Catalog search for Amazon listings
Catalog Search settings are part of your store listing settings. Listing settings are accessed from the store dashboard.
These settings enable you to set attribute matching that help to map eligible Commerce products with Amazon listings. When mapped, Amazon activates actions related to pricing, quantity, overrides, and order and product synchronization.
Defining these mapping values increases the potential for exact matches, minimizing the need to manually match product listings. Adding the attributes as part of your Pre-Setup Tasks, Amazon sales channel has a higher potential for automatically matching your products during onboarding and syncs product data between Amazon and Commerce.
If you only create the Amazon ASIN attribute (without adding ASIN values per product), your Commerce products might not automatically match your Amazon listings. You can manually assign your products. However, manual matching does not create the data elements required to share and sync your product data.
It is a best practice to map these attributes and values if available. Completing this mapping is not required, but is beneficial for product matching and required for proper catalog syncing between Amazon and Commerce.
If you want to add attributes, see Create Product Attributes for Amazon Matching.
Configure Catalog Search settings
Click Listing Settings on the store dashboard.
Expand the Catalog Search section.
For ASIN, choose the product attribute you created for the Amazon ASIN value.
An ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) is a unique block of ten letters and/or numbers that identify items. For books, the ASIN is the same as the ISBN number, but for all other products a new ASIN is created when the item is uploaded to their catalog. You can find an items ASIN on the product detail page on Amazon, along with further details relating to the item.
For EAN, choose the product attribute you created for the Amazon EAN value.
The European Article Number (EAN) is a barcode standard, a 12 or 13-digit product identification code. Each EAN uniquely identifies the product, manufacturer, and its attributes; typically, the EAN is printed on a product label or packaging as a bar code. Amazon requires EAN codes to improve quality of search results and the quality of the catalog. You can obtain EANs from the manufacturer.
For GCID, choose the product attribute you created for the Amazon GCIN value.
The Global Catalog Identifier (GCID) is an ID for products that do not have a UPC code or ISBN. Amazon’s Brand Registry allows you to register as a brand owner and create a unique ID for products.
For ISBN, choose the product attribute you created for the Amazon ISBN value.
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique commercial book identifier barcode. Each ISBN code uniquely identifies a book. An ISBN has either ten or 13 digits. All ISBN assigned after Jan 1, 2007 have 13 digits.
For UPC, choose the product attribute you created for the Amazon UPC value.
The Universal Product Code (UPC) is a 12-digit bar code used extensively for retail packaging in United States.
For General Search, choose the product attribute you want to use for a general search match.
This attribute is one that you can select to match Commerce products to the appropriate Amazon listing. General search uses keyword searches from your catalog. As such, it is recommended to use a Commerce attribute that carries relevant keywords, such as the product SKU or product name. General search may return many possible matches, and in such cases, you can select the appropriate Amazon listing from the possible matches. A common selection for this field is
Product Name
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When complete, click Save listing settings.
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ASIN stands for the Amazon Standard Identification Number. An ASIN is a unique block of 10 letters and/or numbers that identify items. For books, the ASIN is the same as the ISBN number, but for all other products a new ASIN is created when the item is uploaded to their catalog. You can find an items ASIN on the product detail page on Amazon, along with further details relating to the item.
Product Name
.Quick Access - Listing Settings sections