Release notes archive for ece-tools

These release notes provide information and updates for ece-tools v2002.0.22 and later. See Release notes for Cloud Tools Suite to get the latest updates for ece-tools and other Cloud packages.


The ece-tools 2002.0.22 release changes the structure of the ece-tools package to decouple the release of Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure patches from the ECE-Tools release. Starting with this release, patches and critical fixes will be delivered using the magento/magento-cloud-patches package, which is a new dependency for the ece-tools package. We made these changes to reduce complexity for scheduling release updates and working with community contributions.

  • new icon Changes to the ECE-Tools package

    • new icon Moved the Adobe Commerce patches from the ece-tools package to a new magento/magento-cloud-patches composer package.

    • new icon Updated the composer.json file for the ece-tools package to add a dependency for the magento/magento-cloud-patches v1.0.0 package.

    • fix icon Fixed an issue that caused the ece-tools patching process to break when applying patch sets on top of security-only releases, starting with version 2.3.2-p2 and later. This issue was introduced by the new versioning scheme adopted for security-only patches.

  • fix icon Patches and critical fixes–Update your Cloud environments with ece-tools version 2002.0.22 to apply the following patches and critical fixes. These patches are included in the magento/magento-cloud-patches v1.0.0 package.

    • fix icon Page Builder security patches for 2.3.1.x and 2.3.2.x releases–Fixes an issue in Page Builder preview that allows unauthenticated users to access some templating methods that can be used to trigger arbitrary code execution over the network (RCE) resulting in global information leaks. This issue can occur when using unsupported versions of Page Builder with Adobe Commerce versions 2.3.1 and 2.3.2.

    • fix icon MSI patches–Fixes issues that caused indexing errors and performance issues when using default inventory settings for managing stock.

    • fix icon Backward Compatibility of new Mail Interfaces-Fixes a backward incompatibility issue caused by the Magento\Framework\Mail\EmailMessageInterface PHP interface introduced in Adobe Commerce v2.3.3. In the scope of this patch, the new EmailMessageInterface inherits from the old MessageInterface, and Adobe Commerce core modules are reverted to depend on MessageInterface.

    • fix icon Catalog pagination does not work on Elasticsearch 6.x–Fixes a critical issue with search result pagination that affects customers using Elasticsearch 6.x as the catalog search engine.


  • new icon Docker updates

    • new icon New Docker Images—Supported by versions 2.3.3 and later

      • PHP version 7.3.

      • Varnish Cache 6.2.0

    • new icon Added support to apply custom hook configuration specified in in the Docker environment. Previously, the Docker environment supported only the default hook configuration.

    • new icon Docker ENV files are no longer generated during the Docker build, and the docker:config:convert command is deprecated. The corresponding data is now stored in the docker-compose.yml file.

    • new icon Updated PHP image–Added Node.js to the PHP Docker image to support node, npm, and grunt-cli capabilities.

  • new icon Environment variable updates

    • new icon Added the LOCK_PROVIDER deploy variable to configure the lock provider which prevents the launch of duplicate cron jobs and cron groups. See the variable description in the deploy variables topic.

    • new icon Added the CONSUMERS_WAIT_FOR_MAX_MESSAGES environment variable to configure how consumers process messages from the message queue when using the CRON_CONSUMERS_RUNNER environment variable to manage cron jobs. See the variable description in the deploy variables topic.

    • fix icon Fixed an issue that can cause database deadlock errors when the consumers_runner cron job starts multiple instances of the same consumer on different nodes. Now, if you have enabled the CRON_CONSUMERS_RUNNER deploy variable in your environment, the consumers_runner job uses the single-thread option to start one instance of each consumer on only one node.

    • fix icon Fixed an issue affecting WARM_UP_PAGES functionality that uses a default store URL. Now, if the config:show:default-url command cannot fetch a base URL, then the URL from the MAGENTO_CLOUD_ROUTES variable is used.

  • new icon Updated the logging information returned by the module:refresh command. Now, you can see a detailed list of enabled modules in the cloud.log file.

  • new icon Improved version compatibility validation and warning notifications for compatibility issues between Adobe Commerce version and installed services, such as Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, Redis, and DB.

  • new icon Added support for RabitMQ version 3.8.

  • new icon Updated interactive validations for service compatibility to reflect supported versions for the new Adobe Commerce 2.3.3 and 2.2.10 releases. See System requirements in the Installation guide for recommended versions.

