Approve and publish an Experience Manager page to Campaign

Learn how to create a newsletter in Experience Manager and how to approve and publish it to Campaign.


In this video, we’re going to create an email newsletter, edit the content in Adobe Experience Manager, then publish and approve the content for Adobe Campaign.

Let’s start by logging into our AEM publishing instance, followed by selecting the AEM logo. Once complete, select sites from the available option. Next, select Campaigns, your brand, in this case will be using the WeRetail demo brand, main area, and then select the email Campaign you wish to use. After selecting the Campaign, select the Create button located at the top right, followed by selecting Page to create a new page. We are then asked to select a template. I’ll be selecting the Adobe Campaign email, AC 6.1 template, I’ll be selecting the Adobe Campaign email, AC 6.1 template, and name the newsletter Campaign Course Demo Newsletter. You might want a better name for yours. Upon successfully creating your Campaign, you are greeted with a success message and the option to open your newsletter in a new window.

We can edit our newsletter email content using assets and components provided by our design team or leave the design entirely up to them. If you want to learn more about the different components in AEM, visit the Experience Manager documentation.

While building our newsletter in AEM using all the different available components, it’s important to note that we can also personalize our newsletter by taking advantage of our Campaign data. Ultimately, our newsletter is going to be synchronized and sent using Campaign. This means we can use our Campaign data, such as names, titles, addresses and more, in our AEM newsletter. For example, as you can see, this newsletter utilizes the first name field in Campaign to add a little personalization. Hopping over to Campaign, we can see that when creating an ordinary email, we have access to Campaign data fields. If we were to select recipient, then first name from the dropdown, the HTML is populated in the body of the email. Using an example recipient in the preview, we can confirm that this HTML pulls our recipient’s first name. Any personalized Campaign HTML content can therefore be added to the AEM newsletter.

Once we finish editing the newsletter content, we need to publish and approve our workflow. If we try to use content that has not been approved, Campaign will provide a warning when synchronizing content. Additionally, this process makes sure the content within the email has been approved and reviewed by required individuals in your organization.

Once approved, the content can be published in a similar matter.

Let’s start by selecting the page information button to the top left, then select Start Workflow. In the first dropdown, select Approve for Adobe Campaign. Then select Start Workflow. A blue bar at the top of a page appears with a disclaimer. If you are an administrator or have the privileges to approve the newsletter, you will have the complete option. Otherwise, a notification is sent to users who have permissions to approve.

Once the newsletter has been approved for Adobe Campaign, the status is updated to approved. After getting our newsletter approved, we need to publish it to Adobe Campaign. Once again, select page information and Start Workflow. Then in the dropdown, select Publish to Campaign, followed by Start Workflow.

Once the page has been published, the status updates again.

With our newsletter review and approval complete, you should now have the content available in Adobe Campaign. Once a newsletter is synced with a Campaign delivery workflow, an additional linked status is displayed with the delivery name. In the next video, we’ll show you how to create and synchronize our newsletter delivery in Adobe Campaign. Thanks for watching. . -
