HR document workflows in Java
- Topics:
- Use Cases
- Intermediate
- Developer
Many businesses require documentation around a new hire, such as workplace agreements for work-from-home employees. Traditionally, businesses managed these documents physically in forms that are difficult to manage and store. When switching to electronic documents, PDF files are an ideal choice because they are more secure and less modifiable than other file types. Plus, they support digital signatures.
What you can learn
In this hands-on tutorial, learn how to implement a web-based HR form that saves a workplace agreement to PDF with sign-off in a simple Java Spring MVC application.
Relevant APIs and resources
Generating API credentials
Start by signing up for the Adobe PDF Services API free trial. Go to the Adobe website and click the Get Started button under Create New Credentials. The free trial provides 1,000 Document Transactions that can be used over six months. On the next page (see below), choose the service (PDF Services API), set the credentials name (for example, HRDocumentWFCredentials), and enter a description.
Select the language (Java for this example) and check Create personalized code samples. The last step ensures that code samples already contain the prepopulated pdftools-api-credentials.json file you use, along with the private key to authenticate your app within the API.
Finally, click the Create Credentials button. This generates the credentials and the samples automatically begin downloading.
To ensure that the credentials are working, open the downloaded samples. Here, you are using IntelliJ IDEA. When you open the source code, the integrated development environment (IDE) asks for the build engine. Maven is used in this sample, but you can also work with Gradle, depending on your preferences.
Next, execute the mvn clean install
Maven goal to build the jar files.
Finally, run the CombinePDF sample, as shown below. The code generates the PDF within the output folder.
Creating the Spring MVC application
Given the credentials you then create the application. This example uses Spring Initializr.
First, configure the project settings to use the Java 8 language and Jar packaging (see screenshot below).
Second, add Spring Web (from Web) and Thymeleaf (from Template Engines):
After creating the project, go to the pom.xml file, and supplement the dependencies section with pdftools-sdk and log4j-slf4j-impl:
Then, supplement the root folder of your project with two files you downloaded with the sample code:
Rendering a Web Form
To render the web form, modify the application with the controller that renders the personal data form and handle posting the form. So, first modify the application with the PersonForm model class:
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
public class PersonForm {
@Size(min=2, max=30)
private String firstName;
@Size(min=2, max=30)
private String lastName;
public String getFirstName() {
return this.firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return this.lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public String GetFullName() {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
This class contains two properties: firstName
and lastName
. Also, use this simple validation to check if they are between two and 30 characters.
Given the model class, you can create the controller (see from the companion code):
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import javax.validation.Valid;
public class PersonController {
public String showForm(PersonForm personForm) {
return "form";
The controller has only one method: showForm. It is responsible for rendering the form using the HTML template located in resources/templates/form.html:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div class="w3-container">
<h1>HR Department</h1>
<form class="w3-panel w3-card-4" action="#" th:action="@{/}"
th:object="${personForm}" method="post">
<h2>Personal data</h2>
<td>First Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" class="w3-input"
placeholder="First name" th:field="*{firstName}" /></td>
<td class="w3-text-red" th:if="${#fields.hasErrors('firstName')}"
<td>Last Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" class="w3-input"
placeholder="Last name" th:field="*{lastName}" /></td>
<td class="w3-text-red" th:if="${#fields.hasErrors('lastName')}"
<td><button class="w3-button w3-black" type="submit">Submit</button></td>
To render dynamic content, the Thymeleaf template rendering engine is employed. So, after running the application, you should see the following:
Generating the PDF with dynamic content
Now, generate the PDF document containing the virtual contract by dynamically populating selected fields after rendering the personal data form. Specifically, you must populate the person data into the pre-created contract.
Here, for simplicity, you have only a header, a subheader, and a string constant reading: “This contract was prepared for <full name of the person>”.
To achieve this goal, start with Adobe’s Create a PDF from Dynamic HTML example. By analyzing that sample code, you see that the process of dynamic HTML field population works as follows.
First, you must prepare the HTML page, which has static and dynamic content. The dynamic part is updated using JavaScript. Namely, the PDF Services API injects the JSON object into your HTML.
You then get the JSON properties using the JavaScript function that is invoked when the HTML document loads. This JavaScript function updates the selected DOM elements. Here is the example that populates the span element, holding the person’s data (see src\main\resources\contract\index.html of the companion code):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<body onload="updateFullName()">
<script src="./json.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function updateFullName()
var document = window.document;
document.getElementById("personFullName").innerHTML = String(
<div class="w3-container ">
<h1>HR Department</h1>
<h2>Contract details</h2>
<p>This contract was prepared for:
<strong><span id="personFullName"></span></strong>
Then, you must zip the HTML with all dependent JavaScript and CSS files. The PDF Services API does not accept HTML files. Instead, it requires a zip file as the input. In this case, you store the zipped file in src\main\resources\contract\
Afterward, you can supplement the PersonController
with another method that handles POST requests:
public String checkPersonInfo(@Valid PersonForm personForm,
BindingResult bindingResult) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
return "form";
return "contract-actions";
The above method creates a PDF contract using the provided personal data and renders the contract-actions view. The latter provides links to the generated PDF and for signing the PDF.
