The Split Git global reference architecture pattern
This guide explains how to set up Adobe Commerce with the Split Git Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Pattern.
The split Git GRA pattern involves two Git repositories for development and one Git repository per Adobe Commerce instance. In the examples, it is assumed that each instance represents a unique brand.
Advantages and disadvantages of this pattern
- Code reuse through a shared code repository
- Simple GRA pattern, suitable even for teams with limited Composer knowledge
- In addition to Adobe Commerce modules, themes and language packs, it is possible to install any type of Composer package through this model, including composer-plugin, composer-metapackage, magento2-component and patches
- Possible to release in phases, planning releases to regions in their own maintenance windows
- Support for Git tags for administration purposes, not for deployment control
- Guarantee that the combination of packages in a production deployment is developed and tested in this exact configuration
- No added flexibility compared to other GRA patterns
- Not possible to upgrade or downgrade individual modules per instance, always upgrade or downgrade the GRA as a whole
- In most cases, the bulk packages pattern is a better fit as it is equally simple, but more conventional
Set up Adobe Commerce with the Split Git GRA pattern
The directory structure
The Split Git GRA pattern has two types of repositories; development repositories and installation repositories. The development repositories only contain part of a full Adobe Commerce installation. The installation repositories contain the full Adobe Commerce installation and are used for deployment, but not for development.
The final directory structure of a full Adobe Commerce installation with the Split Git GRA pattern looks like this:
├── .gitignore
├── app/
│ └── etc/
│ └── config.php
├── composer.json
├── composer.lock
└── packages/
├── 3rdparty/
├── gra/
└── local/
The app/code
, app/i18n
and app/design
directories are omitted on purpose, because Composer does not evaluate code in these directories. As a result, dependencies that are declared in the packages are not automatically installed. The Split Git GRA pattern resolves this issue by installing all custom code in packages/
and treating that directory as a composer repository. Composer symlinks packages inside packages/
to vendor/
Prepare the Git repositories
Create 3 Git repositories for:
- An Adobe Commerce instance
- Third-party code that is not installed through Composer
- Your customizations in the form of modules, themes, language packs and such; your GRA
In this guide the following names are used for these repositories:
- gra-split-brand-x
- gra-split-3rdparty
- gra-split-gra
All repositories in the Split Git GRA pattern are merged into one. For Git to allow merging multiple repositories, all three repositories need a shared history. Create a Git project with a single commit and push it to all remotes.
mkdir gra-split-brand-x
cd gra-split-brand-x
git init
git remote add origin
git remote add 3rdparty
git remote add gra
touch .gitkeep
git add .gitkeep
git commit -m 'initialize repository'
git push -u origin main
git push 3rdparty main
git push gra main
Pushing the temporary file .gitkeep
to all remotes creates the same initial commit with the same commit hash, making a shared history. Each change that is created in one remote can be merged to the others.
From here, the repositories diverge. The gra-split-brand-x repository contains brand specific code. The gra-split-3rdparty repository contains only third-party code. The gra-split-gra repository contains only your global reference architecture foundation, which consists of all your custom code.
Install Adobe Commerce in the gra-split-brand-x repository.
composer create-project --no-install --repository-url= magento/project-enterprise-edition temp
mv temp/composer.json ./
rmdir temp
git add composer.json
git commit -m 'install Adobe Commerce'
git push origin main
Create initial commits in the gra-split-3rdparty and the gra-split-gra repositories. The easiest way is by checking out these repositories in separate directories.
cd ..
git clone
git clone
cd gra-split-3rdparty
mkdir -p packages/3rdparty
touch packages/3rdparty/.gitkeep
git add packages/3rdparty/.gitkeep
git commit -m 'initialize 3rd party package storage'
git push origin main
cd ../gra-split-gra
mkdir -p packages/gra
touch packages/gra/.gitkeep
git add packages/gra/.gitkeep
git commit -m 'initialize GRA package storage'
git push origin main
These two repositories store third-party packages and GRA packages. There may be code that is exclusive to each instance of Adobe Commerce. Create a place to store these local packages in the gra-split-brand-x repository.
cd ../gra-split-brand-x
mkdir -p packages/local
touch packages/local/.gitkeep
git add packages/local/.gitkeep
git commit -m 'initialize local package storage'
git push origin main
Where to store different types of code
Adobe Commerce is a Composer application. The preferred way to install is always through Composer repositories. Only if a module vendor does not offer installation through a Composer repository, you can store third-party modules in the third-party repository. The preferred place for custom code is in the GRA repository. When a module is only used by one specific instance, it becomes local code.
- Adobe Commerce: stored in a Composer repository.
- Third-party modules: stored in a Composer repository.
- Third-party modules fallback option: stored in the gra-split-3rdparty Git repository.
- GRA foundation code: stored in the gra-split-gra Git repository.
- Local code: stored in the gra-split-brand-x Git repository.
Connect package storage to Composer
Composer can treat the packages directory as a composer repository. Inform Composer about the location of packages inside the packages directory.
"repositories": [
{"type": "path", "url": "packages/local/*/*"},
{"type": "path", "url": "packages/gra/*/*"},
{"type": "path", "url": "packages/3rdparty/*/*"},
{"type": "composer", "url": ""}
Composer looks for composer.json files two levels deep in the three storage directories. Create subdirectories inside the three code storage directories exactly like they would appear in the vendor/
For instance: If a package is normally installed in vendor/example-corp/module-example/
, then you store it in packages/3rdparty/example-corp/module-example/
. Composer symlinks the package to vendor/example-corp/module-example/
when you require it.
