: Stock status resets to saleable when product saved from Admin
- MDVA-41164: Cannot save or edit Company with custom customer attributes
- MDVA-41236: Unable to create new or edit existing scheduled updates for product
- v1.1.6
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.6
- MDVA-27456: Users get an error when loading Swagger
- MDVA-30862: Incorrect order date on printed PDF invoice
- MDVA-32776: Stock status not updated with order placement
- MDVA-39031: Adding unassigned products to cart possible via GraphQL
- MDVA-40120: GraphQL product DESC/ASC sort doesn’t work
- MDVA-40550: Products missing on the frontend after reindexing
- MDVA-40609: Disabled products data absent in cataloginventory_stock_status table
- MDVA-41399: Unable to access the Manage Shopping Cart if a customer adds product to wishlist
- MDVA-41597: Error adding more than one configurable product to cart
- v1.1.7
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.7
- MDVA-27239: Cross-sell products are not displayed
- MDVA-39711: Unable to access customers grid after deleting website
- MDVA-40311: “Invalid security or form key” error after login into Admin if custom admin path is configured
- MDVA-41631: Error retrieving order information without optional “telephone” value
- v1.1.8
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.8
- MDVA-38393: Catalog rules stop working for configurable product if its simple product is re-named
- MDVA-39153: Discount amount is calculated incorrectly during reorder in the Admin
- MDVA-41139: Configurable product becomes out of stock after product import
- MDVA-41215: Users get 500 error after setting “mage-messages” cookie
- MDVA-42326: Customers get error on checkout after session timeout
- MDVA-42341: “categoryList” GraphQL query does not filter results
- v1.1.9
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.9
- MDVA-37984: Visual Merchandiser not working correctly when staging updates are applied
- MDVA-38346: Date filters not working when Adobe Commerce timezone is different from local
- MDVA-38526: Admin user is not able to access SWAT tool
- MDVA-38626: Admin user is unable to place orders using PayPal Payflow Pro
- MDVA-38666: Admin user is unable to change configurable product options
- MDVA-39163: Shipping methods not available to newly registered users with products from guest session
- MDVA-40488: Configurable products with out-of-stock child products not shown in correct price range
- MDVA-42507: Full-page cache is cleaned after applying staging update for cart rule
- MDVA-42657: Unable to select categories in the customer segment conditions
- MDVA-42806: New company registration email is sent each time existing company is updated
- v1.1.10
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.10
- MDVA-38728: Changing product visibility creates URL rewrite for the main website
- MDVA-39181: Related product rules show products from category undefined in rule
- MDVA-40175: Radio buttons not displayed when reorder
- MDVA-40816: Inventory data not shown on product grid
- MDVA-41305: Error on GraphQL Query addProductsToWishlist for Configurable Products
- MDVA-42584: Stock status of configurable product not updated automatically
- MDVA-42768: GraphQL shows wrong price when child products are out of stock
- MDVA-43091: Unable to order bundled product from Admin
- MDVA-43201: Error when using DOB field with locale PT
- v1.1.11
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.11
- MDVA-40830: Store credit applied multiple times during order
- MDVA-41350: Exception when admin adds products outside their access
- MDVA-42237: Configurable product special price not updated
- MDVA-42269: Admin user cannot log into Admin due to the “TypeError” error
- MDVA-42520: Tax rate applied twice when “Enable Cross Border Trade” is used
- MDVA-42790: Product price attributes cannot be updated for specific website via REST API
- v1.1.12
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.12
- MDVA-39546: Staging Update start date can be set to a date earlier than current date
- MDVA-39713: User is able to edit start time of active scheduled update
- MDVA-39993: Inventory changes done through API are not reflected on storefront
- MDVA-41136: Expiration date of mage-cache-sessid is not extended
- MDVA-41229: Images available on backend not displayed on frontend after configurable products import
- MDVA-41628: Restricted admin users get access to new resources
- MDVA-42410: Coupon reports only display default base currency
- MDVA-42645: Admin can’t refund reward points for disabled store credit
- MDVA-42689: Users get Integrity Constraint Violation error while updating product categories during import
- MDVA-42855: New customer address is not saved to address book during checkout
- MDVA-42950: Videos don’t play on the product page
- MDVA-43232: Sorting products in visual merchandiser by Special Price to Top (or Bottom) causes an error
- MDVA-43348: Gift Card GraphQL request shows error
- MDVA-43414: PHP fatal error when running “inventory.reservations.updateSalabilityStatus”
- MDVA-43726: Catalog price rule fails to apply after partial reindex
- MDVA-43731: Search Synonyms don’t work when value is added in ‘Minimum Terms to Match’
- v1.1.13
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.13
- MDVA-39605 Redis cache TTL expiration date has wrong value
- MDVA-42046: Incorrect value assigned for product attribute
- MDVA-42283: Date-time format for French locale is invalid
- MDVA-42969: Related product rule only works when customer segment is set to all
- MDVA-43451: Error when setting Pricing and Structure for shared catalog
- MDVA-43491: Base image label not updating when imported via CSV
- MDVA-43601: Triggers are removed from “catalogrule_product_price” table after full reindex
