Map Shipping Carriers

Before you process order shipments for Walmart Marketplace orders, map Walmart preferred shipping carriers to the corresponding carrier in Commerce so that the shipping data can be synchronized between Walmart and Commerce.

Commerce carriers that do not map to a preferred carrier are labeled as Other Carrier on Walmart.


Before mapping shipping carriers, complete the following tasks:

  1. Review the Carrier Methods and Shipping Best Practices for On-Time Delivery for Walmart Marketplace.

  2. Verify the Shipping Carrier and Shipping Settings configuration in your Commerce store to ensure that you have optimized the configuration for Walmart Marketplace sales.

Map shipping carriers

  1. From the Listings or Orders page, select Channel Settings.

  2. On Channel Settings, select Shipping Carriers.

    Map shipping carriers {width="600" modal="regular"}

  3. For each Walmart preferred carrier listed, select the Commerce carrier name from the dropdown if the carrier is available.

  4. Select Save to apply the configuration.