Now, let’s see how the CreateContract
method works (the full listing is below). The method relies on two fields:
, from log4j, to debug information about any exceptions -
, containing the file path to the generated PDF
The CreateContract
method sets up the credentials and creates the PDF from HTML. To pass and populate the person’s data in the contract, use the setCustomOptionsAndPersonData
helper. This method retrieves the person’s data from the form, then sends it to the generated PDF through the JSON object explained above.
Also, setCustomOptionsAndPersonData
shows how to control PDF appearance by disabling the header and footer. Once these steps are complete, you save the PDF file to output/contract.pdf and eventually delete the previously generated file.
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PersonController.class);
private String contractFilePath = "output/contract.pdf";
private void CreateContract(PersonForm personForm) {
try {
// Initial setup, create credentials instance.
Credentials credentials = Credentials.serviceAccountCredentialsBuilder()
//Create an ExecutionContext using credentials
//and create a new operation instance.
ExecutionContext executionContext = ExecutionContext.create(credentials);
CreatePDFOperation htmlToPDFOperation = CreatePDFOperation.createNew();
// Set operation input from a source file.
FileRef source = FileRef.createFromLocalFile(
// Provide any custom configuration options for the operation
// You pass person data here to dynamically fill out the HTML
setCustomOptionsAndPersonData(htmlToPDFOperation, personForm);
// Execute the operation.
FileRef result = htmlToPDFOperation.execute(executionContext);
// Save the result to the specified location. Delete previous file if exists
File file = new File(contractFilePath);
} catch (ServiceApiException | IOException |
SdkException | ServiceUsageException ex) {
LOGGER.error("Exception encountered while executing operation", ex);
private static void setCustomOptionsAndPersonData(
CreatePDFOperation htmlToPDFOperation, PersonForm personForm) {
//Set the dataToMerge field that needs to be populated
//in the HTML before its conversion
JSONObject dataToMerge = new JSONObject();
dataToMerge.put("personFullName", personForm.GetFullName());
// Set the desired HTML-to-PDF conversion options.
CreatePDFOptions htmlToPdfOptions = CreatePDFOptions.htmlOptionsBuilder()
When generating the contract, you can also merge the dynamic, person-specific data with fixed contract terms. To do so, follow the Create a PDF from static HTML example. Alternatively, you can merge two PDFs.
Presenting the PDF file for download
You can now present the link to the generated PDF for the user to download. To do so, first create the contract-actions.html file (see resources/templates contract-actions.html of the companion code):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div class="w3-container ">
<h1>HR Department</h1>
<h2>Contract file</h2>
<p>Click <a href="/pdf">here</a> to download your contract</p>
Then, you implement the downloadContract
method within the PersonController
class as follows:
public void downloadContract(HttpServletResponse response)
Path file = Paths.get(contractFilePath);
"Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=contract.pdf");
Files.copy(file, response.getOutputStream());
catch (IOException ex)
After running the app, you get the following flow. The first screen shows the personal data form. To test, fill it with any values between two and 30 characters:
After clicking the Submit button, the form validates and the PDF generates based on the HTML (resources/contract/index.html). The application displays another view (contract-details), where you can download the PDF:
The PDF, after rendering in the web browser, looks as follows. Namely, the personal data you entered are propagated to the PDF:
Enabling signatures and security
When the agreement is ready, Adobe Sign can add digital signatures representing approval. Adobe Sign authentication works a little differently than OAuth. Let’s now see how to integrate the application with Adobe Sign. To do so, you must prepare the access token for your application. Then, you write the client code using Adobe Sign Java SDK.
To obtain an authorization token, you must perform several steps:
First, register a developer account.
Create the CLIENT application in the Adobe Sign portal.
Configure OAuth for the application as described here and here. Note your client identifier and client secret. Then, you can use
as the Redirect URI and the following scopes:
user_login: self
agreement_read: account
agreement_write: account
agreement_send: account
Prepare a URL as follows using your client ID in place of <CLIENT_ID>:
Type the above URL in your web browser. You are redirected to and the code is displayed in the address bar as code=<YOUR_CODE>, for
Note the values given for <YOUR_CODE> and api_access_point.
