Configure product alerts email templates
Next, configure, add, or modify the email template for your price alert. You may want to edit your price alert configurations after creating additional templates.
For more detailed information about using email messaging, see Message Templates in the Admin Systems Guide.
On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Communications > Email Templates.
Click Add New Template.
Under Load default template, choose the Template that you want to customize.
You might choose the alert template included with your theme. Or you can select the
Price Alert
orStock Alert
templates under Magento_PriceAlert. -
Click Load Template.
Enter a Template Name.
You can select this name in the Price Alerts configuration.
Read through the existing content and make changes as needed for the following:
Field Description Template Subject This text is displayed in the subject line of an email. Template Content This text is displayed in the full content of the sent email. -
To add generated information from Commerce data, use the Insert Variable option to use a list of available variables.
Click Save Template.
Product Alert Run Settings
These settings allow you to select how often Commerce checks for changes that require alerts to be sent. You can also select the recipient, sender, and template for emails that are sent if the sending of alerts fails.
On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.
In the left panel, expand Catalog and choose Catalog underneath.
To determine how often product alerts are sent, set Frequency to one of the following:
To determine the time of day product alerts are sent, set Start Time to the hour, minute, and second.
Product alerts are sent by the “product_alert” consumer. -
For Error Email Recipient, enter the email of the person to be contacted if an error occurs.
For the Error Email Sender, select the store identity that appears as the sender of the error notification.
Set Error Email Template to the transactional email template to be used for the error notification.
When complete, click Save Config.