Troubleshoot Automated Forms Conversion Service (AFCS)

The document provides basic troubleshooting steps for common errors.

Common errors commonerrors

Error Message
The access token header is not available.

An administrator has created multiple IMS configurations or IMS configuration is not able to reach AFCS service on Adobe Cloud.

If there are multiple configurations, delete all the configurations and create a new configuration.
If there is a single configuration, use Health Check to check connectivity.
The access token header is not available
Error Message
Unable to connect to the service.

Incorrect service URL or no service URL is mentioned in Automated Forms Conversion Service (AFCS) cloud services.

Correct Service URL in Automated Forms Conversion Service (AFCS) Cloud services.
Unable to connect to the service.
Error Message
The service failed to convert the form.

Network connectivity issues at your end, the service is down due to scheduled maintenance, or outage on Adobe Cloud.

Resolve network connectivity issues at your end and check the status of the service on for a planned or unplanned outage.
Unable to connect to the service.
Error Message
The number of pages is more than 15.

The source form is more than 15 pages long.

Use Adobe Acrobat to split forms with more than 15 pages. Bring the number of pages in a form to less than 15.
Unable to connect to the service.
Error Message
The number of files is more than 15.

The folder contains more than 15 forms.

Bring the number of forms in a folder to less than or equal to 15. Bring the total number of pages in a folder less than 50. Bring the size of the folder to less than 10 MB. Do not keep forms in a sub-folder. Organize source forms into a batch of 8-15 forms.
Unable to connect to the service.
Error Message
The source file format is not supported.

The folder containing source forms have some unsupported files.

The service supports only .xdp and .pdf files. Remove files with any other extension from the folder and run the conversion.
Unable to connect to the service.
Error Message
Scanned forms are not supported.

The PDF form contains only scanned images of the form and contains no content structure.

The service does not support converting scanned forms or an image of a form to an adaptive out-of-the-box. However, you use Adobe Acrobat to convert the image of a form to a PDF Form. Then, use the service to convert the PDF Form to an adaptive form. Always use a high-quality image of the form for conversion in Acrobat. It improves the quality of the conversion.
Unable to connect to the service.
Error Message
Encrypted PDF form is not supported.

The folder contains encrypted PDF forms.

The service does not support converting an encrypted PDF form to an adaptive form. Remove the encryption, upload the non-encrypted form, and run the conversion.
Unable to connect to the service.
Error Message
Unable to parse meta-model JSON schema.

The JSON schema supplied to the service is not properly formatted, contains invalid characters, or uses invalid syntax to map components.

Check the formatting of the JSON file. You can use any online JSON validator to check the formatting and structure of the schema. See, Extend the default meta-model article for information on meta-model syntax.
Unable to connect to the service.
Error (On-premise environments only)
The Source Language option does not list the correct language of an Adaptive Form.

The jcr:language property of the adaptive form is not set correctly.

Open CRX-DE lite, navigate to /content/forms/af/, open the jcr:content node, and set value of the node to the correct language. For the list of supported languages, see Add localization support for non-supported locales.
Unable to connect to the service.