To send an HTTP POST request that provides you with the access token, use the client ID, <YOUR_CODE>, and api_access_point values. You can use Postman or cURL:
curl --location --request POST "https://****/oauth/token"
\--data-urlencode "client_secret=**\<CLIENT_SECRET\>**" \\
\--data-urlencode "client_id=**\<CLIENT_ID\>**" \\
\--data-urlencode "code=**\<YOUR_CODE\>**" \\
\--data-urlencode "redirect_uri=****" \\
\--data-urlencode "grant_type=authorization_code"
The sample response looks as follows:
Note your access_token. You need it to authorize your client code.
Using the Adobe Sign Java SDK
Once you have the access token, you can send REST API calls to Adobe Sign. To simplify this process, use Adobe Sign Java SDK. The source code is available at the Adobe GitHub repository.
To integrate this package with your application, you must clone the code. Then, create the Maven package (mvn package) and install the following files into the project (you can find them in the companion code in the adobe-sign-sdk folder):
In IntelliJ IDEA, you can add those files as dependencies using Project Structure (File/Project Structure).
Sending the PDF for signature
You are now ready to send the agreement for signing. To do so, first supplement the contract-details.html with another hyperlink to the send request:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div class="w3-container ">
<h1>HR Department</h1>
<h2>Contract file</h2>
<p>Click <a href="/pdf"> here</a> to download your contract</p>
Then, you add another controller, AdobeSignController
, in which you implement sendContractMethod
(see companion code). The method works as follows:
First, it uses ApiClient
to obtain the API endpoint.
ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();
//Default baseUrl to make GET /baseUris API call.
String baseUrl = "";
String endpointUrl = "/api/rest/v6";
apiClient.setBasePath(baseUrl + endpointUrl);
// Provide an OAuth Access Token as "Bearer access token" in authorization
String authorization = "Bearer ";
// Get the baseUris for the user and set it in apiClient.
BaseUrisApi baseUrisApi = new BaseUrisApi(apiClient);
BaseUriInfo baseUriInfo = baseUrisApi.getBaseUris(authorization);
apiClient.setBasePath(baseUriInfo.getApiAccessPoint() + endpointUrl);
Then, the method uses the contract.pdf file to create the transient document:
// Get PDF file
String filePath = "output/";
String fileName = "contract.pdf";
File file = new File(filePath + fileName);
String mimeType = "application/pdf";
//Get the id of the transient document.
TransientDocumentsApi transientDocumentsApi =
new TransientDocumentsApi(apiClient);
TransientDocumentResponse response = transientDocumentsApi.createTransientDocument(authorization,
file, null, null, fileName, mimeType);
String transientDocumentId = response.getTransientDocumentId();
Next, you must create an agreement. To do so, use the contract.pdf file and set the agreement state to IN_PROCESS to send the file immediately. Also, you choose the electronic signature:
// Create AgreementCreationInfo
AgreementCreationInfo agreementCreationInfo = new AgreementCreationInfo();
// Add file
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo();
// Set state to IN_PROCESS, so the agreement is be sent immediately
Next, you add agreement recipients as follows. Here you are adding two recipients (see Employee and Manager sections):
// Provide emails of recipients to whom agreement is be sent
// Employee
ParticipantSetInfo participantSetInfo = new ParticipantSetInfo();
ParticipantSetMemberInfo participantSetMemberInfo = new ParticipantSetMemberInfo();
// Manager
participantSetInfo = new ParticipantSetInfo();
participantSetMemberInfo = new ParticipantSetMemberInfo();
Finally, send out the agreement using the createAgreement
method from the Adobe Sign Java SDK:
// Create agreement using the transient document.
AgreementsApi agreementsApi = new AgreementsApi(apiClient);
AgreementCreationResponse agreementCreationResponse = agreementsApi.createAgreement(
authorization, agreementCreationInfo, null, null);
System.out.println("Agreement sent, ID: " + agreementCreationResponse.getId());
After running this code, you receive an email (to the address specified in the code as <email_address>)
with the agreement signature request. The email contains the hyperlink, which directs recipients to the Adobe Sign portal to perform signing. You see the document in your Adobe Sign Developer Portal (see figure below) and you can also track the signature process programmatically using the getAgreementInfo method.
Finally, you can also password-protect your PDF using PDF Services API as shown in these examples.
Next steps
As you can see, by leveraging the quickstarts, you can implement a simple web form to create an approved PDF in Java with Adobe PDF Services API. Adobe PDF APIs integrate into your existing client applications seamlessly.
Taking the example further, you can create forms recipients can sign remotely and securely. When you require multiple signatures, you can even automatically route forms to a series of people in a workflow. Your employee onboarding is improved and your HR department will love you.
Check out Adobe Acrobat Services to add a multitude of PDF capabilities to your applications today.