
DescriptionXDM event name
Triggered when a shopper places an order.commerce.backofficeOrderPlaced

Data collected from orderPlaced

The following table describes the data collected for this event.

commerce.orderContains information about the order.
commerce.order.purchaseIDUnique identifier assigned by the seller for this purchase or contract. There is no guarantee that the ID is unique.
commerce.order.paymentsThe list of payments for this order.
commerce.order.payments.paymentTransactionIDUnique identifier for this payment transaction.
commerce.order.payments.paymentAmountThe value of the payment.
commerce.order.payments.paymentTypeThe method of payment for this order. Counted, custom values allowed.
commerce.order.payments.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used, such as USD or EUR.
commerce.order.taxAmountThe tax amount paid by the buyer as part of the final payment.
commerce.order.discountAmountIndicates the discount amount applied to the whole order.
commerce.order.createdDateThe time and date when a new order is created in the commerce system. For example, 2022-10-15T20:20:39+00:00.
commerce.order.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used for the order totals.
commerce.shippingShipping details for one or more products.
commerce.shipping.shippingMethodThe method of shipping chosen by the customer, such as standard delivery, expedited delivery, pick up in store, and so on.
commerce.shipping.shippingAmountThe amount the customer had to pay for shipping.
commerce.shipping.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used for the shipping total.
commerce.commerceScopeIndicates where an event occurred (store view, store, website, and so on).
commerce.commerceScope.environmentIDThe environment ID. A 32-digit alphanumeric ID separated by hyphens.
commerce.commerceScope.storeCodeThe unique store code. You can have many stores per website.
commerce.commerceScope.storeViewCodeThe unique store view code. You can have many store views per store.
commerce.commerceScope.websiteCodeThe unique website code. You can have many websites in an environment.
commerce.billing.addressBilling postal address.
commerce.billing.address.street1Primary street level information, apartment number, street number, and street name
commerce.billing.address.street2Additional field for street level information.
commerce.billing.address.cityThe name of the city.
commerce.billing.address.stateThe name of the state. This is a free-form field.
commerce.billing.address.postalCodeThe postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code.
commerce.billing.address.countryThe name of the government-administered territory. Other than xdm:countryCode, this is a free-form field that can have the country name in any language.
personalEmailA personal email address.
personalEmail.addressThe technical address, for example, name@domain.com as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.
productListItemsAn array of products in the order.
productListItems.idThe line item identifier for this product entry.
productListItems.SKUStock Keeping Unit. The unique identifier for the product.
productListItems.nameThe display name or human-readable name of the product.
productListItems.priceTotalThe total price for the product line item.
productListItems.quantityThe number of product units in the cart.
productListItems.discountAmountIndicates the discount amount applied.
productListItems.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used, such as USD or EUR.
productListItems.selectedOptionsField used for a configurable product.
productListItems.selectedOptions.attributeIdentifies an attribute of the configurable product, such as size or color.
productListItems.selectedOptions.valueIdentifies the value of the attribute such as small or black.
productListItems.categoriesContains information about the category of a product.
productListItems.categories.idThe unique identifier of the category.
productListItems.categories.nameThe name of the category.
productListItems.categories.pathThe path to the category.
productListItems.productImageUrlMain image URL of the product.


DescriptionXDM event name
Triggered when a merchant submits an invoice to request payment.commerce.backofficeOrderInvoiced

Data collected from orderInvoiced

The following table describes the data collected for this event.

commerce.orderContains information about the order.
commerce.order.purchaseIDUnique identifier assigned by the seller for this purchase or contract. There is no guarantee that the ID is unique.
commerce.order.priceTotalThe total price of this order after all discounts and taxes have been applied.
commerce.order.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used for the order totals.
commerce.order.purchaseOrderNumberUnique identifier assigned by the purchaser for this purchase or contract.
commerce.order.paymentsThe list of payments for this order.
commerce.order.payments.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used, such as USD or EUR.
commerce.order.payments.paymentTypeThe method of payment for this order. Counted, custom values allowed.
commerce.order.payments.paymentAmountThe value of the payment.
commerce.shippingShipping details for one or more products.
commerce.shipping.shippingMethodThe method of shipping chosen by the customer, such as standard delivery, expedited delivery, pick up in store, and so on.
commerce.shipping.shippingAmountThe amount the customer had to pay for shipping.
commerce.commerceScopeIndicates where an event occurred (store view, store, website, and so on).
commerce.commerceScope.environmentIDThe environment ID. A 32-digit alphanumeric ID separated by hyphens.
commerce.commerceScope.storeCodeThe unique store code. You can have many stores per website.
commerce.commerceScope.storeViewCodeThe unique store view code. You can have many store views per store.
commerce.commerceScope.websiteCodeThe unique website code. You can have many websites in an environment.
personalEmailA personal email address.
personalEmail.addressThe technical address, for example, name@domain.com as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.
productListItemsAn array of products in the order.
productListItems.idThe line item identifier for this product entry.
productListItems.SKUStock Keeping Unit. The unique identifier for the product.
productListItems.nameThe display name or human-readable name of the product.
productListItems.priceTotalThe total price for the product line item.
productListItems.quantityThe number of product units in the cart.
productListItems.discountAmountIndicates the discount amount applied.
productListItems.categoriesContains information about the category of a product.
productListItems.categories.idThe unique identifier of the category.
productListItems.categories.nameThe name of the category.
productListItems.categories.pathThe path to the category.


DescriptionXDM event name
Triggered when an order is shipped.commerce.backofficeOrderItemsShipped

Data collected from orderItemsShipped

The following table describes the data collected for this event.

commerce.orderContains information about the order.
commerce.order.purchaseIDUnique identifier assigned by the seller for this purchase or contract. There is no guarantee that the ID is unique.
commerce.order.paymentsThe list of payments for this order.
commerce.order.payments.paymentTransactionIDUnique identifier for this payment transaction.
commerce.order.payments.paymentAmountThe value of the payment.
commerce.order.payments.paymentTypeThe method of payment for this order. Counted, custom values allowed.
commerce.order.payments.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used, such as USD or EUR.
commerce.order.priceTotalThe total price of this order after all discounts and taxes have been applied.
commerce.order.purchaseOrderNumberUnique identifier assigned by the purchaser for this purchase or contract.
commerce.order.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used, such as USD or EUR.
commerce.order.lastUpdatedDateThe time when a particular order record is last updated in the commerce system.
commerce.shippingShipping details for one or more products.
commerce.shipping.shippingMethodThe method of shipping chosen by the customer, such as standard delivery, expedited delivery, pick up in store, and so on.
commerce.shipping.shippingAmountThe amount the customer had to pay for shipping.
commerce.shipping.addressThe physical shipping address.
commerce.shipping.address.street1Primary street level information, apartment number, street number, and street name.
commerce.shipping.address.street2Optional street information second line.
commerce.shipping.address.cityThe name of the city.
commerce.shipping.address.stateThe name of the State. This is a free-form field.
commerce.shipping.address.postalCodeThe postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code.
commerce.shipping.address.countryThe name of the government-administered territory. Other than xdm:countryCode, this is a free-form field that can have the country name in any language.
commerce.shipping.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used, such as USD or EUR.
commerce.shipping.trackingNumberThe tracking number provided by the shipping carrier for an order item shipment.
commerce.shipping.trackingURLThe URL to track the shipping status of an order item.
commerce.shipping.shipDateThe date when one or more items from an order is shipped.
commerce.commerceScopeIndicates where an event occurred (store view, store, website, and so on).
commerce.commerceScope.environmentIDThe environment ID. A 32-digit alphanumeric ID separated by hyphens.
commerce.commerceScope.storeCodeThe unique store code. You can have many stores per website.
commerce.commerceScope.storeViewCodeThe unique store view code. You can have many store views per store.
commerce.commerceScope.websiteCodeThe unique website code. You can have many websites in an environment.
commerce.billing.addressBilling postal address.
commerce.billing.address.street1Primary street level information, apartment number, street number, and street name
commerce.billing.address.street2Additional field for street level information.
commerce.billing.address.cityThe name of the city.
commerce.billing.address.stateThe name of the state. This is a free-form field.
commerce.billing.address.postalCodeThe postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code.
commerce.billing.address.countryThe name of the government-administered territory. Other than xdm:countryCode, this is a free-form field that can have the country name in any language.
personalEmailA personal email address.
personalEmail.addressThe technical address, for example, name@domain.com as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.
productListItemsAn array of products in the order.
productListItems.SKUStock Keeping Unit. The unique identifier for the product.
productListItems.nameThe display name or human-readable name of the product.
productListItems.priceTotalThe total price for the product line item.
productListItems.quantityThe number of product units in the cart.
productListItems.discountAmountIndicates the discount amount applied.
productListItems.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used, such as USD or EUR.
productListItems.selectedOptionsField used for a configurable product.
productListItems.selectedOptions.attributeIdentifies an attribute of the configurable product, such as size or color.
productListItems.selectedOptions.valueIdentifies the value of the attribute such as small or black.
productListItems.categoriesContains information about the category of a product.
productListItems.categories.idThe unique identifier of the category.
productListItems.categories.nameThe name of the category.
productListItems.categories.pathThe path to the category.


