Filter a Fallout Report Using the Request Wizard
Describes the steps involved in applying filters to a fallout report.
This example shows the Page Fallout report.
In Adobe Report Builder, click Create to open the Request Wizard.
Select the right report suite.
In the tree view on the left, select Paths > Page > Page Fallout.
Configure the appropriate date ranges.
Click Next.
In Step 2 of the Wizard, under Row Labels, click the Define Checkpoints link. (In a fallout report, you always have to define path elements, unlike in a path report, where a pattern is pre-applied.)
Select the Filter option.
In the Define Site Section Fallout Checkpoints dialog, define checkpoints from a range of cells or from a list. Then click OK.
Decide whether to select from a range of cells or from a list.
If you select from a list, click Add to select checkpoints to add to the fallout path. You can define between 3 and 8 checkpoints. (Search for available elements by clicking More.)
For more information on refining the filter, see Filter Dimensions. 1. Move Available Elements from the left column to the right by selecting them and clicking the orange arrow.
Click OK three times, then click Finish.
The report should refresh now.