Workflow properties workflow-properties

Execution tab execution-tab

The Execution tab of the Properties window in a workflow is broken down into 3 sections:

Scheduler scheduler

This section is only displayed in campaign workflows.

  • Priority

    The workflow engine processes the workflows to be executed based on the priority criterion defined in this field. For instance, all workflows with an Average priority will be executed before those with a Low priority.

  • Schedule execution for a time of low activity

    This option postpones workflow start to a less busy period. Some workflows can be costly in terms of resources for the database engine. We recommend scheduling execution for a time of low activity (at night for instance). Low activity periods are defined in the Processes on campaigns technical workflow.

Execution execution

  • Default affinity

    If your installation includes several workflow servers, use this field to choose the machine which the workflow will be executed on. If the value defined in this field doesn’t exist on any server, the workflow will remain pending.

  • History in days

    The work tables of the database keep a history of executions (tasks, events, log). Here you can define the number of days to be archived for this workflow: the cleanup process will delete the oldest archives once a day. If the value in this field is zero, the archive will never be deleted.

  • Log SQL queries in the journal

    This functionality is reserved for advanced users. It concerns workflows that contain targeting activities (query, union, intersection, etc.). When this option is checked, the SQL queries sent to the database during workflow execution are displayed in Adobe Campaign: this means you can analyze them to optimize queries or diagnose issues.

    Queries are displayed in an SQL logs tab which is added to the workflow (except campaign workflows) and to the Properties activity when the option is enabled. The Audit tab also includes SQL queries.

  • Execute in the engine

    This option may only be used for de-bugging and never in production. When it is enabled, the workflow takes priority and all other workflows are stopped until this one is finished.

  • Enable watchdog supervisor to keep workflow running permanently

    This option forces workflows to automatically restart after an error occurs. When enabled, the restart will check every 30 seconds the status of the workflow and restart it when needed. To adjust the 30 seconds interval, you can create the XtkWorkflow_WatchdogTimerTimeout technical option and use an integer data type to specify the desired delay.

    note note
    This option is aimed at advanced users and should be enabled for technical workflows only.
    It is enabled by default for the centralized replication workflows available with the fullFdaMktpackage.

Error management error-management

  • Troubleshooting

    This field lets you define the actions to be taken if a workflow task has errors. There are two possible options:

    • Stop the process: the workflow is automatically paused. the workflow status changes to Failed. Once the issue is solved, restart the workflow using the Start or Restart buttons.
    • Ignore: the status of the task that triggered the error changes to Failed, but the workflow keeps the Started status. This configuration is relevant for recurring tasks: if the branch includes a scheduler, it will start normally next time the workflow is executed.
  • Consecutive errors

    This field becomes available when the Ignore value is selected in the In case of errors field. You can specify the number of errors that can be ignored before the process is stopped. Once this number is reached, the workflow status changes to Failed. If the value of this field is 0, the workflow will never be stopped regardless of the number of errors.

  • Template

    This field lets you select the notification template to be sent to the workflow supervisors when its status changes to Failed.

    The concerned operators will be notified by email, if there is an email address in their profile. To define workflow supervisors, go to the Supervisor(s) field of the properties (General tab).

    The Notification to a workflow supervisor default template includes a link for accessing the Adobe Campaign client console via the Web so that the recipient can work on the issue once they are logged on.

    To create a personalized template, go to Administration>Campaign management>Technical deliveries and templates.