- MDVA-43824: Order cancellation action failed with error “You have not cancelled the item”
- MDVA-43862: Customer can’t update cart items because of a GraphQL UpdateCartItems mutation error
- MDVA-43935: Upsell product shown twice on product page
- MDVA-44188: Emails are not sent to IDs containing “.-”
- v1.1.14
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.14
- MDVA-43102: Salable quantity not updated correctly
- MDVA-43178: Customer token for custom store cannot be retrieved in GraphQL
- MDVA-43605: Order data returns negative values for row totals when using Rest API
- MDVA-43859: Error “No such entity with customerId =” logged when deleted customer logs in
- MDVA-43983: Products set as “Not Visible Individually” appear in search results
- MDVA-44100: All FPTs are assigned to the last product in shopping cart
- MDVA-44147: GraphQL request doesn’t return Requisition Lists
- MDVA-44505: GraphQL query for cart applying reward points does not update grand total
- v1.1.15
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.15
- MDVA-38559: /V1/customers/search API returns error
- MDVA-40896: ‘Error: TypeError: Argument 3’ error in async product
- MDVA-40961: Additional item can’t be added to cart when minimum qty of item is already in cart
- MDVA-43718: ‘consumer isn’t authorized to access resources’ error appears when accessing shared catalog
- MDVA-44533: Discount incorrectly applied to bundled child product
- MDVA-44660: Grave accent character cannot be used for customer’s name
- MDVA-44887: ‘Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token const’ error in Admin panel
- v1.1.16
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.16
- MDVA-42509: CSV could not be uploaded for quick order resulting in ‘Unable to send the cookie’ error
- MDVA-43167: Admin order grid mass action doesn’t apply for multi-page
- MDVA-44044: Product not displayed on category page after it is assigned to new website
- MDVA-44562: Store id for quote items overridden by default store id
- MDVA-44703: Order totals in Orders report are miscalculated
- MDVA-44940: SQL error while saving category from admin
- v1.1.17
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.17
- ACSD-42807: Custom currency sign not displayed on storefront
- ACSD-43887: Incorrect details displayed on checkout payment page
- ACSD-44591: Errors when order without CAPTCHA confirmation
- ACSD-45143: setShippingAddressesOnCart mutation not setting numeric region code as ‘region’
- ACSD-45169: Visual Merchandiser displays incorrect stock and price for configurable product
- ACSD-45241: Virtual product’s stock quantity miscalculated
- ACSD-45424: Incorrect reservation compensation created after partial refund
- ACSD-45520: Swatch options not selected on product detail page
- v1.1.18
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.18
- ACSD-44938: VAT_ID cannot be applied in GraphQL request for guest user
- ACSD-45255: Exception on Low Stock report page for restricted admin user
- ACSD-45257: GraphQL doesn’t display cart discount correctly
- ACSD-45488: Configurable product with multiple sources not returned to in stock automatically
- ACSD-45754: Reward points not added after applying coupon to cart
- ACSD-45817: GraphQL products mutation gives all configurable variants
- ACSD-45849: Video metadata is lost after staging update
- ACSD-46146: Two order confirmation emails sent after placing order from admin
- v1.1.19
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.19
- ACSD-45781: Store front search field not displayed on mobile
- ACSD-46213: Category tree request limited to 20 categories
- ACSD-46404: Admin user cannot log in after upgrading to 2.4.4
- ACSD-46192: Issue with async/bulk/V1/configurable-products/bySku/options endpoint
- v1.1.20
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.20
- ACSD-44851: Category with subcategories not able to open or expand
- ACSD-45675: Product export uses category names from default store view scope
- ACSD-46520: Incorrect order status when refunded using store credits
- ACSD-46703: Product customization drag and drop does not work
- ACSD-46869: Configurable products not updating using REST API at checkout
- ACSD-46815: Static content deploy fails using compact strategy
- v1.1.21
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.21
- ACSD-45071: Default source added to product during import
- ACSD-46541: Admin user cannot create a credit memo if an order item is deleted
- ACSD-46581: Estimated tax total is not updated after selecting a country in the shopping cart
- ACSD-46618: Product list widget shows incorrect cached prices for logged-in customer
- ACSD-46674: Custom options of image type displayed as HTML in customer emails
- ACSD-46809: The user gets an error when assigning a large number of product sources
- ACSD-46856: Improves performance when updating tier prices
- ACSD-46988: GraphQL currency API request returns null values
- ACSD-47076: Vimeo videos cannot be played on the storefront
- v1.1.22
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.22
- ACSD-47106: New custom attribute on company creation page not saved
- ACSD-47444: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool error when accessing certain non-existing category paths for known products on PHP 7.4
- ACSD-47332: Cron fails with error reported only when running between 00:00 to 00:59 UTC
- v1.1.23
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.23
- ACSD-46519: product_count in categoryList GraphQL query returns 0 for anchor categories
- ACSD-47027: Slow query in B2B CompanyRole GraphQL update
- ACSD-47666: Search in User Roles does not work
- ACSD-47232: Coupon is not applied when Same as Billing Address is checked
- ACSD-47179: Mass deletion of product reviews does not work when logged in as limited user role
- ACSD-47107: Catalog price rule is applied to custom options
