Filter duplicated recipients filtering-duplicated-recipients

In this example, we want to filter recipients who appear twice or more in a delivery in order to recover duplicated profiles.

To create this example, apply the following steps:

  1. Drag and drop a Query activity in a workflow and open the activity.

  2. Click Edit query and set the target and filtering dimensions to Recipients.

  3. Define the following filter condition to target recipient who exist in the delivery log. Choose Recipient delivery log (broadlog) in the Expression column, choose exist such as in the Operator column.

  4. Define the following filter condition to target your delivery. Choose Internal name in the Expression column and equal to in the Operator column.

  5. In the value column, add the internal name of the targeted delivery.

  6. With an AND operator, repeat the same operations to target other deliveries.

Your outbound transition contains the duplicate recipients targeted in the deliveries.
