Enable inter-server communication
If Apache and the database server are on the same host, use the following command if you plan to use integrations that use curl
(ex. Paypal and USPS).
To enable Apache to initiate a connection to another host with SELinux enabled:
To determine if SELinux is enabled, use the following command:
displays to confirm that SELinux is running.- CentOS:
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
- Ubuntu:
setsebool -P apache2_can_network_connect=1
- CentOS:
Opening ports in your firewall
Depending on your security requirements, you might find it necessary to open port 80 and other ports in your firewall. Because of the sensitive nature of networking security, Adobe strongly recommends that you consult with your IT department before proceeding. Following are some suggested references:
- Ubuntu: Ubuntu documentation page
- CentOS: CentOS how-to.
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