DescriptionXDM event name
Triggered when a shopper cancels an order.commerce.backofficeOrderCancelled

Data collected from orderCancelled

The following table describes the data collected for this event.

commerce.orderContains information about the order.
commerce.order.purchaseIDUnique identifier assigned by the seller for this purchase or contract. There is no guarantee that the ID is unique.
commerce.order.purchaseOrderNumberUnique identifier assigned by the purchaser for this purchase or contract.
commerce.order.cancelDateThe date and time when a shopper cancels an order.
commerce.order.lastUpdatedDateThe time when a particular order record is last updated in the commerce system.
commerce.commerceScopeIndicates where an event occurred (store view, store, website, and so on).
commerce.commerceScope.environmentIDThe environment ID. A 32-digit alphanumeric ID separated by hyphens.
commerce.commerceScope.storeCodeThe unique store code. You can have many stores per website.
commerce.commerceScope.storeViewCodeThe unique store view code. You can have many store views per store.
commerce.commerceScope.websiteCodeThe unique website code. You can have many websites in an environment.
personalEmailA personal email address.
personalEmail.addressThe technical address, for example, name@domain.com as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.


DescriptionXDM event name
Triggered when a shopper is refunded for a returned item.commerce.backofficeCreditMemoIssued

Data collected from orderLineItemRefunded

The following table describes the data collected for this event.

commerce.orderContains information about the order.
commerce.order.purchaseIDUnique identifier assigned by the seller for this purchase or contract. There is no guarantee that the ID is unique.
commerce.order.lastUpdatedDateThe time when a particular order record is last updated in the commerce system.
commerce.order.purchaseOrderNumberUnique identifier assigned by the purchaser for this purchase or contract.
commerce.refundsThe list of refunds for this order.
commerce.refunds.transactionIDUnique identifier for this refund.
commerce.refunds.refundAmountThe value of the refund.
commerce.refunds.refundPaymentTypeThe method of payment for this order. Counted, custom values allowed.
commerce.refunds.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used, such as USD or EUR.
personalEmailA personal email address.
personalEmail.addressThe technical address, for example, name@domain.com as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.
productListItemsAn array of products in the order.
productListItems.SKUStock Keeping Unit. The unique identifier for the product.
productListItems.nameThe display name or human-readable name of the product.
productListItems.priceTotalThe total price for the product line item.
productListItems.quantityThe number of product units in the cart.
productListItems.discountAmountIndicates the discount amount applied.
productListItems.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used, such as USD or EUR.
productListItems.selectedOptionsField used for a configurable product.
productListItems.selectedOptions.attributeIdentifies an attribute of the configurable product, such as size or color.
productListItems.selectedOptions.valueIdentifies the value of the attribute such as small or black.
productListItems.categoriesContains information about the category of a product.
productListItems.categories.idThe unique identifier of the category.
productListItems.categories.nameThe name of the category.
productListItems.categories.pathThe path to the category.