- ACSD-47497: Missing ACL for Store / Configuration / Services OAuth
- v1.1.24
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.24
- ACSD-46865: Shipment and credit memo not populated when asynchronous indexing is enabled
- ACSD-47559: Email template preview not fully visible
- ACSD-45168: SEO-friendly URLs not generated for products that have url_key attributes overridden
- ACSD-47137: Improves image gallery loading speed when pub/media folder big
- ACSD-47079: Composite products’ stock status not updated when sub-product stock status changes
- ACSD-47955: GraphQL does not display cart discount correctly
- ACSD-47920: Guest user can place orders via REST API even when Allow Guest Checkout is off
- ACSD-47004: VAT not applied to billing address without VAT ID
- ACSD-46770: Order confirmation email is sent even when Email order confirmation is unchecked
- ACSD-47336: Something went wrong error notifications dismissed Adobe Commerce Admin
- ACSD-47803: Out-of-stock configurable product swatches displayed as available
- ACSD-46617: Continue to Checkout button greyed out when subtotal greater than Minimum Order Amount
- v1.1.25
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.25
- ACSD-48627: Out-of-stock configurable product causes an error
- ACSD-48234: Catalog search result shows incorrect category item count when Display Out of Stock Products enabled
- ACSD-47520: Customers lose reward points when a credit memo is created
- ACSD-48044: Applying multiple gift cards prevents orders from being placed
- ACSD-48300: Return cannot be created if configurable product is removed
- ACSD-48313: configurable_variations column not parsed if attribute value contains comma
- ACSD-47910: Missing orders, invoices, shipments, and credit memos in respective entity grids
- ACSD-47292: Out-of-stock bundled products are not available in GraphQL response
- ACSD-48262: Products not visible on storefront when Allow All Products Per Page is set Yes
- ACSD-48058: Product price reindex not working if bundled product not assigned website
- ACSD-48293: Composite products out of stock when sold out child products restocked
- v1.1.26
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.26
- ACSD-48773: Reward points email template taken from wrong store
- ACSD-47937: Price drop notifications not sent due to application-level caching
- ACSD-48661: Company credit limit comma separator validation issue
- ACSD-48587: Product widget not working with SKUs containing HTML characters
- ACSD-48212: Product import assigns product to wrong source
- ACSD-47988: Product export trims HTML tags from page builder product description
- ACSD-48366: Product image not displayed on Back to Stock email template
- ACSD-48417: SQL error after creating a schedule change
- V1.1.27
- Overview
- ACSD-48404: Remember category pagination = yes causes an error
- ACSD-48634: JS errors when Google Analytics Content Experiments enabled
- ACSD-49042: Product with infinite backorder can’t be ordered from storefront
- ACSD-47908: A value less than or equal to 0 is expected error during checkout
- ACSD-48059: Merchants cannot save Match product by rule for Categories attribute
- ACSD-48362: The default shipping address is used instead of a new one
- ACSD-48164: Restricted admin cannot save website-level value
- ACSD-49013: Email confirmation not translated to website locale
- ACSD-48216: AUTO_INCREMENT of inventory_source_item table increases on UPDATE operation
- ACSD-49497: Order still processing after shipment and partial refund
- ACSD-48694: Invalid state change requested error prevents customer from placing order
- v1.1.28
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.28
- ACSD-49179: orders report shows incorrect amounts for different stores
- ACSD-49065: Quote items are not visible in admin if assigned to custom stock
- ACSD-48866: Error when requesting RSS feed for categories
- ACSD-49433: Default amount shown as subtotal in cart for gift card
- ACSD-48807: Product reviews not filtered by storeview
- ACSD-49574: Can’t update gift card product in shopping cart via GraphQL
- ACSD-48784: Customer segment prices cached incorrectly
- ACSD-48857: Unable to save changes with Page Builder
- ACSD-49286: Product added twice to cart when multiple product widgets are present
- ACSD-48204: Catalog price rule created based on Yes or No attribute doesn’t consider selected scope
- ACSD-49370: Product attribute has “FilterMatchTypeInput” type in GraphQL schema
- ACSD-47704: Bundled product shows in stock products price only
- v1.1.29
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.29
- ACSD-49389: Ready for pickup email sent by API when not ready for pickup
- ACSD-49706: Default value saved for visual swatch attribute when no value is selected
- ACSD-49960: Filtering by date doesn’t work for the customer order grid
- ACSD-49822: Updates on requisition list not reflected on print requisition list
- ACSD-49835: Use Default Value checkbox is not saved
- ACSD-49970: Incorrect handling of GraphQL errors
- ACSD-49502: Downloadable link not updated correctly after staging update
- ACSD-49748: Email invitations cannot be sent
- ACSD-49849: Customer email was replaced with paypal email
- ACSD-49773: Product export fails when AWS S3 is used as remote storage
- ACSD-49839: Shared catalog pricing and structure throws an error
- ACSD-50260: GraphQL product search results are limited
- ACSD-49898: Products grid throws an exception
- ACSD-50234: Incorrect customer name in confirmation email for orders placed using PayPal
- ACSD-48813: Search not showing relevant results based on search weight of attributes
- ACSD-49464: Invoices, shipments, and credit memos not moved back from archive
- ACSD-48771: WYSIWYG editor renders content differently
- ACSD-49527: GraphQL company roles don’t display pagination correctly
- v1.1.30
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.30
- ACSD-50367: Customer address export does not work
- BB2B-2598: Adds caching capability to storeConfig, currency, country, countries, availableStores GraphQl queries
- B2B-2674: Adds caching capability to customAttributeMetadata GraphQL query
- ACSD-49973: Improved performance fetching bundled products via GraphQL
- ACSD-50116: An admin user cannot create a URL rewrite
- ACSD-50276: Customer registration form doesn’t work on storefront if multi-select customer attribute is created
- ACSD-50527: Error upon saving a page with empty dynamic block
- ACSD-49513: Remote storage synchronization fails
- ACSD-50336: Product alert emails not sent
- ACSD-46683: Shipping price shows not yet calculated
- ACSD-49129: Content attribute not returned in product media API responses
- ACSD-49737: Coupon is incorrectly marked as used after a failed card payment
- ACSD-50814: Admin user is not able to create credit memo
- ACSD-49877: Video autoplay does not work on mobile Safari
- ACSD-51114: Random product disappearing from large catalogs while asynchronous indexing
- v1.1.31
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.31
- ACSD-50858: Improved performance for loading banners’ content
- ACSD-49392: Order status changes to closed after partial refund
- ACSD-50817: Optimizes cron job sales clean quotes to run faster
- ACSD-50345: reCAPTCHA issues during checkout
- ACSD-51036: Race conditions during concurrent REST API calls result in an overwrite of shipping status
- v1.1.32
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.32
- ACSD-49628: Page Builder CORS errors prevent product save
- ACSD-50621: Tier prices for different websites in shared catalog are not visible
- ACSD-51528: Different behaviors on snake_case formatting
- ACSD-49480: Discard Subsequent Rules not working
- ACSD-50794: Cannot remove a gift_wrapping from customer order via graphql
- ACSD-51041: Price index takes very long to complete
- ACSD-51230: Gift card account is deleted
- ACSD-51379: Changes to page’s text content via Page Builder aren’t saved
- ACSD-51305: Out-of-stock composite child products unavailable in GraphQL response
- ACSD-51294: Price, quantity, tax, shipping, revenue sent as string to Google Analytics and GTM
- ACSD-51291: Restricted admin can add images/videos to product assigned to multiple websites
- ACSD-50849: Adding new product to category after clearing cache results in mismatch of positions and selections
- ACSD-51204: Product does not return back in stock after creating credit memo
- ACSD-51238: Inventory source removed when updating configurable product and editing the price
- v1.1.33
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.33
- ACSD-51792: Page does not have impression event
- ACSD-51645: Saving a new Cart Price Rule if the extension Magento_OfflineShipping is disabled
- ACSD-51240: Uploaded file missing while registering via company registration form
- ACSD-51907: Restricted admin user can’t create credit memo for offline refund
- ACSD-51892: Performance issue where config files load multiple times
- ACSD-50478: JS issue for rollback action in backups grid and database rollback command
- ACSD-51431: Indexer status is working
- ACSD-51102: Catalog rule is not correctly indexed
- ACSD-52148: Google v3 reCAPTCHA admin login fails occasionally
- ACSD-51408: Order item status is set to backordered
- ACSD-50512: Error when updating the start date for a downloadable product staging update
- ACSD-50895: Google Analytics 3 GTM tags are not fired if Google Analytics 4 GTM is not configured
- ACSD-51471: Admin user cannot save scheduled update for bundled product
- ACSD-51120: GraphQL GET requests cache not cleared for CMS pages that contain CMS blocks
- ACSD-51700: Error switching store views on downloadable product edit page
- ACSD-51735: Order item status incorrectly set to Ordered when product stock is 0
- ACSD-51497: Cannot sort catalog page by custom attribute of type Dropdown
- ACSD-50368: Customers group_id is ignored when customer created via Async REST API or Async Bulk REST API
- ACSD-50949: Price filter in advanced search not returning proper results when used with SKU filter
- v1.1.34
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.34
- ACSD-50813: Admin unable to add bundled products containing a slash
- ACSD-52277: Admin user redirected incorrectly on selecting store view when creating new order
- ACSD-52160: Product validation result against the cart price rule
- ACSD-51636: Company admin cannot add new users
- ACSD-51853: Copied text styles aren’t applied using page builder
- ACSD-51630: Numerous system messages slow download of Admin Pages
- ACSD-52689: Images can’t upload to Amazon S3 storage via REST API
- ACSD-51857: Slow cron job of aggregate_sales_report_bestsellers_data affects performance
- ACSD-51739: Error on requesting structure_id in CompanyTeam GraphQL request
- ACSD-48448: Race condition issue during order cancellations causing duplicated entry in inventory_reservation table
- v1.1.35
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.35
- ACSD-52095: Manage stock value is wrong while exporting csv
- ACSD-51358: Schedule updates are missing
- ACSD-51149: Scheduled ImportExport with enabled Catalog Permissions invalidates indexers
- ACSD-50815: Decimal quantity for simple product cannot be used for new bundled product option
- ACSD-52202: Default stock salable qty changes to 0 in error when non-default stock set to 0 qty in order
- ACSD-51845: Can’t update subsequent products with tier prices & different attribute sets via asynch bulk API
- ACSD-52133: Customer account cannot be saved after an upgrade
- ACSD-51683: Customizable option can’t be added to the cart using GraphQL
