Create brand guidelines in Brand Connect

In this video, you will learn:

  • What brand guidelines are
  • How to create a brand guidelines page in Brand Connect
Next, we’re going to take a look at our guidelines, okay? This is where we’re going to get into brand guidelines. Now, what exactly are brand guidelines, you guys? Brand guidelines are going to be really rules that explain how your organization’s brand works.
So guidelines for using logos or colors or fonts. So if you have like a preset font that your company always uses for documentation, you have specific logos that you use, if you have your specific colors, this is where we’re going to set our brand guidelines.
This will also provide a link in the top navigation bar. You can put a widget for this on the homepage if you want to. And you can have multiple brand guidelines, so maybe different ones for different departments maybe. And you can see here that we’re currently using two and it has an infinite number. The infinity number of our guidelines.
So if we wanted to create one, we could add a link here and we could enter a title.
I don’t know, what are some of the… Let’s just call this again, let’s call this New Style.
And we’ll go ahead and add that.
Okay, so there’s New Style. So it’s our brand guideline. We can click Edit right here to go in to set brand guidelines. And here’s where we can do this. Make some changes. So currently, we have our brand overview or we can manage our sections here, okay? So we can click manage and here’s where we can put in our overview. Or if you want to rename it or if you want to move where this is at. So I can click move and drag it around and move things.
I can delete this one if I don’t want to use a brand overview. There’s manage. So if I click manage, you can see things like Publish settings for section brand overview. So publish all groups with access or just publish to specific groups. And if you choose that one, then you can choose which groups you’re going to have access to this particular brand.
Under our sections icon, so if you want to change the icon that it looks like you can change the way it looks. Okay? Okay, there’s our brand story. Again, you can do the same thing for all of these. Kind of have that same option.
The little plus sign here is we can add a new section. So if you want to have a subsection of our brand overview, you can give it a name, choose the section icon the way that you want it to look. Click Save. So we can really kind of customize what we see here. Okay.
I can go ahead and click back. And here’s where we’re going to edit our content. Okay? So if I edit the content, I’m going to click on it. And here’s what we’re going to save for our brand overview.
In the title, you can choose how you want it to look. So standard font text. So you can underline it, you can add like a description.
So you can add a description box. Boom, drag it over here. And then you’re going to click to edit your description of this. See dos and don’ts when you’re using your brand guideline or your brand information. Maybe images that you can use again. So you can click plus and then you can have a carousel. Or if you just want to add some images. So we can go ahead and click on that and we can edit it, add those images as we need.
We can open up our different resources.
Okay, so again, these are just widgets that we’re going to use to kind of design each of these pages.
So we can say, I’m going to use that one. So drag it over. Right click to edit, fonts. You can choose the layout. So if you want to move it around or do anything, resize it. You can say discard the draft and it’ll get rid of it. And then you can also choose like your color palette. So the colors that you can use for your brand guidelines.
So again, I can click on that, see, drag and drop that over. And then we can select the color and say these are the colors that you can use for your brand.
Or just add. So again, same thing. So if you know the hexadecimal code, I think that’s cayenne, magenta, yellow and I don’t know what K means, but maybe you guys know. But again, some options, RGB, PMS, and then you can auto update values if you need to. Give it a name. Select the color.
Oh, K is black. Thanks, guys. I can never remember that one. I know all the other ones but black was the one that escaped my mind. Thank you.
But there, we can add our color schemes and again, our color palettes to what we’re going to use. Again, we’re setting the brand guidelines. Now, none of these pages, anything that you make, any adjustments that you do here, the users until you choose publish.
Now, under Publish, you’ll see that we can Publish just this section that we’ve done or you can publish all of them.
So you can publish each page. Is it completed? Or if you wanted to wait, you can do a Publish All all at once. So it’s like a mass push.
And then once these are published, changes that you make are being made in real time. So if you come in here and you make any adjustments, you make any changes, it’ll push it immediately to your guidelines, to your brand portal. All happening in real time.
I’m going to go ahead and hit back. I’m going to hit exit. And if we have like a guideline that we’re no longer using, again, you can delete it and it will delete everything about that section that you have created.
All right, so there we go.
A couple other things that we want to take a look at here as we’re looking at our brand portal, as our guidelines. We’ve looked at login, creating our brand guidelines.
There are just some, again some additional things that we might want to consider.
For us personally, it’s again just to kind of ask yourself those questions.
How do we want to have information look? How do we want our users to access it? Really create this to be unique for your users. And again, if you have more than one brand portal, keep in mind that you can customize this individually. You don’t have to… It’s not being one for all. You can create them unique.
And these are going to be our brand guidelines.
Now, once we have this all set up and we’ve published everything that’s going to determine what’s going to show up right in our brand portal. If I had made any changes, I could refresh this and it would all happen in real time. Everyone would be able to see it in real time and it would be published here in our brand portal.
So things that I want you to do going forward, again, think about the look and feel of your brand portal, colors, logos, design, customization, whatever you guys want to do. That’s going to be like your next step. And before you even take any further classes or before you look at doing some of the other courses or the user classes, make sure that you work on your brand portal setups. Work on any other DAM proper setups that are going to be remaining, things that you might need to consider, like your metadata, your keywords, your schema. And then start defining your deployment plan. How are you going to now roll this out to your users? Have you created the necessary folders and the groups and you have the structure in place to start rolling this out? And then maybe even schedule some training for your pilot users who’s going to be first using this for our user classes and really do whatever else your consultant tells you to do.
All right, guys, and that will take us through the end of our training. And you guys have a great day. -