Categories overview
Before you add products to your catalog, you should establish the basic category structure of your catalog. Products can be assigned to zero or more categories. Usually, categories are created in advance, before products are added to the catalog. However, you can also add categories on the fly while creating a product. The category structure of the catalog is reflected by the main menu — or top navigation — of the store.
Add Root Category
Creates a root category.
Add Subcategory
Adds a subcategory below the current category or subcategory.
Collapse All / Expand All
Either collapses or expands the category tree.
Removes the current category or subcategory from the tree.
Saves any changes made to the category.
Restricted administrators do not have access to root categories and cannot create subcategories, unless they have access to all Websites.
Troubleshooting resources
For help with troubleshooting category issues, see the following Commerce Support Knowledge Base articles: