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BackReturns to the Manage Sources page.
ResetRestores all fields in the form to their values at the time of the last save.
Save & ContinueSaves all changes and keeps the form open for further editing. Click the down arrow for additional options:
Save & Close - Saves changes to the current record, closes the form, and returns to the Manage Sources page.
Save & New - Saves changes, closes the current record, and opens a new blank form.

Field descriptions

Name(Required) A unique name that identifies the inventory source for Admin users.
Code(Required) A unique, alphanumeric code that is used by the system to identify the inventory source. Enter the code in upper or lowercase characters and/or numbers, without spaces. If necessary, a hyphen or underscore can be used instead of a space. The code cannot be edited after creating the source. It is a unique ID used when you assign sources to stocks and export and/or import product data.
Is EnabledDetermines if the inventory source is available to be used. Options: Yes / No
DescriptionA brief description of the inventory source location. Include details helpful to your Admin users.
LatitudeSpecifies the latitude coordinate of the inventory source for GPS. Enter the value as a number, preceded by a plus or minus sign as needed. The degree symbol and letters are not permitted. For example: Latitude 32.7555
LongitudeSpecifies the longitude coordinate of the inventory source for GPS. Enter the value as a number, preceded by a plus or minus sign as needed. The degree symbol and letters are not permitted. For example: -97.3308
Contact Info
Contact NameThe name of the primary contact at the inventory source location.
EmailThe email of the primary contact.
PhoneThe area code and telephone number of the primary contact, using the format that you prefer. For example: (123) 456-7890 or 123-456-7890
FaxThe area code and fax number of the primary contact.
Address Data
Country(Required) The country where the inventory source is located.
State/ProvinceThe state or province where the inventory source is located.
CityThe city where the inventory source is located.
StreetThe street address of the inventory source.
Postcode(Required) The ZIP or postal code of the inventory source.
Pickup Location
Frontend NameThe name of the pickup location for the source that is displayed on the storefront.
Frontend DescriptionThe description of the pickup location for the source that is displayed on the storefront. It can contain attached images.
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