Accessing the Catalog Sync dashboard

To access the Catalog Sync dashboard, select System > Data Transfer > Catalog Sync.

With the Catalog Sync dashboard you can:

  • View the sync status (In Progress, Success, Failed)
  • View the total number of products synced
  • Search synced products to view their current state
  • Search store catalog by name, SKU, etc.
  • View synced product details in JSON to help diagnose a sync discrepancy
  • Reinitiate the sync process

Last sync

Reports a sync status of:

  • Success - Displays the date and time that the sync was successful and the number of products updated
  • Failed - Displays the date and time that the sync was attempted
  • In Progress - Displays the date and time of the last successful sync

The catalog sync process automatically runs every hour. If you do not see expected products on the storefront, or if the products do not reflect recent changes you made, you can resolve catalog sync issues.

Products synced

Displays the total number of products synced from your Commerce catalog. After the initial sync, only changed products should be synced.


If you must initiate a resync of your catalog before the hourly scheduled sync occurs, you can force a resync.

Forcing a resync triggers a resync of your entire product catalog, which can increase load on hardware resources.
  1. From the Catalog Sync dashboard, select Settings.

    The Catalog Sync Settings page appears.

  2. In the Resync Data section, click Resync.

    Commerce syncs your catalog during the next scheduled sync window. Depending on the size of your catalog, this operation can take a long time.

Synced catalog products

The Synced catalog products table displays the following information.

IDUnique identifier of the product
NameStorefront name of the product
TypeIdentifies the product type, such as simple, configurable, or downloadable
Last ExportedDate the product was last successfully exported from your catalog
Last ModifiedDate the product was last modified in your catalog
SKUDisplays the stock-keeping unit for the product
PricePrice of the product
VisibilityA product’s visibility setting as defined in the Commerce catalog

Resolve catalog sync issues

See Logs and troubleshooting in the SaaS Data Export Guide.