Install Adobe I/O Events and configure the customers-connector module

After you install the experience-platform-connector extension, you must install Adobe I/O Events for Adobe Commerce and configure the customers-connector module.

The following steps apply to both Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure and on-premises installations.

  1. If you are running Commerce 2.4.4 or 2.4.5, use the following command to load the eventing modules:

    composer require magento/commerce-eventing=^1.0 --no-update

    Commerce 2.4.6 and later loads these modules automatically.

  2. Update the project dependencies.

    composer update
  3. Enable the new modules:

    bin/magento module:enable Magento_AdobeCommerceEventsClient Magento_AdobeCommerceEventsGenerator Magento_AdobeIoEventsClient Magento_AdobeCommerceOutOfProcessExtensibility

Finalize installation based on the deployment type: Adobe Commerce on Cloud infrastructure or on-premises.

On Cloud infrastructure

In Adobe Commerce on Cloud infrastructure, enable the ENABLE_EVENTING global variable in .magento.env.yaml. Learn more.


Commit and push updated files to the Cloud environment. When deployment is finished, enable sending events with the following command:

bin/magento config:set adobe_io_events/eventing/enabled 1


In on-premises environments, you must manually enable code generation and Adobe Commerce Events:

bin/magento events:generate:module
bin/magento module:enable Magento_AdobeCommerceEvents
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento config:set adobe_io_events/eventing/enabled 1

Install the B2B extension

For B2B merchants, install the following extension to include requisition list event data.

Download the magento/experience-platform-connector-b2b extension by running the following from the command line:

composer require magento/experience-platform-connector-b2b

Install the Data Services HIPAA extension

For healthcare merchants, install the following extension to ensure back office event data is HIPAA-ready.

Download the magento/module-data-services-hipaa extension by running the following from the command line:

composer require magento/module-data-services-hipaa

Update the Data Connection extension

To update the Data Connection extension, run the following from the command line:

composer update magento/experience-platform-connector --with-dependencies

Or, for B2B merchants:

composer update magento/experience-platform-connector-b2b --with-dependencies

To update to a major version such as from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0, edit the project’s root Composer .json file as follows:

  1. Open the root composer.json file and search for magento/experience-platform-connector.

  2. In the require section, update the version number as follows:

    "require": {
       "magento/experience-platform-connector": "^3.0",
  3. Save composer.json. Then, run the following from the command line:

    composer update magento/experience-platform-connector –-with-dependencies

    Or, for B2B merchants:

    composer update magento/experience-platform-connector-b2b --with-dependencies

Uninstall the Data Connection extension

To uninstall the Data Connection extension, refer to uninstall modules.

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