- ACSD-52398: Requested qty not available when trying to update quantity of bundled product
- ACSD-52815: Input field for quantity field of non-default source supports only up to 6 digits
- ACSD-51899: Default shipping address auto-populated incorrectly
- ACSD-48070: Exception while editing a scheduled update
- ACSD-52786: Catalog rule SKU is applies to all products starting with the SKU
- ACSD-52041: Page Builder rendering doesn’t release locks
- ACSD-51890: Submit review button can be clicked multiple times
- ACSD-52921: Error requesting cart details from GraphQL for out-of-stock configurable product
- ACSD-51984: Unchecked Used Default Value and non-default product field values are not saved
- ACSD-52831: Cannot place negotiable quote orders when Google reCAPTCHA v3 Invisible enabled
- ACSD-51265: Optimize reindexing for bundled products
- ACSD-52399: Product with salable qty 0 shows in stock
- v1.1.36
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.36
- ASCD-52736: Cart Price Rule doesn’t work as expected
- ACSD-53239: Inventory indexer cleans all caches in the Update on Schedule mode
- ACSD-50887: Use in Search Results Layered Navigation set to Yes without the Use in Search option
- ACSD-51846: Internal error as REST API payload levels aren’t validated
- ACSD-53176: Product rule with is one of condition do not match
- ACSD-47875: Can’t add product to cart for store view scope with inventory management
- ACSD-51666: Error “The session has expired, please login again.” after you log in
- ACSD-52906: Resolving X-Magento-Vary cookie issue for logged-in customer caching
- v1.1.37
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.37
- ACSD-52613: Cache and indexes are refreshed with no updates
- ACSD-52606: Error message displayed when the user clicks “Notify Order is Ready for Pickup”
- ACSD-53750: “Broken pipe or closed connection” error during multi-threaded catalog_product_price reindex
- ACSD-53728: Product EAV indexer takes a long time to complete
- ACSD-53148: Two requests in GraphQL for adding the same configurable product
- ACSD-47054: Preview content slow as all stores reindex
- ACSD-51574: Image not updated on frontend when replaced with another image
- ACSD-51884: Product image cache path incorrect on resize command
- ACSD-53979: JS error occurs on the homepage
- ACSD-52143: Custom options are removed after product import
- ACSD-53628: CSV sales order report shows incorrect special characters
- ACSD 49843: Product download link unavailable after being auto invoiced with Payment Action = Sale
- v1.1.38
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.38
- ACSD-54018: Performance issue with catalog widget product List
- ACSD-54111: Product thumbnail image not displaying
- ACSD-52287: Status of archived orders does not change
- ACSD-52929: Redundant request to re-index default source items
- ACSD-53824: Deployment is failing on setup upgrade
- ACSD-53098: Products in shared catalog do not reflect on frontend
- ACSD-53347: Price indexing performance gradually degrades
- ACSD-47669: Internal server error when importing products with customizable options
- v1.1.39
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.39
- ACSD-54342: Error message when importing CSV file without valid data
- ACSD-54660: New input attribute sort to sort customer orders in GraphQL
- ACSD-53583: Improve partial reindex performance for Category Products and Product Categories indexers
- ACSD-54026: Incorrect error message for updateCompanyRole GraphQL request
- ACSD-47657: Adds a caching mechanism for AWS credentials
- ACSD-52219: Resolving admin grids filter issue in bookmark view switching
- ACSD-53204: The product can’t be saved error on concurrent requests to add images to gallery
- ACSD-53704: Reward points balance history miscalculated after expiration
- ACSD-54106: Rectifying Turkish accented character sorting in product category
- ACSD-53998: Dynamic block based on customer segment works incorrectly after logging out
- ACSD-54776: Unchecked used default value and non-default product field values are not saved
- v1.1.40
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.40
- ACSD-54472: Customers of a rejected company can still authenticate and place orders
- ACSD-54680: B2B Quote for a product with Multiple Assigned Sources cant be processed
- ACSD-55004: Validator crashes while uploading an import file larger than the value
- ACSD-53414: Restricted admin users can see CMS pages outside their permissions scope
- ACSD-52657: Minicart not updated on the second storeview that uses subdomain
- ACSD-54007: Undefined array key _scope error on importing customer data
- ACSD-54040: Created field is blank in order details when B2B modules are enabled
- ACSD-52801: GraphQL product filter query not showing partial match results
- ACSD-54961: Restricted admin user can’t mass update Product Review status
- ACSD-55031: ‘Type “mixed” cannot be nullable’ error during compilation
- ACSD-54319: Product price shows zero in the Products in Carts report
- ACSD-54989: Company admin cannot order when Enable Purchase Orders set to Yes and Purchase Order set to No
- ACSD-53378: Enhanced checkout experience for customers with extensive address books
- v1.1.41
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.41
- ACSD-54376: Exception in shopping cart when product removed from shared catalog
- ACSD-55414: Bad performance when MariaDB tries to cast the entitys_ids
- ACSD-53118: Cart rules with coupon not working properly
- ACSD-53643: Order has an incorrect total when placing a purchase order
- ACSD-53722: Bundled product options price changes to $0
- ACSD-54067: Product video doesn’t play on mobile device
- ACSD-51819: Placing multiple orders with a single quote ID
- ACSD-54324: GraphQL requisition_lists request doesn’t consider pagination settings
- v1.1.42
