Get Started with Campaign APIs gs-ac-api

Adobe Campaign comes with a set of Javascript functions which you can use:

  • in Scripts - in Adobe Campaign workflows
  • via APIs - from external systems

You can use JavaScript APIs to write in Campaign cloud database or read from the database:

Note that in its Enterprise (FFDA) deployment, Campaign works with two databases: a local database for the user interface real-time messaging and unitary queries and write through APIs, and a Cloud database for campaign execution, reporting, data ingestion, batch queries and workflow execution.

  • As a Campaign user transitioning from Campaign Standard, you can use REST APIs with Campaign v8. Learn more.

  • Starting Campaign v8.5.1, the authentication process to Campaign v8 changed. Technical operators must use Adobe Identity Management System (IMS) to connect to Campaign. Learn how to migrate your existing technical account(s) in this technote.

  • Adobe Campaign v8 comes with a limit on the throughput (TPS) of our API layer. Breaking the limit leads to standard HTTP error (429). As a Managed Cloud Services user, you can contact Adobe to adapt the throttling for each API.

Prerequisites ac-api-prerequisites

Before using Adobe Campaign APIs, you need to be familliar with the following topics:

  • JavaScript
  • SOAP protocol
  • Adobe Campaign datamodel

In order to use APIs and interact with Adobe Campaign, you also must be familiar with your data model.

You can generate a complete description of your data model. Learn more in this page.

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