User Setup
Store Assist app Users are managed in Adobe Commerce. However, these users do not interact with Adobe Commerce directly. The user management is configured in Adobe Commerce to enable secure connections between Adobe Commerce and the app.
The Store Fulfillment App User model is separated from other Adobe Commerce user models. The app maintains its own permission model through user roles and users that can be assigned to all or specific locations. The following permissions are supported: Picking order, Dispensing Order, and Item qty reduction (and cancellation).
Store Assist App - User Roles
During the initial user set up for the Store Assist app, create user roles to customize user permissions to the Store Assist app. For example, you can create different roles for store managers and store associates and assign different role resources to manage permissions for each type of user.
Configure User Roles from System > Store Fulfillment App Permissions > All Store Fulfillment App Users.
Role Info
Role Resources
Store Assist - User Information
Manage Store Assist app user profiles from the Admin System settings: System > Store Fulfillment App Permissions > All Store Fulfillment App Users.
, but the account can still be updated if necessary.