Price Adjustment

The Price Adjustment section differs slightly for Standard and Intelligent repricing rules. Match Competitor Price is only available under Price Action when Rule Type is set to Intelligent repricing rule.

Sections of an intelligent repricing rule include:

The price adjustment defines the price calculation when you have identified the competitor price source.

Configure price adjustment

Define your pricing adjustment in the Price Adjustment section.

  1. For Price Action, choose an option:

    • Decrease By - Choose when you want the defined price source value to be adjusted down, creating a lower price for the rule, before listing to Amazon.

    • Increase By - Choose when you want the defined price source value to be adjusted up, creating a higher price for the rule, before listing to Amazon.

    • Match Competitor Price - (Intelligent repricing rule only) Choose when you want to change your Amazon listing price to match the lowest competitor price, based on your competitor feedback and variance parameters. When set to Match Competitor Price, the Apply and Adjustment Amount fields are removed.

  2. For Apply, choose an option:

    • Apply as percentage - Choose when you want the defined Magento Price Source defined in your Listing Price adjusted by a percentage.

    • Apply as fixed amount - Choose when you want the defined Magento Price Source defined in your Listing Price adjusted by a fixed amount.

  3. For Adjustment Amount (required), enter the numerical value for the price adjustment.

    • When Apply is set to Apply as percentage, enter the percent value (example: enter 25 for a 25% percent adjustment).

    • When Apply is set to Apply as fixed amount, enter the numerical value for the fixed amount (example: enter 25 for a $25 fixed adjustment).

Intelligent repricing rule - price adjustment {width="600" modal="regular"}

Price Action
Choose a pricing adjustment action. Options:
Decrease By - Choose when you want the defined Magento Price Source defined in your Listing Price to be adjusted down, creating a lower price for the rule, before listing to Amazon.
Increase By - Choose when you want the defined Magento Price Source defined in your Listing Price to be adjusted up, creating a higher price for the rule, before listing to Amazon.
Match Competitor Price - (Intelligent repricing rule only) Choose when you want to change your Amazon listing price to match the lowest competitor price, based on your competitor feedback and variance parameters. When chosen, the Apply and Adjustment Amount fields are removed.
Apply as percentage - Choose when you want the defined Magento Price Source defined in your Listing Price adjusted by a percentage.
Apply as fixed amount - Choose when you want the defined Magento Price Source defined in your Listing Price adjusted by a fixed amount.
Adjustment Amount
If you chose Apply as percentage for Apply, enter the percent value (example: enter 25 for a 25% percent adjustment).
If you chose Apply as fixed amount for Apply, enter the numerical value for the fixed amount (example: enter 25 for a $25 fixed adjustment).