DescriptionXDM event name
Triggered when a shopper requests to return an item.commerce.backofficeOrderItemsReturnInitiated

Data collected from orderItemsReturnInitiated

The following table describes the data collected for this event.

commerce.orderContains information about the order.
commerce.order.purchaseIDUnique identifier assigned by the seller for this purchase or contract. There is no guarantee that the ID is unique.
commerce.order.returnsThe RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) information for this order.
commerce.order.returns.returnIDThe unique identifier for this RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization).
commerce.order.returns.returnStatusThe status of the RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization), such as Pending, Closed, and so on.
commerce.commerceScopeIndicates where an event occurred (store view, store, website, and so on).
commerce.commerceScope.environmentIDThe environment ID. A 32-digit alphanumeric ID separated by hyphens.
commerce.commerceScope.storeCodeThe unique store code. You can have many stores per website.
commerce.commerceScope.storeViewCodeThe unique store view code. You can have many store views per store.
commerce.commerceScope.websiteCodeThe unique website code. You can have many websites in an environment.
personalEmailA personal email address.
personalEmail.addressThe technical address, for example, name@domain.com as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.
productListItemsAn array of products in the order.
productListItems.SKUStock Keeping Unit. The unique identifier for the product.
productListItems.nameThe display name or human-readable name of the product.
productListItems.quantityThe number of product units in the cart.
productListItems.selectedOptionsField used for a configurable product.
productListItems.selectedOptions.attributeIdentifies an attribute of the configurable product, such as size or color.
productListItems.selectedOptions.valueIdentifies the value of the attribute such as small or black.
productListItems.categoriesContains information about the category of a product.
productListItems.categories.idThe unique identifier of the category.
productListItems.categories.nameThe name of the category.
productListItems.categories.pathThe path to the category.
productListItems.returnItemThe RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) information for this item.
productListItems.returnItem.returnStatusThe status of the returned item, such as Pending, Approved, and so on.
productListItems.returnItem.returnReasonThe reason why a return is requested for this item.
productListItems.returnItem.returnItemConditionThe condition of the item that the return is requested for.
productListItems.returnItem.returnResolutionThe requested resolution of the item being returned, such as Refund, Exchange, and so on.
productListItems.returnItem.returnQuantityRequestedThe number of this item that the shopper requested to return.
productListItems.returnItem.returnQuantityAuthorizedThe number of this item that is authorized to be returned.
productListItems.returnItem.eturnQuantityReceivedThe number of returned items received.
productListItems.returnItem.returnQuantityApprovedThe number of this item with return fully complete and approved.


DescriptionXDM event name
Triggered when an item a shopper requested to return is completed.commerce.backofficeOrderItemsReturnCompleted

Data collected from orderItemReturnCompleted

The following table describes the data collected for this event.

commerce.orderContains information about the order.
commerce.order.purchaseIDUnique identifier assigned by the seller for this purchase or contract. There is no guarantee that the ID is unique.
commerce.order.returnsThe RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) information for this order.
commerce.order.returns.returnIDThe unique identifier for this RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization).
commerce.order.returns.returnStatusThe status of the RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization), such as Pending, Closed, and so on.
commerce.commerceScopeIndicates where an event occurred (store view, store, website, and so on).
commerce.commerceScope.environmentIDThe environment ID. A 32-digit alphanumeric ID separated by hyphens.
commerce.commerceScope.storeCodeThe unique store code. You can have many stores per website.
commerce.commerceScope.storeViewCodeThe unique store view code. You can have many store views per store.
commerce.commerceScope.websiteCodeThe unique website code. You can have many websites in an environment.
personalEmailA personal email address.
personalEmail.addressThe technical address, for example, name@domain.com as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.
productListItemsAn array of products in the order.
productListItems.SKUStock Keeping Unit. The unique identifier for the product.
productListItems.nameThe display name or human-readable name of the product.
productListItems.selectedOptionsField used for a configurable product.
productListItems.selectedOptions.attributeIdentifies an attribute of the configurable product, such as size or color.
productListItems.selectedOptions.valueIdentifies the value of the attribute such as small or black.
productListItems.categoriesContains information about the category of a product.
productListItems.categories.idThe unique identifier of the category.
productListItems.categories.nameThe name of the category.
productListItems.categories.pathThe path to the category.
productListItems.returnItemThe RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) information for this item.
productListItems.returnItem.returnStatusThe status of the returned item, such as Pending, Approved, and so on.
productListItems.returnItem.returnReasonThe reason why a return is requested for this item.
productListItems.returnItem.returnItemConditionThe condition of the item that the return is requested for.
productListItems.returnItem.returnResolutionThe requested resolution of the item being returned, such as Refund, Exchange, and so on.
productListItems.returnItem.returnQuantityRequestedThe number of this item that the shopper requested to return.
productListItems.returnItem.returnQuantityAuthorizedThe number of this item that is authorized to be returned.
productListItems.returnItem.eturnQuantityReceivedThe number of returned items received.
productListItems.returnItem.returnQuantityApprovedThe number of this item with return fully complete and approved.


DescriptionXDM event name
Triggered when a shipment is completed.commerce.backofficeOrderShipmentCompleted

Data collected from orderShipmentCompleted

The following table describes the data collected for this event.

commerce.orderContains information about the order.
commerce.order.purchaseIDUnique identifier assigned by the seller for this purchase or contract. There is no guarantee that the ID is unique.
commerce.order.paymentsThe list of payments for this order.
commerce.order.payments.paymentTransactionIDUnique identifier for this payment transaction.
commerce.order.payments.paymentAmountThe value of the payment.
commerce.order.payments.paymentTypeThe method of payment for this order. Counted, custom values allowed.
commerce.order.payments.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used, such as USD or EUR.
commerce.order.taxAmountThe tax amount paid by the buyer as part of the final payment.
commerce.order.createdDateThe time and date when a new order is created in the commerce system. For example, 2022-10-15T20:20:39+00:00.
commerce.shippingShipping details for one or more products.
commerce.shipping.shippingMethodThe method of shipping chosen by the customer, such as standard delivery, expedited delivery, pick up in store, and so on.
commerce.shipping.shippingAmountThe amount the customer had to pay for shipping.
commerce.shipping.shipDateThe date when one or more items from an order is shipped.
commerce.shipping.addressThe physical shipping address.
commerce.shipping.address.street1Primary street level information, apartment number, street number, and street name.
commerce.shipping.address.street2Optional street information second line.
commerce.shipping.address.cityThe name of the city.
commerce.shipping.address.stateThe name of the State. This is a free-form field.
commerce.shipping.address.postalCodeThe postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code.
commerce.shipping.address.countryThe name of the government-administered territory. Other than xdm:countryCode, this is a free-form field that can have the country name in any language.
commerce.billing.addressBilling postal address.
commerce.billing.address.street1Primary street level information, apartment number, street number, and street name
commerce.billing.address.street2Additional field for street level information.
commerce.billing.address.cityThe name of the city.
commerce.billing.address.stateThe name of the state. This is a free-form field.
commerce.billing.address.postalCodeThe postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code.
commerce.billing.address.countryThe name of the government-administered territory. Other than xdm:countryCode, this is a free-form field that can have the country name in any language.
personalEmailA personal email address.
personalEmail.addressThe technical address, for example, name@domain.com as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.
productListItemsAn array of products in the order.
productListItems.SKUStock Keeping Unit. The unique identifier for the product.
productListItems.nameThe display name or human-readable name of the product.
productListItems.priceTotalThe total price for the product line item.
productListItems.quantityThe number of product units in the cart.
productListItems.discountAmountIndicates the discount amount applied.
productListItems.currencyCodeThe ISO 4217 currency code used, such as USD or EUR.
productListItems.selectedOptionsField used for a configurable product.
productListItems.selectedOptions.attributeIdentifies an attribute of the configurable product, such as size or color.
productListItems.selectedOptions.valueIdentifies the value of the attribute such as small or black.
productListItems.categoriesContains information about the category of a product.
productListItems.categories.idThe unique identifier of the category.
productListItems.categories.nameThe name of the category.
productListItems.categories.pathThe path to the category.

Customer profile events

Profile events captured from the server-side include account information, such as accountCreated, accountUpdated, and accountDeleted. This data is used to help populate key customer details that are needed to better define segments or execute marketing campaigns, such as sending sign-up discount offers, account change confirmations, and so on. There are similar profile events captured from the storefront.

Each customer profile event also includes the identityMap field, which includes the system generated Commerce Customer ID as the primary identifier for the profile and an email ID that is used as a secondary identifier.


DescriptionXDM event name
Triggered when a shopper attempts to create an account.userAccount.backofficeCreateProfile

Data collected from accountCreated

The following table describes the data collected for this event.

personContains information about the customer.
person.nameContains information about the name of the customer.
person.name.firstNameContains the first name of the customer.
person.name.lastNameContains the last name of the customer.
personalEmailA personal email address.
personalEmail.addressThe technical address, for example, name@domain.com as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.
commerce.commerceScopeIndicates where an event occurred (store view, store, website, and so on).
commerce.commerceScope.environmentIDThe environment ID. A 32-digit alphanumeric ID separated by hyphens.
commerce.commerceScope.storeCodeThe unique store code. You can have many stores per website.
commerce.commerceScope.storeViewCodeThe unique store view code. You can have many store views per store.
commerce.commerceScope.websiteCodeThe unique website code. You can have many websites in an environment.


DescriptionXDM event name
Triggered when a shopper attempts to edit an account.userAccount.backofficeUpdateProfile

Data collected from accountUpdated

The following table describes the data collected for this event.

personContains information about the customer.
person.nameContains information about the name of the customer.
person.name.firstNameContains the first name of the customer.
person.name.lastNameContains the last name of the customer.
personalEmailA personal email address.
personalEmail.addressThe technical address, for example, name@domain.com as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.
commerce.commerceScopeIndicates where an event occurred (store view, store, website, and so on).
commerce.commerceScope.environmentIDThe environment ID. A 32-digit alphanumeric ID separated by hyphens.
commerce.commerceScope.storeCodeThe unique store code. You can have many stores per website.
commerce.commerceScope.storeViewCodeThe unique store view code. You can have many store views per store.
commerce.commerceScope.websiteCodeThe unique website code. You can have many websites in an environment.


DescriptionXDM event name
Triggered when a shopper attempts to delete an account.userAccount.backofficeDeleteProfile

Data collected from accountDeleted

The following table describes the data collected for this event.

personContains information about the customer.
person.nameContains information about the name of the customer.
person.name.firstNameContains the first name of the customer.
person.name.lastNameContains the last name of the customer.
personalEmailA personal email address.
personalEmail.addressThe technical address, for example, name@domain.com as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.
commerce.commerceScopeIndicates where an event occurred (store view, store, website, and so on).
commerce.commerceScope.environmentIDThe environment ID. A 32-digit alphanumeric ID separated by hyphens.
commerce.commerceScope.storeCodeThe unique store code. You can have many stores per website.
commerce.commerceScope.storeViewCodeThe unique store view code. You can have many store views per store.
commerce.commerceScope.websiteCodeThe unique website code. You can have many websites in an environment.
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Next pageProfile Records