Recommendation Types

Adobe Commerce provides a large set of recommendations that you can deploy to various pages on your site. All recommendation types are data-driven. They are powered by behavioral data, product attribute data, and metrics. For easy reference, recommendation types are grouped as follows:

As a best practice, Adobe recommends the following guidelines when using recommendations:

  • Diversify your recommendation types. Customers start ignoring recommendations if they suggest the same products over and over again.

  • Do not deploy the same recommendations to your cart page and order confirmation page. Consider using Most Added to Cart for the cart page and Bought This, Bought That for the order confirmation page.

  • Keep your site tidy. Do not deploy more than three recommendation units on the same page.

  • If your store sells clothing, the More like this recommendation can suggest gender-specific products that do not match the gender of the product being viewed. Consider using this recommendation type only for non-clothing categories.

Personalized personalized

These recommendation types recommend products based on the specific shopper’s behavioral history on your site.

Recommended for you
Recommends products based on each shopper’s current and previous onsite behavior. Displays highly relevant recommendations based on the shopper’s browsing and purchase history. This recommendation type is effective on the home page where most shoppers begin their journey on a site. For first-time shoppers on your site who have not generated any signal to personalize their experience, Adobe Commerce shows products based on the Most viewed recommendation type. When the shopper starts to interact with the products on the site, however, recommended products adjust in real time to their behavior.

Where used:
- Home page
- Category

Suggested labels:
- Just for you
- Recommended for you
- Inspired by your shopping trends
Recently viewed
Displays products most recently viewed by the shopper, based on browser history. Any deleted products are removed by the recommendation unit. The recommendation unit is not displayed if there is no browser history, or not enough history when filter rules are applied. If the results contain fewer products than are configured, the recommendation unit displays only the products returned.

Where used:
- Home page
- Category
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- Recently viewed
- Take another look

Cross-sells and up-sells crossup

These recommendation types are social-proof driven to help shoppers find what others liked or product-driven to help them find other similar products

The “viewed this, viewed that”, “viewed this, bought that”, and “bought this, bought that” recommendation types are not based on a simple-occurrence metric but rather a more sophisticated collaborative-filtering machine-learning algorithm that looks for interesting similarities that are not skewed towards popular products.
Viewed this, viewed that
Recommends products that shoppers view disproportionately more often with the currently viewed product.

Where used:
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- Customers who viewed this product also viewed (PDP)
Viewed this, bought that
Recommends products that shoppers tend to buy disproportionately more often after viewing the current product. Helps guide shoppers to discover products that they might not have otherwise noticed.

Where used:
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- Customers who viewed this ultimate bought
- Customers ultimately purchased
- What do others buy after viewing this product?
Bought this, bought that
Recommends products that shoppers buy disproportionately more often with the currently viewed product. Displays highly relevant products shoppers can add to their cart by aggregating what other shoppers have bought with the current product.

Where used:
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- Get everything that you need
- Don’t forget these
- Frequently bought together
More like this
Recommends products based on similar metadata such as name, description, category assignment, and attributes. By evaluating the attributes for the products being viewed, recommends similar products in the same category. For example, if a shopper is browsing yoga mats, other products in the equipment category are recommended. Because this recommendation type does not distinguish genders, it is not recommended for apparel, fashion, or other gender-specific verticals.

Where used:
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- More products like this
- Similar to this
Visual similarity
Recommends similar looking products to the product being viewed. This recommendation type is most useful if images and the visual aspects of products are important to the shopping experience.

Popularity popularity

These recommendation types recommend products that are the most popular or trending within the last seven days.

Most viewed
Recommends products that were viewed the most by counting the number of sessions where a view action occurred within the last seven days.

Where used:
- Home page
- Category
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- Most popular
- Trending
- Popular right now
- Recently popular
- Popular products inspired by this product (PDP)
- Top sellers
Most purchased
Recommends products most frequently purchased by shoppers within the last seven days.

