Understand Brand Connect notifications

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • View in-app notifications
  • Modify your notification settings
  • Create an address book
Now one last thing I want to show you today and that is how to modify the notifications that you’re receiving in WorkFront Dam. So as you get notifications, this little bell will get a number next to it letting you know that you’ve got something. And, as you can see here, it’s letting me know that downloads are ready.
I can view all, I can go back, I can see a history of all of those if I need to. I can even click this again. If I want to download the same thing that I downloaded on June 13th, I can click it again and it will generate the download for me again, okay. But let me show you how to modify your notification setting. So under your profile information, okay, you’ve got your basic stuff, your avatar photo, your username and password, your address, company information. But down at the very bottom there is an Account Settings area. So if I hit Notification Settings, this is where I can modify when I’m going to be getting those WorkFront Dam notifications. So the first section. Notify me when the following changes occur to watched assets, okay. And that’s the key here with these Dam notifications, is you’re not going to get a notification out of the Dam unless you’re watching the asset, unless you’re watching the lightbox, okay. So that’s good because that means you’re not going to get just spammed every time somebody moves something, or creates it, or expires it. It’s only going to be the things you’re interested in, the things you’re watching, okay. So you can see here all of the different options, all the different actions that are taken. And you can get an alert here in WorkFront Dam, or you can have an email sent, or both, okay. So you get to pick through there.
The next section is Notify me when the following changes occur to watched lightboxes, okay. So a lightbox is updated. So, basically, that means an asset is added to it, updated, or removed, okay. This would be good. I’m watching that Seattle lightbox because Kendall and Greg aren’t going to work on it with me. So I’ll get notifications when they do something to it, okay. Now this line right here, the window actually has the wrong language in it. I actually pointed this out back in June, actually, to WebDAM and doesn’t look like they’ve changed it yet. But this should say Notify me when the following changes occur to assets, okay.
And if I uploaded the asset, I downloaded the asset, I would get a notification if anything happened to it, or I can, actually, watch all assets, okay. Now I never check any of these because that would just flood me with emails, okay. If somebody downloads an asset that I uploaded, I personally don’t care, okay.
If I uploaded something, I don’t need to follow it. So I never check these options, but I can understand there might be situations that you would want to do that.
Now don’t forget to save your settings there when you’re done. Couple other things you can do here. It looks like I, on my region and language here, okay, I need to change my date format, okay. So this Region and Language will let you pick your timezone, pick your language. You’ll notice we do have a limited number of languages there, okay. Time Format, Short Date Format, Long Date Format. But it looks like my Short Date Format has the day first, which, you know, I work in the United States. I need that month first there, so I’m going to go ahead and change that. You can even pick the day of the week that the week starts on. I know some places do Sundays, some places do Monday. So just up to you, okay.
Little bit more there in the profile information. Download History, okay. You can see the download IDs, how many assets, when the download was done, and then you can also create yourself an address book. So if you are emailing links or emailing downloads to people outside of WorkFront Dam, people who don’t have logins, you can add them to your address book. Now they’ll get added automatically once you type 'em in the first time, but if you want to go ahead and do some setups in here, okay, I could go ahead and add Cory in here just so that he’s in there and I can use him later if I need to, okay.
Of course, don’t forget to save your profile settings when you are done, okay.
Okay, so what we have learned today, in just less than an an hour here, just barely under an hour, is we’ve learned how to find our assets in the WorkFront Dam Brand portal, or the Brand Connect. We’ve learned how we can download 'em. We’ve learned to create lightboxes so that we can gather things together. We can share the lightboxes, we can share the assets, okay.
Now for those of you who are in the middle of your implementation, you may need to go back to your consultant, see if there’s anything that they need you to do. But if you’re going live, then after today’s class jump into your company’s Brand Connect. Start searching, start downloading, start making those lightboxes.
Now just one more note on the course manual. There are a couple appendices in the course manual that have those advanced searching tips in it. Have a little bit more detailed information about the times, and settings, and the address book. So be sure to check those out if needed.
So that is what I have for you today. Well, I thank all of you for joining me today on this WorkFront Dam Brand Connect user training. You are good to go. -