  • fix icon Improved the log message returned when the cron job management process in the deploy phase tries to stop a cron job that has already finished to clarify that this issue is not an error. Changed the log level from INFO to DEBUG.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue when running the setup:upgrade command that did not interrupt the deployment process when a failure occurred during the app:config:import task.

  • new icon Changed the default log level for the file handler to debug to reduce the amount of detail in the log displayed in the Cloud Console, while still providing detailed information for debugging.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue that caused an error with static content deployment during build. After an installation and ece-tools config dump, an error occurred if there was no locale specified for the admin user in the config.php file. Now, there is a default locale for the admin user in the config.php file.

  • fix icon Fixed an Undefined index error that occurs when a magento-cloud CLI command fails in an environment that is not configured with a secure URL (https). Now, the ECE-Tools package uses the base URL (http) if the secure URL is not available.


  • new icon Docker Updates

    • new icon You can now perform functional testing using the ece-tools package in the Docker environment. See application testing.

    • new icon Added support for configuring PHP modules using the file. Any PHP Extensions specified in the file become available in the Docker PHP containers.

    • new icon There are new commands available to improve the Docker command line experience. See the bin/magento-docker section of the Docker reference.

    • new icon Added the ability to use to synchronize files during development between the local host and Docker.

    • fix icon Corrected the default path when using the Docker environment. Now, when you use SSH to log in to the Docker container, you are at the project root in the /app directory, as expected.

    • fix icon Updated the Sodium library from version 1.0.11 to version 1.0.18, and updated the Sodium PHP extension.

      note warning
      Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure customers must Submit an Adobe Commerce Support ticket to upgrade the libsodium package on Pro Production and Staging environments prior to upgrading to Adobe Commerce 2.3.2. Currently, you cannot upgrade Starter environments to Adobe Commerce 2.3.2.
    • fix icon Added the analysis-icu and the analysis-phonetic Elasticsearch plugins to all Docker images.

    • fix icon Improved validations: When using options for the docker:build command, you must provide a value when using an option. Also, added validation for the Node version when using the docker:build run command.

  • new icon Environment variable updates

    • new icon Added support for database table prefixes using the DATABASE_CONFIGURATION environment variable.

    • new icon Added the FORCE_UPDATE_URLS deploy variable to update base URLs when deploying to Pro and Starter production and staging environments. See the definition in the deploy variables content.

    • new icon Added the TTFB_TESTED_PAGES post-deploy variable to configure Time to First Byte page tests to check application performance on sites deployed to Cloud infrastructure. See the variable description in post-deploy variables.

    • fix icon Fixed an issue with multi-threaded SCD, which caused random failures in static content deployment. The workaround involved setting the SCD_THREADS variable to 1. You can now increase the count as needed. See the definitions in the deploy variables and the build variables.

    • fix icon You can configure the WARM_UP_PAGES environment variable to cache single pages, multiple domains, and multiple pages. See the expanded definition in the post-deploy variables content.

  • fix icon Added the pub/static/.htaccess file to the exclude list. Fix submitted by Björn Kraus of PHOENIX MEDIA GmbH.

  • fix icon Fixed an error when all validation messages were showing as Critical if at least one critical level validator returned an error.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue that caused a deployment failure if the base URL did not exist in the database.

  • new icon Added a new env:config:show command to the ece-tools package that displays environment services, routes, or variables. See Services, routes, and variables. Feature submitted by Vladimir Kerkhoff.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue that caused a critical error when attempting to install Adobe Commerce 2.2.6 or earlier with ece-tools develop after shell refactoring.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue that caused Adobe Commerce 2.1.x and 2.2.x installations to fail with a warning about using a deprecated version of Carbon.

  • fix icon Decreased the cloud.log log level for shell output from info to debug.

  • fix icon Added the --remove-definers (-d) option to the ece-tools db-dump command to remove definers from the dump file.


  • fix icon Fixed an issue that overwrites the env.php file during a deploy, resulting in a loss of custom configurations. This update ensures that Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure updates the env.php file with every deployment, while preserving custom configurations.


  • new icon Docker Updates

    • new icon Now, the Docker environment supports the cron configuration defined in the crons property of the file.

    • new icon New Docker Container—Added a TLS termination proxy container to facilitate the Varnish SSL termination over HTTPS.

