Add built-in content blocks ootb-content-blocks

Adobe Campaign offers a list of pre-configured content blocks. These content blocks are dynamic, personalized and have a specific rendering that you can insert into your deliveries. For example, you can add a logo, a greeting message, or a link to a mirror page.

To add a content block into a delivery follow these steps:

  1. Open a delivery and edit its content.

  2. Locate the field where you want to add a content block and click the Open personalization dialog icon to open the expression editor.


  3. In the expression editor, browse to the Content blocks left menu.

  4. To add a content block, place your cursor at the desired location within your content and click the ‘+’ button to insert it.


Built-in content blocks are:

  • Default opt-out banner
  • Enabled by Adobe Campaign: inserts the “Enabled by Adobe Campaign” logo.
  • Formatting function for proper nouns: generates the toSmartCase JavaScript function, which changes the first letter of each word to uppercase.
  • Greetings: inserts greetings with the recipient’s full name, followed by a comma. Example: “Hello John Doe,”.
  • Insert Logo: inserts a logo which is is defined in the instance settings.
  • Link to mirror page: inserts a link to the mirror page. Default format is: “If you are unable to view this message correctly, click here”.
  • Mirror page URL: inserts the mirror page URL, enabling Delivery Designers to check the link.
  • Notification style
  • Offer acceptance URL in unitary mode: inserts an URL enabling to set an offer to Accepted. (This block is available if the Interaction module is enabled)
  • Registration confirmation: inserts a link enabling to confirm subscription.
  • Registration link: inserts a subscription link. This link is defined in the instance settings. The default content is: “To register click here.”
  • Registration link (with referrer): inserts a subscription link, enabling to identify the visitor and delivery. This link is defined in the instance settings.
  • Registration page URL: inserts a subscription URL
  • Social network sharing links
  • Style of content emails and Notification style: generate code which format an email with predefined HTML styles.
  • Unsubscription link: inserts a link enabling to unsubscribe from all deliveries (denylist). The default associated content is: “You are receiving this message because you have been in contact with your organization name or an affiliate. To no longer receive messages from your organization name click here.”
You can define new blocks from Adobe Campaign v8 console that enables you to optimize your deliveries personalization. Learn more in Campaign v8 (client console) documentation.