Use the Settings workspace to configure the price facet ranges and intervals and the default language for the index.
Price faceting specifies the number of price range groups and how price values are distributed among them.
The Language setting tells the Live Search service which language to expect when writing the index.
Price faceting
You can specify the number of price range groups and how price values are distributed among them. Each price range overlaps the previous group by one. For example, five groups with an interval of 20 creates the following price ranges: 0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80, and >80. If there are not enough products in the catalog to fill all defined ranges, the display of the available groups is adjusted accordingly. For example: 0-20, 60-80, >80.
In the Admin, go to Marketing > SEO & Search > Live Search.
On the Settings workspace under Price faceting, do the following:
- Enter the Number of selections, or price groupings to be available. Up to 50 price groupings can be defined.
- Enter the Interval value, or price range for each group. The maximum value is 40,000,000.
Click Save.
It takes about 15 minutes for the updated settings to be available in the storefront.
Field descriptions
Specifies the price range interval for each group. For example, five selections with an interval value of 20 creates five groupings of 0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80, and
80. Default value: 5, Maximum value: 40,000,000
The Language setting tells Live Search which language to expect when reading the catalog and writing the index.
Languages have different sets of rules for grammar: how words are separated, verb tenses and word forms, for example.
The Language setting ensures that the correct set of rules are applied to the indexing mechanism.
Set the Language setting to the primary language of the catalog. When changing the language of the index, it can take from 5 to 60 minutes to reflect the change on the storefront, depending on the size and complexity of the catalog.