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Create a trigger in Experience Cloud

Learn how to configure triggers in the Experience cloud.

To create your first trigger, navigate to your Adobe Experience instance. Either select launch from the quick access down here, or select the three by three grid button on the top right of the page and select launch.
Here, you will see a selection of core services installed. Make sure the triggers appear here. Otherwise contact your Adobe administrator. Proceed by selecting manage triggers. This will navigate you to the Adobe Cloud Experience Triggers. Here you will see a list of triggers associated with this instance. Currently you have none. Select the new trigger button on the top right of this page. A dropdown appears with different types of triggers. Firstly, there is the abandonment trigger. This trigger can be used to send transactional data after a session ends when there is certain activity or no activity.
The action trigger sends the message immediately after the behavior occurs.
Session start and end sends the message when the session begins and ends, respectively. A session is usually anywhere from 10 minutes to two hours. Let’s select abandonment.
Give your trigger a friendly name, such as cart abandonment.
Select the report suite that matches the one you’re using for your site.
Within Adobe Analytics, report suites define the complete offset reporting of a chosen website or multiple websites or even a fraction of a website. As an admin, you can define the rules that govern how data is processed in a report suite. More on that in a different video.
You can now drag and drop some metrics you would like to track for your site. These containers here are were you can set and store rules, conditions or filters that define a trigger. To start, we would like to track that a user added items to their cart. You will select the cart additions metric and drag it to our container that says visit must include. This is where you define behaviors you want to occur on the page.
Let’s set the containers condition to exists.
Additionally, there are also behaviors we do not want to occur. If a user adds to cart and makes a purchase, we do not want this trigger to execute. So, we will add another metric called checkouts, which shows the number of times a visitor started the checkout process.
And we will add this to the visit must not include container and set the assertion to exists.
Now we would like to include some metadata coming from analytics to be forwarded on in our trigger. We navigate to this top left panel, select the dimensions tab and scroll to the bottom.
We can see custom insight one and custom insight two, and from launch, we set up the product name to be custom insight one and the cart URL in custom insight two.
So, let’s drag these dimensions into the include metadata container.
If you’re all set, click save when you’re done. - - -