View listing settings

Listing settings are accessed from the store dashboard.

These settings define how your Commerce catalog products are listed on Amazon. Your listing settings consist of several categories that allow you to define the interactions and communication between Amazon sales channel and your respective Amazon Seller Central account.

When configuring your listing settings, you determine some basic functional parameters:

  • Define your eligibility rules for your Commerce catalog products to automatically publish to Amazon as new listings
  • Set up your Amazon listing prices based on your Commerce catalog or on competitor pricing
  • Define your fulfillment method

Expand each of the sections and configure as needed.

Manage listing settings

  1. View the store dashboard and click Listing Settings in the left-side menu.

  2. Expand each section to review and configure your listing settings. Complete all required fields to continue.

    • Product Listing Actions: Defines if eligible Commerce products automatically publish to Amazon and the default handling time for shipments.
    • Third Party Listings: Defines if Amazon Seller Account product listings should be imported into your Commerce catalog.
    • Listing Price: Define Commerce pricing attributes and configure pricing settings.
    • (B2B) Business Price: Define your tiered-pricing settings when selling to another business.
    • Stock / Quantity: Define your stock management thresholds for inventory management.
    • Fulfilled By: Define who fulfills orders.
    • Catalog Search: Define your search parameters to ensure a reliable process for matching your Commerce catalog products with your Amazon product listings.
    • Product Listing Condition: Define your settings and values for product “condition.” Condition is a product detail that is required by Amazon, but is not required for your Commerce catalog products.
  3. Click Save.

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