Fix console login errors

Learn how to fix errors encountered during console login

Hello, everyone. In this video, we will discuss about; not able to log into console on-premise infrastructure. Sometimes when the user tries to log in using the credentials, the following message pops up. Saying, " An error occurred during the SOAP core". When the web logs the same were checked. It was observed that the temp space was unavailable because of which the login has been disabled. For this, the database cleanup needs to be done. To perform the database cleanup, in the Explorer tab, move to the administrator option, click on the production option and then choose technical workflows. Click on the database cleanup option. This lets you delete obsolete data from the database. After clicking on the option, choose the scheduler option. Which lets you trigger the workflow according to your time. By default it is set at 4:00 AM every day. Click on the change option, make the changes and save it. As an impact, the database cleanup performs a vacuum so it should be done in the offline. You can also see the database cleanup workflow article on Experience League. Thank you for watching. -