Manage Search Merchandising rules

Follow these instructions to update the properties of existing rules.

Edit rule

  1. On the Search Merchandising workspace, find the rule in the grid that you want to edit and click More (…) options.
  2. Click Edit to access the rule editor.
  3. Update the conditions, operators, and events as needed.
  4. Update the name, start and end date, and description fields as needed. All rule names must be unique.
  5. Test the rule.
  6. Publish the changes.
    The rule is added to the list in the Rules workspace. Although active rules go into effect immediately, it might take up to 15 minutes for cached query results in the storefront to be refreshed.

View details

This option provides a quick way to see all the rule parameters, while staying on the Rules table.

  1. On the Search Merchandising worksapce, find the rule in the grid that you want to edit and click More (…) options.
  2. Click View details to view the rule parameters.
  3. Choose Edit or Delete, or click the X to close the panel.

Delete rule

  1. On the Rules workspace, find the rule in the grid that you want to edit and click More (…) options.
  2. Click Delete.