Add Amazon pricing rules
Pricing rules can be configured or modified at any time after your store is integrated. Pricing rules are part of Listing Settings and can be accessed in the store dashboard.
Standard price rule
A standard price rule action allows you to increase or decrease an Amazon listing price by a specific percentage or fixed dollar amount relative to the Magento Price Source defined in your Listing Price.
Add a standard pricing rule
Click Pricing rules on the store dashboard.
Click Add new pricing rule.
Complete the General Settings for the rule.
Complete the Price Rule Conditions for the rule.
Complete the Price Rule Actions for the rule.
When complete, click Save pricing rule.
Intelligent repricing rule
An intelligent repricing rule uses Amazon competitors’ pricing to determine your listing price. Competitors are other sellers that are listing the same products you are listing on Amazon.
Add an intelligent repricing rule
Click Pricing rules on the store dashboard.
Click Add new pricing rule.
Complete the General Settings for the rule.
Complete the Price Rule Conditions for the rule.
Complete the Price Rule Actions for the rule.
When complete, click Save pricing rule.