    • new icon New Docker Image—Added a Node.js image to support Gulp and other capabilities, such as Jasmine JS Unit Testing.

    • new icon Docker build modes—Now you can choose to launch the Docker environment in Production mode or Developer mode. Developer mode supports active development with full, writable filesystem permissions.

    • fix icon Fixed an issue that caused Docker deploy to fail with a Name or service not known error if the cache is configured for a service that is not available. Now, you can remove a service from the .magento/services.yaml file. The Docker configuration generator updates the service in the docker/config.php.dist file automatically.

    • new icon Added interactive validations for service compatibility. Now, if a requested service is incompatible with the Adobe Commerce version or other services, the interactive mode prompts the user with a message and a choice to continue. See the Service versions available for Docker. Use the -n option to skip the interactivity for CICD purposes.

    • fix icon Fixed an issue with the Docker compose db-dump command that erased existing dumps.

    • fix icon Fixed an issue that assigned Redis session, default, and page_cache cache storage to the same database ID.

  • new icon Environment variable updates

    • new icon The new ELASTICSUITE_CONFIGURATION environment variable retains your customized service settings between deployments. See the definition in the deploy variables content.

    • new icon Added the SCD_MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT environment variable so you can increase the time to complete the static content deployment from the .magento.env.yaml file. See the definition in the deploy variables, the build variables, and the global variables.

      • new icon Added the MAGENTO_CLOUD_LOCKS_DIR environment variable to configure the path to the mount point for the lock provider on the cloud infrastructure. The lock provider prevents the launch of duplicate cron jobs and cron groups. This variable is supported on Adobe Commerce version 2.2.5 and later and automatically configured. See the definition in Cloud variables.

      • fix icon Changed the SCD_THREADS environment variable default values to automatically determine the optimal value based on the detected CPU thread count. See the updated definitions in the deploy variables and the build variables.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue with a patch for DB Isolation Mechanism that caused an error when upgrading to Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure version 2002.0.16.

  • fix icon Added a patch that replaces Google Image Charts with Image-Charts. See the DevBlog article Google Image Charts deprecation and update for M1.

  • fix icon Added validation for the SEARCH_CONFIGURATION variable. Deploy fails when the ‘engine’ option is not set and _merge is not required.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue that exposed sensitive data after an exception occurs. Now the sensitive information is masked appropriately.

  • fix icon Improved the fault-tolerant settings of the Magento Open Source package. In the case when Adobe Commerce cannot read data from the Redis slave instance, a reading is made from the Redis master instance. See REDIS_USE_SLAVE_CONNECTION.


The ece-tools version 2002.0.17 includes an important security patch. See Tech Resources: Magento Open Source Patches.
  • new icon Service updates—Supported by the following Adobe Commerce versions: 2.2.8 and later 2.2.x, 2.3.1 and later 2.3.x

    • Added support for Elasticsearch version 6.x.

    • Added support for Redis version 5.0.

  • new icon New Docker images—Added the following services to the Docker build:

    • Elasticsearch 6.5

    • Redis 5.0

  • new icon New environment variable—Previously, there was a hard-coded timeout for SCD compression. Now you can configure the SCD compression timeout using the SCD_COMPRESSION_TIMEOUT environment variable. See the definitions in the build variables and the deploy variables content.

  • fix icon Added the --use-rewrites option to the install command so that it uses web server rewrites for generated links in the storefront and Admin access to improve security and customer experience.

  • fix icon Added timestamps to the var/log/install_upgrade.log file so that it shows dates for installation and upgrade events.


  • new icon Docker updates

    • Now, the default service configuration generated in the Docker environment is the same as the default configuration in the Cloud template.

    • You can send mail from your Docker environment using the sendmail service.

    • Added the ability to configure Xdebug to debug in the Cloud Docker environment.

    • Fixed an issue with web service permissions when generating the docker-compose.yml file.

  • new icon Upgrade improvement—Added validation to confirm that the autoload property in the composer.json file contains required configuration changes before upgrading to Adobe Commerce v2.3. See Upgrade version.

  • new icon The compression process in deploying static content now includes all assets—natively generated or customized—and occurs during the build phase at the beginning of the build:transfer section. Previously, the compression process occurred before applying custom minification and bundling of static assets. Fix submitted by Rafael Garcia Lepper from Tryzens Limited.