Use the composer package namespace and name as the directory structure. For instance: a module that traditionally exists in app/code/MyCorp/MyCustomization/
has the name my-corp/module-my-customization
in composer.json. Store this package in packages/gra/my-corp/module-my-customization
Include new packages in the instance repositories
Merge packages from the third-party and GRA remotes into the gra-split-brand-x repository.
cd gra-split-brand-x
git fetch - all
git merge gra/main 3rdparty/main
git push origin main
The result is the following directory structure:
├── composer.json
└── packages/
├── 3rdparty/
├── gra/
└── local/
Changes in the third-party and GRA foundation repository are merged into the brand repositories. This way third-party and GRA code are only maintained in one place. Move the changes to the brands with a Git merge.
Adobe Commerce does not automatically recognize new modules. Run composer require to add a new package after a merge. Run composer update every time you update one of your packages after a merge.
Install example modules
As a proof of concept, install example modules to see how the GRA pattern works.
Run composer install
and bin/magento install
before moving on.
There are 3 test modules for on GitHub:
Install a local module
Adding a module to the local code pool is simple. Download and extract the module. Require it with Composer. Enable it with bin/magento
and commit the files in the brand repository.
cd gra-split-brand-x
cd packages/local
mkdir antonevers
cd antonevers
curl -OL
mv module-example-local-main module-local
git add module-local
cd ../../..
composer require antonevers/module-local:@dev
bin/magento module:enable AntonEvers_Local
bin/magento test:local
That last command should result in the following output to prove that the module is installed and working:
Local module is installed successfully and working!
If you see the output above, then you can safely commit it to the brand repository.
git add packages/local/antonevers/module-local app/etc/config.php composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m 'add local module'
git push origin main
Install and develop a GRA foundation module
Adding a module to the GRA repository is different from installing local modules. By default, commits are added to origin/main, which is the gra-split-brand-x repository. Changes to GRA modules should be pushed to the gra-split-gra repository and merged into the gra-split-brand-x repository afterwards.
Create a development environment
Create a development environment with a combination of all code pools in one place. You can push code to the local, GRA and third-party repository individually through symlinks. Start by creating a new development directory next to your brand, GRA and third-party repo directories.
├── gra-development # <---
├── gra-split-3rdparty
├── gra-split-brand-x
└── gra-split-gra
cd ..
mkdir gra-development
cd gra-development
cp ../gra-split-brand-x/composer.json ../gra-split-brand-x/composer.lock .
mkdir packages
ln -s ../../gra-split-brand-x/packages/local/ packages/
ln -s ../../gra-split-3rdparty/packages/3rdparty/ packages/
ln -s ../../gra-split-gra/packages/gra/ packages/
The result is the following directory structure:
├── packages/
│ ├── 3rdparty -> ../../gra-split-3rdparty/packages/3rdparty/
│ ├── gra -> ../../gra-split-gra/packages/gra/
│ └── local -> ../../gra-split-brand-x/packages/local/
├── composer.lock
└── composer.json
Run composer install
and bin/magento install
in the gra-development directory.
It is now possible to commit changes directly from the packages/3rdparty
, packages/gra
and package/local
directories. Git commits the changes to the Git repository that the directories symlink to. It is important that the git commit command is issued inside the packages/3rdparty
, packages/gra
or package/local
directory. Do not run git commit at the project root.
Install example modules
Install the third-party and GRA example modules in the packages directories.
cd packages/gra
mkdir antonevers
cd antonevers
curl -OL
mv module-example-gra-main module-gra
git add module-gra
cd ../../3rdparty
mkdir antonevers
cd antonevers
curl -OL
mv module-example-3rdparty-main module-3rdparty
git add module-3rdparty
cd ../../..
composer require antonevers/module-gra:@dev antonevers/module-3rdparty:@dev
bin/magento module:enable AntonEvers_Gra AntonEvers_ThirdParty
bin/magento test:gra
bin/magento test:3rdparty
That last command should result in the following output to prove that the module is installed and working:
GRA module is installed successfully and working!
3rd party module is installed successfully and working!
If you see the output above, then you can safely commit it to the brand repository. Run git remote -v
to verify that you are committing to the right remote.
cd packages/gra
git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
git add antonevers/module-gra
git commit -m 'add GRA module'
git push origin main
cd ../3rdparty
git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
git add antonevers/module-3rdparty
git commit -m 'add third-party module'
git push origin main
Deliver code to the instances
Merge the GRA and third-party repositories to the gra-split-brand-x repository to deliver the code to an Adobe Commerce instance. Run composer require
, bin/magento module:enable
and commit the result.
cd gra-split-brand-x
git fetch - all
git merge gra/main 3rdparty/main
composer require antonevers/module-gra:@dev antonevers/module-3rdparty:@dev
bin/magento module:enable AntonEvers_Gra AntonEvers_ThirdParty
git add app/etc/config.php composer.lock composer.json
git commit -m 'install GRA and third-party modules'
git push origin main
Branching strategy
This GRA pattern works with all branching strategies, if you mirror the branching strategy of the store repositories in your third-party and GRA repositories. For releases, create a release branch with the same name in all three repositories. Merge the release branches together on the store repository during release preparation.
Sometimes you have a ticket branch that requires both local code and third-party code or GRA code to be altered. In this case, the ticket branches need to be created in all related repositories.
Never merge third-party and GRA commits into the brand repository inside ticket branches. Instead, check out the right branches in your development environment for each code pool. Merging into the brand repository is only done when composing the release, or when composing a QA branch.
Code examples
The code examples of this article are available as a set of Git repositories, which you can use to test the proof of concept.
- An example production store:
- The third-party code repository:
- The GRA code repository:
- An example local module:
- An example GRA module:
- An example third-party module: