SaaS Data Export Extension Release Notes

These release notes describe the latest versions of the SaaS data export extension. Support is provided for the current major released version. Release notes for older versions are provided for reference.

Updates include:

New New features
Fix Fixes and improvements
Bug Known issues

The SaaS data export extension is a collection of modules that is installed automatically with Live Search, Product Recommendations, and the Catalog Service. You can check the version installed on your system using composer. In some cases, you might want to upgrade the data export extension on your system to pick up fixes or new capabilities without updating the Commerce Service version.

Current major version

103.3.14 Release

Fix The exporter indexer now maintains the correct status for dependent indexers. Previously, these indexes were incorrectly invalidated and required additional checks and validation that slowed indexing performance. <!-MDEE-866–>

103.3.13 Release

Fix Improved performance of the data synchronization process by adding a local cache for attribute options data.<!-MDEE-864–>

103.3.12 Release

Fix Resolved an issue that increased synchronization time for simple and virtual products. <!-MDEE-861–>

103.3.11 Release

Fix The data export service now sends special price data for bundle products as a percentage, correcting a previous issue where it was sent as a final price.
Fix Updated the monolog implementation for compatibility with Monolog 3.

103.3.10 Release

Fix Fixed Multiple storeview filtration for the product custom options feed.
Fix Invalid feeds are not resubmitted until the feed’s hash value has changed.

103.3.9 Release

Fix When an entity is deleted, the deleted flag is now propagated for the scoping service feeds for website (scopesWebsite) and customer group (scopesCustomerGroup).

103.3.8 Release

Fix Disabled configuration options are no longer exported as active options.
Fix Options and values are now updated on a configurable product when changes are made to a child product.
New Added the ability to include additional system attribute data in the product attributes feed.

103.3.7 Release

Fix Removed unnecessary dependencies from the InventoryDataExporter module.
Fix Changed required versions for inventory modules included in the CatalogInventoryDataExporter module to support Adobe Commerce version 2.4.4.

103.3.6 Release

Fix Fixed deadlocks that occurred during feed reindexing in multi-thread mode. Queries are now separated into Insert and Update operations.
Fix Optimized the Prices query for large catalogs with many websites.
New Added retry logic to re-run failed transactions when deadlocks occurs.

103.3.5 Release

Fix Set dependency for latest compatible data export version for the SaaS common module.

Fix Replaced ScopeConfig instance with ServiceConfigInterface to support different service configurations.

103.3.4 Release

Fix Added support for data transfer audit logging by adding a mechanism to dispatch a data_sent_outside event each time data is transmitted from the Commerce instance to a Commerce service

103.3.3 Release

New SaaS data export now caches Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) attributes for the attribute metadata query.

Fix Fixed an issue where the InventoryStockStatus feed was not saved on retry if product was deleted.

103.3.2 Release

Fix Fixed an issue where the modifiedAt field was missing from removed entities feeds.

103.3.1 Release

Fix Fixed an issue that caused an Invalid Template File message to appear during products feed reindexing when Page Builder is installed.

103.3.0 Release

New Migrated immediate export feed tables to the unified structure:
id, source_entity_id, feed_id, modified_at, is_deleted, status, feed_data, feed_hash, errors

New Migrated catalog and inventory feeds to the immediate export solution.

New Renamed immediate export feed cron-jobs to *_feed_resend_failed_items.

New Renamed immediate export feeds, indexer view IDs, and change log tables.

  • feed tables (and indexer view IDs):

    • catalog_data_exporter_products -> cde_products_feed
    • catalog_data_exporter_product_attributes -> cde_product_attributes_feed
    • catalog_data_exporter_categories -> cde_categories_feed
    • catalog_data_exporter_product_prices -> cde_product_prices_feed
    • catalog_data_exporter_product_variants -> cde_product_variants_feed
    • inventory_data_exporter_stock_status -> inventory_data_exporter_stock_status_feed
  • change log table names - Follows the same naming pattern as the feed tables but change log table names add a _cl suffix. For example catalog_data_exporter_products_cl-> cde-products_feed_cl
    If you have custom code that references any of these entities, update the references with the new names to ensure that your code continues to function correctly.

Fix Set modified_at field in feed data only for feeds that require it.

Fix Modify the productAttributes query to retrieve only product attributes.

103.2.6 Release

Fix Fixed an issue that prevented feeds from being reindexed when tables have a prefix.

103.2.5 Release

Fix Optimized the Price query.

103.2.4 Release

Fix Fixed incorrect Stock status that displayed for a product when Commerce Inventory Management is enabled.

103.2.3 Release

Fix Fixed website level special pricing.
Fix Added mutex for all feeds that are processed.

103.2.2 Release

Fix Improved feeds batching strategy for large catalogs. The batches table is now filled with a limited number of IDs to reduce memory usage.

Fix Eliminated hard dependency of CommerceInventoryDataExporter to MSI modules.

Fix Improved commerce-data-exporter logs to collect more information and organize by different exporting stages.

103.2.1 Release

  • Released updated version.

103.2.0 Release

  • Added multi-thread data sync for products and prices.