  • fix icon Fixed a database connection error that occurred during deployment immediately after configuring an additional database and service relationship. Also, this fix addresses an issue that occurred during the configuration process of Commerce Reporting for Starter. For Starter, this upgrade is a “must have” for using Commerce Reporting.

  • fix icon Fixed a validation issue with the database configuration that caused the deploy process to fail.

  • fix icon Updated the constraint with the appropriate version of the symfony/yaml package to use with PHP constants. Constant parsing does not work when using a symfony/yaml package version earlier than 3.2. Fix submitted by Vladimir Kerkhoff.

  • new icon Environment configuration check—Added validation to check the PHP version and warn users if they are not using the latest recommended version.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue with processing malformed JSON variables. Now, if a JSON variable causes a syntax error, a warning appears in the cloud.log file and deployment continues using the default variable.

  • fix icon Fixed a connection error that occurred during deployment immediately after disabling the Redis service.

  • new icon Logging changes—Updated the log level from Info to Notice for the following build and deploy process events:

    • Begin and end of the process for reconciling installed modules in composer.json with shared configuration settings in the app/etc/config.php file

    • Begin and end of the configuration validation process

    • Begin and end of the setup:di:compile process for generating classes

  • new icon New environment variables

  • fix icon Environment variable updates—Changed the following environment variables:

    • WARM_UP_PAGES—Added the capability to preload the cache for specified pages on all domains defined for an Adobe Commerce store. Previously, if your site was configured with multiple domains, the post-deploy process failed to preload the cache for the specified pages on non-default domains and returned the following error in the post-deploy log: ERROR: Warming up failed: <uri>

    • SCD_COMPRESSION_LEVEL—Updated the documentation and the sample .magento.env.yaml file with the correct default values for SCD compression level. See the definitions in the build variables and the deploy variables content.

    • SCD_EXCLUDE_THEMES——This environment variable is deprecated. Use the SCD_MATRIX to control theme configuration.

    • SCD_MATRIX—Fixed the validation process to prevent a problem that occurred when the SCD_MATRIX ignored a theme value that contained different character cases. See the definitions in the build variables and the deploy variables content.

    • ADMIN variables

      • Improved security when managing credentials for the Admin user using environment variables. You can no longer use the ADMIN_EMAIL, ADMIN_USERNAME, and ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variables to override admin credentials during upgrades. If you cannot access the Admin panel, use the Forgot password feature or the admin:user:create CLI command to create a new admin user. See Access your Admin panel.

      • ADMIN_EMAIL is no longer required when upgrading or applying patches.


  • new icon Docker updates

    • Now the Docker generator uses the services specified in the and .magento/services.yaml configuration files when building your Docker environment. You can choose a different service version using build parameters.

    • Added PHP 7.2 image—Added support for PHP 7.2 in Cloud Docker; updated the Launch Docker configuration to include the docker:build --php option to specify the version of PHP compatible with your version of Adobe Commerce.

    • Added a Cron container based on the PHP-CLI image.

    • Added the following services to the Docker build:

      • RabbitMQ 3.5 and 3.7

      • ElasticSearch 1.7, 2.4, and 5.2

      • Redis 3.2 and 4.0

  • new icon Configure with PHP constants—Added support for PHP constants in the .magento.env.yaml configuration file.

  • new icon New environment variable—By default, only the Production environment has Google Analytics enabled. You can enable Google Analytics on the Staging and Integration environments using the ENABLE_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS environment variable.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue that removed customized cron configurations from the env.php file after a redeployment. Now, custom cron configurations safely remain in the env.php file.

  • fix icon Fixed inconsistencies in the messages and log levels for build, deploy, and post-deploy phases. Increased beginning and ending log message levels from info to notice for all phases and sub-phases. Added beginning and ending log messages, where appropriate.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue involving cron processes that prevented the start of the post-deploy phase, when configured. Now, if you have the post-deploy hook enabled, the cron processes are enabled again at the beginning of the post-deploy phase.

  • fix icon Resolved an issue that prevented a successful installation of Adobe Commerce when specifying a custom database configuration. Previously, the installation process used the database configuration from the MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIP variable even if you designated customized connection information in the DATABASE_CONFIGURATION environment variable.

  • fix icon Corrected the config:dump command so that it includes each website locale in the system section of the config.php file.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue that resulted in warm-up errors during the post-deploy phase by correcting the source base URL reference.

  • fix icon Fixed an issue that generated files improperly during the setup:di:compile process, which affected the Amazon Pay module.