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.42
- ACSD-54060: Restricted admin can’t save product if it’s child of another product
- ACSD-54418: Fixed discount amount incorrectly added to child product of dynamically priced bundle
- ACSD-55238: Saving the empty product meta description
- ACSD-53568: Recently Viewed Product data not updated properly in store view
- ACSD-55628: Upload file company registration form; replace file for customer attribute storefront
- ACSD-53845: MySQL connection timeout issue when consumer max_messages = 0
- ACSD-55112: Submit Review button can be clicked multiple times
- ACSD-54264: Error when customer tries to check out with negotiable quote
- ACSD-54626: Cannot create new purchase order rule with NUMBER_OF_SKUS via GraphQL
- ACSD-55381: Resolving error when requesting configurable product option uids from B2B requisition list
- ACSD-54966: Fix for reusing coupon codes after failed orders
- ACSD-54890: aggregate_sales_report_bestsellers_data causes MySQL errors
- ACSD-48910: Bundled product assigned multiple sources go out of stock after invoice and shipping
- v1.1.43
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.43
- ACSD-52714: Date filter does not work in admin grid when set as y-m-d
- ACSD-56090: GraphQL response is not store specific
- ACSD-55610: Partially canceled order has incorrect discount amount
- ACSD-55334: Labels not translated through translation dictionaries in GraphQL response
- ACSD-55305: Popup freeze during company user editing in My Account
- ACSD-54972: Canonical category URL doesn’t update
- ACSD-53636: Regular price is not displayed on Product Listing page
- ACSD-53925: Cannot save CMS block with Product Carousel
- ACSD-54885: Exception during multiple address checkout when admin logs in as customer
- ACSD-53309: Incomplete tax application for customizable options and ‘Regular Price’ label
- ACSD-53790: Multiple RMAs for a single product can be created via Rest API
- ACSD-54739: Product Stock status not applied for Related Product Rules
- ACSD-54983: Company user UID with GraphQL not available with inactive user
- v1.1.44
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.44
- ACSD-55231: SKU not found error while using quick order functionality
- ACSD-55352: Creating Credit Memo with reward points
- ACSD-55427: Admin user cannot unassign product from shared catalog from product page
- ACSD-56280: Gift registry purchases are not completed
- ACSD-56193: Fastly/Varnish cache not cleared for content staging update
- ACSD-56158: Wrong tax value in GraphQL response when multiple tax rules applied to cart
- ACSD-56023: Widget content is not updating on the CMS page
- ACSD-56246: Scheduling product updates clears multiselect attributes values
- ACSD-56790: Move out of stock to bottom option does not work while sorting products in the Visual Merchandiser
- v1.1.45
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.45
- ACSD-56447: Adding same product to cart via parallel web REST API requests results in two separate items in cart
- ACSD-54965: Visual Merchandising grid does not display the correct stock
- ACSD-56886: Configurable product becomes out of stock when child products disabled
- ACSD-56515: Admin with permissions cannot edit Dynamic Block
- ACSD-56616: Storefront display of bundled products during simple stock shortage
- ACSD-52824: Disabled payment methods displayed for company customers
- ACSD-56415: Performance of Partial Price Indexing is slowed due to DELETE query
- v1.1.46
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.46
- ACSD-46767: Category page caches invalidate when the stock quantity changes
- ACSD-54656: Invisible reCAPTCHA fails during checkout, which prevents order placement
- ACSD-56621: Updated names not displayed in greetings header for company admin user
- ACSD-55100: GraphQL doesn’t return products beyond 10k in search results
- ACSD-56842: Deferred proxies and proxy factories are missing
- ACSD-57003: Order status changes to Complete instead of changing to Processing
- v1.1.47
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.47
- ACSD-57074: Yes/No custom attribute doesn’t work with indexing
- ACSD-56760: Admin user is restricted to a specific website and is unable to sort or add new products
- ACSD-55241: Used and Times Used attributes display incorrect values for generated coupons
- ACSD-56858: Role permissions discrepancy in B2B company admin
- v1.1.48
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.48
- ACSD-57315: New transaction is created in PayPal Payflow Pro each time the fetch button is clicked
- ACSD-56635: Imported customers are duplicated when account sharing is set to Global
- ACSD-57337: Admin user with access restrictions could see companies
- ACSD-57394: Incorrect product sorting by multiple sort fields in GraphQL
- ACSD-56546: Configurable and bundle products display as out of stock on the storefront
- ACSD-56741: Troubleshooting database setup errors with custom MySQL triggers
- ACSD-55566: mergeCart mutation fails with internal server error in GraphQL response
- ACSD-58008: Editing the end date as empty causes the schedule update to disappear
- ACSD-57854: GraphQL response contains disabled categories that should not be listed in category aggregations
- ACSD-57565: The order dashboard displays incorrect order information
- v1.1.49
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.49
- ACSD-57643: Products with custom options are incorrectly added
- ACSD-57588: Error in region ID processing when shipping to multiple addresses
- ACSD-56979: Product images removed after staging update deleted
- ACSD-58163: Cart Price Rule does not apply discount from matching Customer Segment cart without coupon code
- ACSD-57086: Orders from non-default websites with terms and conditions enabled are processed incorrectly
