Amazon store dashboard

In the Amazon Stores view on Amazon sales channel home page, you can click View Store on a store card to open the store dashboard.

The store dashboard is the primary location for you to view the activity for each of your Amazon stores. With your Amazon Seller stores added and integrated, the orders and sales track through your store data view. On the dashboard, you can view revenue, track trends, and review sales data for your listings. Listings and sales are further grouped and tracked by listing type, including active, inactive, and in-progress.

You can also access your store settings, manage your listings, and view sales data and recent order information.

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The header of the store dashboard displays the same basic store information that is shown on the store card:

  • Store Name
  • Magento Website
  • Status
  • Created
  • Last Updated

The store dashboard also includes store data and links to settings or more information:

  • Store Settings - Access your store settings and reports.

  • Store Listings - Shows a graphical representation for the store sales for the last 7 or 30 days along with lifetime sales data.

    This section also shows listing counts for your active listings, inactive listings, and in progress listings, along with links to their corresponding Product Listings page. You can also click Manage Listings to open the Product Listings page. See Manage Amazon Listings.

  • Recent Orders - Shows information for your most recent Amazon orders. The information listed is based on the information received from Amazon. This table does not update with Commerce order information, even when order import is enabled. To view all your Amazon orders, click All Orders.

    See View Amazon Orders for column descriptions, and see Manage Orders for more information.

  • Seller Central links - Provides links to important Amazon Seller Central information.
