Set default proof roles

The first default setting to complete is determining a default proof role that will be assigned when new users are created or people open a proof.

Proof roles determine what a user is able to do with a proof—just look at it, make comments, approve it, etc. Workfront recommends that proof role defaults be set for all users, to make adding recipients to proofs and setting up workflows quicker and easier.

Proof roles can be selected when uploading a proof

However, this default proof role can be changed as individual proofs are uploaded, ensuring everyone is able to fulfill the role required of them in the review and approval process.

Set default proof roles

  1. Select Setup from the Main Menu.
  2. Select Review & Approval from the left menu.
  3. Click the button next to the desired default proof role for both new Workfront users and guest proof users for “designated recipients” — anyone who is added to the proof workflow, either manually or through a workflow template.
  4. Click the button next to the desired default proof role for both new Workfront users and guest proof users for “non-recipient” users. These are generally Workfront users who have access to a proof but aren’t one of the people assigned to the workflow.
  5. Save the changes.

Review and Approval settings in Workfront

Consider what most of your users and guests will be expected to do when they are added to a proofing workflow. This should be your default.

Best Practices

Best Practice
Here’s why
Use only Read Only or Reviewer for the “Roles for non-recipients that open a document proof” setting in Workfront.
The other options for this setting all require a proof decision be made, which can derail your proofing workflow. Generally, people who are not added to the proof workflow just need to view the proof or make comments, not actually approve the proof, so the Read Only or Reviewer options are your best bet.

Note: This setting is found in the Workfront Main Menu > Setup > Review and Approval.