Migrate a Linux platform to Campaign v7 migrating-in-linux-for-adobe-campaign-v

Migration steps in Linux are as follows:

  1. Stop all services - Learn more.
  2. Save the database - Learn more.
  3. Uninstall previous Adobe Campaign version packages - Learn more.
  4. Migrate the platform - Learn more.
  5. Re-start service - Learn more.

Service stop service-stop

First, stop all processes with access to the database on all machines concerned.

  1. Log in as root.

  2. All servers which use the redirection module (webmdl service) need to be stopped. For Apache, run the following command:

    code language-none
    /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
  3. Log in again as root.

  4. Stop Adobe Campaign previous version services on all servers.

    code language-none
    /etc/init.d/nlserver6 stop
  5. Make sure Adobe Campaign services are stopped on each server.

    code language-none
    ps waux | grep nlserver

    The list of active processes is displayed along with their ID (PID).

  6. If one or more Adobe Campaign processes are still active or blocked after a few minutes, kill them.

    code language-none
    killall nlserver
  7. If some processes are still active after a few minutes, you can force them to close using the command:

    code language-none
    killall -9 nlserver

Back up your database back-up-the-database

  1. Make a backup of the Adobe Campaign database.

  2. Log in as neolane and make a backup of the nl6 directory using the following command:

    code language-none
    su - neolane
    mv nl6 nl6.back
    note important
    As a precaution, we recommend that you zip the nl6.back folder and save it to a secure location other than the server.

Uninstall Adobe Campaign previous version packages uninstalling-adobe-campaign-previous-version-packages

This section shows how to uninstall Adobe Campaign v6.1 packages.

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Identify the Adobe Campaign packages installed using the following command.

    • In Debian:

      code language-none
      dpkg -l | grep nl

      The list of installed packages is displayed:

      code language-none
      ii  nlserver6                       XXXX                     nlserver6-XXXX
      ii  nlthirdparty6                   XXXX                     nlthirdparty6-XXXX
    • In Red Hat:

      code language-none
      rpm -qa | grep nl
  3. Uninstall Adobe Campaign v6 packages.

    • In Debian:

      code language-none
      dpkg --purge nlserver6 nlthirdparty6
    • In Red Hat:

      code language-none
      rprm -ev nlserver6 nlthirdparty6

Deploy Adobe Campaign v7 deploying-adobe-campaign-v7

Here is the procedure to deploy v7.

Deploying Adobe Campaign involves two stages:

  • Installing Adobe Campaign v7 packages: this operation must be performed on each server.
  • The post upgrade: this command must be started on each instance.

To deploy Adobe Campaign, apply the following steps:

  1. Install the most recent Adobe Campaign v7 packages using the following command:

    • In Debian:

      code language-none
      dpkg -i nlserver6-XXXX-amd64_debX.deb
    • In Red Hat:

      code language-none
      rpm -Uvh nlserver6-XXXX-x86_64_rhX.rpm
    note important
    You must install the packages successfully before going on to the next step.
    note note
    Adobe Campaign v7 is installed in the /usr/local/neolane/nl6/ directory by default.
  2. To make the client console installation program available, copy it into the Adobe Campaign installation directory:

    code language-none
    cp setup-client-7.0.XXXX.exe /usr/local/neolane/nl6/datakit/nl/eng/jsp
    note note
    For more on how to install Adobe Campaign in Linux, refer to this section.
  3. Go to the nl6.back backup folder and copy (overwrite) the configuration files and sub-folders of each instance. Log in as neolane and run the following command:

    code language-none
    su - neolane
    cp nl6.back/conf/config*.xml nl6/conf/
    cp nl6.back/customer.sh nl6/
    cp -r nl6.back/customers/* nl6/customers/
    cp -r nl6.back/var/* nl6/var/
  4. Reload the Adobe Campaign v7 configuration using the following command:

    code language-none
    nlserver config -reload
  5. Start the postupgrade process using the following command (still as neolane):

    code language-none
    su - neolane
    nlserver config -postupgrade -instance:<instance name>

Re-start services re-starting-services

Here is the procedure to restart services.

Start Apache and Adobe Campaign services on each of the following servers:

  1. Tracking and redirection server.
  2. Mid-sourcing server.
  3. Marketing server.

Fully test the new installation, check that it does not regress and make sure that everything is working correctly.