- ACSD-57941: Product options are incorrectly assigned to the admin store
- ACSD-58739: Partial reindexing throws an error
- ACSD-57846: GraphQL products search with filter for zero prices not returning results
- ACSD-58054: API token generation for inactive customers
- ACSD-57045: URL rewrites cause infinite page looping after Website Root unchecked from Hierarchy
- ACSD-58446: Deleting a team with child users or teams via GraphQL gives an uninformative error message
- ACSD-58375: Incorrectly configured YouTube API key causes error when adding video at store view level
- v1.1.50
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.50
- ACSD-59036: Exception occurs when loading product prices
- ACSD-45049: Customer Is required attribute setting doesn’t work as per website scope in Admin
- ACSD-59378: Store-level URL rewrites incorrectly updated during import
- ACSD-46938: Performance issues with DB triggers during setup:upgrade
- ACSD-54887: Customer shopping cart gets cleared after customer session has expired
- ACSD-58141: PHPSESSID regenerates on POST requests for logged-in customers if L2 Redis cache is enabled
- ACSD-59229: Customer group data misallocation due to an outdated X-Magento-Vary value
- ACSD-60441: Updating customers via V1/customers REST API endpoint throws an error
- ACSD-58352: Return attribute labels for the default store are returned via GraphQL API
- ACSD-59514: Forms in Admin with Page Builder throw error in browser console
- ACSD-58790: Fixes pinch to zoom functionality on the product detail page images in mobile view on Chrome
- ACSD-58442: Fixes the issue where devices with 768px width treated as mobile, causing menu and header to load in mobile view not desktop
- ACSD-48210: Store view specific scope attribute overrides global values
- ACSD-59280: ReflectionUnionType::getName() error in 2.4.4-pX installations
- ACSD-60303: Admin order placement issue resolved with HTML minification enabled
- v1.1.51
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.51
- ACSD-60234: PayPal shows an incorrect amount when discount is applied
- ACSD-60632: Address saved with every order attempt
- ACSD-61195: Cart GraphQL request fails to return items on final page
- ACSD-60538: Attributes don’t show if a product is disabled
- ACSD-60631: GraphQL returns an error when same product is assigned to multiple configurable products
- ACSD-60816: New Relic browser monitoring scripts injected by the APM agent are not compliant with CSP
- ACSD-59967: JavaScript error prevents Google Maps from rendering correctly
- ACSD-60326: GraphQL query on customer Returns status gives an error
- ACSD-59786: GraphQL returns an error when fetching a quote ID for an expired quote
- v1.1.52
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.52
- ACSD-61366: bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy --jobs 4 command fails with error
- ACSD-61322: Products not assigned to Shared Catalogue are included in XML Sitemap
- ACSD-60590: Enhancing performance of Bestsellers Aggregated Daily Report generation
- ACSD-59925: Sorting items in Media Gallery
- ACSD-59865: Cart Price Rule fails to cancel previous rules due to insufficient quantity
- ACSD-59366: Delete teams with deactivated users not visible in the team list
- ACSD-60788: Custom scripts for Google Tag Manager not executed due to CSP errors
- ACSD-59952: Error on deleting shared catalog with same group ID as another shared catalog
- ACSD-60673: Cart Price Rule issue fixed for multiple payment methods at checkout
- ACSD-60684: GraphQL product sorting by multiple fields does not work as expected
- v1.1.53
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.53
- ACSD-59930: Improves performance of company’s flows
- ACSD-61553: Cart Price Rule is incorrectly calculated
- ACSD-60584: Access token created for one website is allowed to access information on other websites
- ACSD-61528: Retrieving roles using GraphQL returns no results
- ACSD-48318: Environment emulation nesting error in “system.log”
- ACSD-60804: Editing a customer associated with a deleted company results in an error
- ACSD-61969: Required to type coupon code as configured in uppercase or lowercase
- ACSD-61133: sales_clean_quotes cron deletes quotes from unapproved purchase orders
- ACSD-61667: Improves inventory performance for creating shipping
- v1.1.54
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.54
- ACSD-61134: Braintree Vault payment method automatically deselected in checkout workflow
- ACSD-61756: Performance degradation of AdvancedSalesRule filters due to missing database indexes
- ACSD-60267: FPT applies incorrectly when products are added through configurable product options
- ACSD-61199: CMS page’s Hierarchy tab doesn’t display proper tree structure
- ACSD-61200: Fixes discount tax compensation in sales total calculations
- ACSD-61522: Email addresses in First and Last Name fields send invalid order confirmations
- ACSD-61103: Failure count not reset to zero after successful customer login through API
- ACSD-61799: Incorrect total discount calculation with multiple fixed discount cart rules applied to quote
- ACSD-62485: async.operations.all consumer stops working when company is created
- ACSD-61845: Error occurs for requests with text/html accept header
- ACSD-62056: Image upload for configurable product fails if MSI is installed
- v1.1.55
- ACSD-58566: GraphQL internal server error for purchase order comments
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.55
- ACSD-58685: Disabled sales emails are sent upon re-enabling
- ACSD-58828: Server-side “address is required” message appears for any empty required field, alongside client-side validation
- ACSD-61534: Design configuration can’t be set using bin/magento config:set
- ACSD-61348: Wishlist items visible via GraphQL but not on storefront
