Update Required Info (Incomplete Listing)

Listings displayed on the Incomplete tab include your Commerce catalog products that meet your Amazon eligibility requirements as defined in your listing rules but are missing information required by Amazon before listing.

Update required info (unable to assign to Amazon listing) update-required-info-unable-to-assign-to-amazon-listing

  1. View the listings on the Incomplete tab in Manage Listings.

  2. In the Action column, click Select > Update Required Info for the listing you want to update.

  3. Review the catalog product information (SKU and Product Name) for which you are trying to match to an Amazon listing.

  4. For Assign ASIN, enter the ASIN assigned by Amazon for the listing you want to match to the catalog product.

  5. To save the product match, click Save Listing Update.

The listing is now matched to your catalog, and the listing is then updated and published to Amazon based on your cron and listing settings. It is also removed from the Incomplete tab.

Manually assign ASIN for no listing match {width="600" modal="regular"}

Update required info (multiple matches found) update-required-info-multiple-matches-found

  1. View the listings on the Incomplete tab in Manage Listings.

  2. In the Action column, click Select > Update Required Info for the listing you want to update.

  3. Review the catalog product information (SKU and Product Name) for which you are trying to match to an Amazon listing.

  4. For Select Correct Amazon Listing, choose the correct ASIN for the listing you wish to match to this product.

    The options listed here include catalog products that are identified as possible matches. If none of the options are correct, you can choose Manually Enter Correct ASIN and manually enter the ASIN for the product.

  5. If entering the ASIN manually, enter the correct ASIN for Manually Assign ASIN.

  6. To save the product match, click Save Listing Update.

Manually select ASIN from multiple possible matches {width="600" modal="regular"}

Update required info (has variants) update-required-info-has-variants

  1. View the listings on the Incomplete tab in Manage Listings.

  2. In the Action column, click Select > Update Required Info for the listing you want to update.

  3. Review the catalog product information (SKU and Product Name) for which you are trying to match to an Amazon listing.

  4. For Select Correct Amazon Listing, choose the correct ASIN for the listing you wish to match to this product.

    The options listed here include catalog products that are identified as possible matches. If none of the options are correct, you can select Manually Enter Correct ASIN and manually enter the ASIN for the product.

  5. If entering the ASIN manually, enter the correct ASIN for Manually Assign ASIN.

  6. To save the product match, click Save Listing Update.

Update required info (missing condition) update-required-info-missing-condition

  1. View the listings on the Incomplete tab in Manage Listings.

  2. In the Action column, click Select > Update Required Info for the listing you want to update.

  3. Review the catalog product information (SKU and Product Name) for which you are trying to match to an Amazon listing.

  4. For Condition, choose the appropriate condition.

    The list of available options depends on your Product Listing Condition settings.

  5. To save the product match, click Save Listing Update .

Manually update missing condition {width="600" modal="regular"}
