Adding tables and list tags

Learn how to add tables and list tags to Microsoft Word templates using Adobe Document Generation Tagger to dynamically add table or list rows based on data using Adobe Document Generation API.

Adobe Document Generation API, allows you to merge lists of data into your documents. These can be for example, a list of products and a table, or a list of items in a bulleted list. In your data, you must have an array of items to include. For example here, we can see we have a list of products, that have information related to them.
To add a table to our template, go to advanced, and expand tables and lists. In the table records field, choose your table. The field will only list records, that are raised in your data. In select column records, choose fields you want to add as table columns. Then click insert table. You can now restyle your table to meet your needs. When the document is generated through the Adobe Document Generation API, additional rows will be created for every item, in the data array. Similarly, you can also create a list of items as bulleted lists or a numbered list. Select list, choose either a bulleted list or a numbered list. Then type to select the field to put in the list.
And click insert list. You will now see a bulleted list wrapped around with tags. Let’s understand the tags placed in the document a little better. A repeating section tag signifies that everything between the starting and ending tag, will be repeated. The tag pass specifies where on the data, it will get the list records. - -