Send a proof of an SMS delivery sms-proof

Adobe highly recommends setting up a delivery validation cycle. Make sure your content is approved before sending it to your audience.

You can send a proof for your SMS delivery to validate it:

  1. Click on Send a proof button, a window will be opened


    You have multiple modes to send a proof:

    • Definition of a specific proof target: lets you query with filters the addresses in the database as the proof target
    • Substitution of the address: lets you enter your test addresses and use the target recipient data to validate the content. The substitution addresses can be entered manually or selected from the drop-down list. The associated enumeration is Substitution address (rcpAddress).
      By default, substitution is performed randomly, but you can select a specific recipient from the main target, via the Detail icon.
    • Seed addresses: lets you access to seed addresses to be proof target. These addresses can be imported from a file or entered manually.
    • Specific target and Seed addresses: lets you combine seed addresses and addresses from recipient.
  2. After choosing your Targeting mode, add your proof addresses according to it

    In the example below, we choose Definition of a specific proof target, and add a recipient:


  3. Click on the Analyze button.
    Adobe Campaign will perform all the control before validating the send of proof. At the end of the analysis, the Confirm delivery button will be clickable.


  4. To send the proof of your SMS delivery, click on Confirm delivery button.

If all is right at this stage, you can go forward and send your SMS delivery to the audience.