- ACSD-61785: Updating reward_warning_notification attribute not possible via GraphQL mutation and REST API calls
- ACSD-58471: Dynamic content fails to load on product detail page, when catalog price rules scheduled
- ACSD-58383: Duplicate credit memos from simultaneous refund requests via REST API
- ACSD-58735: Restricted admin can’t view abandoned shopping carts on customer account for associated website
- ACSD-62793: Datetime attributes in exports missing time component. Additionally if Fields Enclosure enabled, attribute values enclosed within double-quotes
- ACSD-60344: Duplicate order confirmation emails on using Purchase Order with auto-approval
- ACSD-62332: Product listing GraphQL query limited to 10,000 products and Live Search sets current page to 1
- ACSD-62591: Theme doesn’t switch properly when User Agent Rules configured
- v1.1.56
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.56
- ACSD-61805: Fixes stock issue on storefront after backorder status update via REST API
- ACSD-60811: Fixes limitation in updating order status to custom values
- ACSD-62971: Stock sources import with non-numeric quantity values results in the quantity being set to 0
- ACSD-62979: Incorrect Store ID in the GraphQL header causes a fatal memory error
- ACSD-62475: Fixes gift card merging issues in the cart
- ACSD-63242: Slow import when adding more than 10,000 catalog products
- ACSD-63062: Incorrect cart discount calculations with multiple overlapping rules
- ACSD-62428: Stock status errors in catalog search index
- ACSD-63244: Resolve admin panel JavaScript issues, including Google Maps rendering and console errors
- AACSD-62355: Improves configurable product edit performance in Adobe Commerce
- ACSD-62872: Schedule updates validated incorrectly
- ACSD-62952: Gift Registry date displayed inaccurately on the storefront
- ACSD-62577: Storefront search performance optimization
- ACSD-55339: Resolving SKU trimming issue in negotiable quotes for Adobe Commerce
- ACSD-62670: Products Ordered report export to CSV and XML throws error
- ACSD-62755: TinyMCE 7 needs font size and font added to editor initialization settings
- v1.1.57
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.57
- ACSD-59083: ‘Base table or view not found’ errors during simultaneous mview updates
- ACSD-62951: Fixes missing items and totals in Credit Memo emails sent via REST API
- ACSD-62212: Forgot Password email not translated to store view language
- ACSD-62708: TinyMCE 7 editor font size in admin panel shows PT
- ACSD-62689: Unable to add categories in Related Product Rules and widgets after depth 4
- ACSD-62629: Product list in widgets shows incorrect categories
- ACSD-57570: Fix for restricted admin user access to shared catalogs
- ACSD-62635: Multi-store related products displayed incorrectly in GraphQL
- ACSD-61622: FedEx account specific rates are missing in REST API response
- ACSD-62965: Fixes missing LocalizedException message in GraphQL order placement response
- ACSD-62758: Resolved video rendering issue on configurable product pages
- ACSD-63326: Fix admin redirection issue after placing an order from the backend
- ACSD-63286: Products assigned to shared catalog need manual reindexing to appear
- ACSD-58325: Import button available even after a validation error
- ACSD-61895: GraphQL categories query fails for private shared catalog with restricted view
- ACSD-62671: GraphQL does not return updated address on first attempt
- ACSD-62481: Shopping cart remains empty even with Persistence enabled
- v1.1.58
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.58
- ACSD-63067: Resolving quantity validation issues in grouped products on storefront
- ACSD-63283: Resolving Gift Registry email and order placement issues in Adobe Commerce
- ACSD-62118: sales_order_tax_item table not fully updated for B2B orders placed using the Purchase Order method
- ACSD-63182: Error occurs while saving a product after bundle product duplication
- ACSD-63090: Deleting a product from Admin empties the shopping cart
- ACSD-48570: Fixing admin reset password link issue with store code in URL
- ACSD-63299: Special price for a configurable product doesn’t display on the storefront
- ACSD-63325: “Syntax Error: Unexpected < EOF >” error when submitting empty GraphQL request
- ACSD-63578: Clicking the Delete icon in Add to Order by SKU doesn’t remove SKU
- ACSD-63329: Default values for date and time fields aren’t set when creating products with the REST API
- v1.1.59
- Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.59
- ACSD-64112: indexer_update_all_views cron execution fails when MAGE_INDEXER_THREADS_COUNT is set
- ACSD-63454: Default value for a Dropdown and Multiple Select attributes is not saved properly in the database
- ACSD-63870: Customer not logged out properly during company status change
- ACSD-64113: Error in admin on uploading image with smaller width than height via Media Gallery
- ACSD-64212: Order not linked to a customer account created via GraphQL after placing order
- ACSD-63793: Import processes interfere with each other in different browser tabs
- ACSD-63574: Adding Bundle Product listing to block via Page Builder results in error
- Check patch for Adobe Commerce issue with Quality Patches Tool
- Command-line tools reference
- Observation for Adobe Commerce
- Introduction
- How to access
- Selecting the account and timeframe
- Choosing the focus tabs
- The Summary tab
- The Elasticsearch tab
- The Redis tab
- The MySQL tab
- The PHP tab
- The Bots tab
- The Deploy tab
- The Alerts tab
- The WAF tab
- The CDN tab
- The RabbitMQ tab
- The Cron tab
- The Indexing tab
- The QuickView tab
- The Security tab
- The Infra tab
- How to use Observation for Adobe Commerce
- Data Migration Tool
- Return to Operational Guides
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