Where used:
- Home page
- Category
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- Most popular
- Trending
- Popular right now
- Recently popular
- Popular products inspired by this product (PDP)
- Top sellers
Most added to cart
Recommends products most frequently added to carts by shoppers within the last seven days. This recommendation type can be used on all pages.

Where used:
- Home page
- Category
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- Most popular
- Trending
- Popular right now
- Recently popular
- Popular products inspired by this product (PDP)
- Top sellers
Recommends products based on the recent momentum of a product’s popularity across your site.

Adobe Sensei aggregates browsing and purchase data across your site to determine and rank which products are the most recently popular with your shoppers. Because Trending analyzes recent product momentum, it is an effective recommendation type for catalogs that have a high turnover. If your catalog is more static, it might not be as useful unless the shopping patterns of your audience are highly variable.

When used on the home page, Trending recommends products that are recently popular across the entire site. Trending does not display products that are consistently popular, but rather those that have recently become popular. For example, if you have an email marketing campaign promoting certain products, the popularity increase generated by the email increases the likelihood that the promoted products classify as trending.

Where used:
- Home page
- Category
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- Trending
- Trending now
- Recently trending
- Hot products
- Trending related products (PDP)

High performing highperf

These recommendation types recommend top performing products based on success criteria like add-to-cart or conversion rates.

View to purchase conversion
Recommends products with the highest view-to-purchase conversion rate. Of all the shopper sessions that registered a product view, what is the proportion that eventually registered a purchase by the shopper.

Where used:
- Home page
- Category
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
-Top sellers
- Popular products
- You might be interested in
View to cart conversion
Recommends products with the highest view-to-cart conversion rate. Of all the shopper sessions that registered a product view, what is the proportion that eventually registered an add to cart by the shopper.

Where used:
- Home page
- Category
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- Top sellers
- Popular products
- You might be interested in
Most purchased
Often referred to as “Top Sellers”, this recommendation type counts the number of sessions where a place-order action occurred within the last seven days. This recommendation type can be used on all pages.

Where used:
- Home page
- Category
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- Most popular
- Trending
- Popular right now
- Recently popular
- Popular products inspired by this product (PDP)
- Top sellers
Most added to cart
Recommends products most frequently added to carts by shoppers within the last seven days. This recommendation type can be used on all pages.

Where used:
- Home page
- Category
- Product detail
- Cart
- Confirmation

Suggested labels:
- Most popular
- Trending
- Popular right now
- Recently popular
- Popular products inspired by this product (PDP)
- Top sellers

Visual similarity visualsim

The Visual similarity recommendation type recommends similar looking products to the product being viewed. This recommendation type is most useful where images and visual aspects of the products are important parts of the shopping experience.

How it works

The Visual similarity recommendation type offers recommendations for other products in your catalog that have a visual similarity to the imagery currently being viewed. Visual similarity includes aspects such as:

  • Color
  • Shape
  • Size
  • Texture
  • Material
  • Style

Adobe Sensei uses AI to process and analyze the imagery in your catalog and build attributes used to determine visual similarities.

If you are testing this recommendation type in a non-production environment, make sure your image URLs are publicly accessible.
Currently, product images must be 10 MB or less in size.

Because this recommendation type is not applicable to most catalogs, it is not enabled by default. You must explicitly enable this recommendation type.

Enable Visual similarity recommendation type

The Visual similarity recommendation type is available when you install it as an optional module.
  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Promotions > Product Recommendations to display the Product Recommendations dashboard.

  2. Click Settings (gear icon) to display the Settings page.

  3. In the Visual Recommendations section, select to Enable Visual Recommendations.

  4. Click Save changes when you are finished.

    The Create New Recommendation page now displays Visual similarity as a selectable recommendation type when the page type is Product Detail.

After you enable visual recommendations, Adobe Sensei initiates the image processing. How long it takes depends on the size of your catalog.

Where used

  • Product detail

Suggested storefront labels

  • You may also like
  • We found other products you might like
  • Inspired by this style


The following image shows the product detail page for the Clamber Watch:

Clamber Watch

The following shows the Visual similarity recommendation unit for Clamber Watch:

Visual similarity unit
