Understand built-in task filters

In this video, you will:

  • Review built-in task filters to see how they’re built
  • Learn about some useful task reporting elements
  • Learn how to create your own task filter
In this video, you will learn to review built-in task filters to see how they’re built, learn about some useful task reporting elements, and learn how to create your own task filter. Why is it important to understand how a filter is set up and what the filter is showing you? Here are some reasons to understand what the filter does and why the results are showing in the list and to help identify why something isn’t showing up in the results list. You can’t always tell by the name alone. For example, you may think that the active tasks filter shows you all the incomplete tasks in a project but there are some additional filter rules in there that you should know about. This reads as the handoff date is less than midnight tonight. Handoff date is a date calculated by the system to show when a task becomes available for work. Task, Percent Complete, Less Than 100, This is another way of saying that this task is not complete. Using the percent complete avoids a potential problem That results from using statuses to check for task completeness.
Task, Status, Not Equal, Complete will filter out any task with a status of complete. However, it will not filter out any statuses that equate with complete. When a system administrator creates custom status names in Workfront, they can equate it or say it’s equal to one of Workfront’s three default statuses; new, in progress, or complete. For example, some customers create a status called canceled and equate it to complete.
The filter rule for Task, Status, Not Equal, Complete won’t filter out tasks with that canceled status but Task, Percent Complete, Less Than 100 will filter out both the complete and canceled tasks.
Task, Can Start, this field on a task is true if there are no incomplete predecessors and the can start field is true for all of the task’s parent tasks. This filter defines an active task as not only an incomplete task, but as a task that can be worked on right now.
Now let’s take a look at the My Tasks filter.
There’s only one filter rule: Assignment Users, ID, Equal, $$USER.ID Workfront created this built-in filter using this filter rule rather than Task, Assigned To ID, Equal, $$USER.ID. Why? First, this rule uses a user based wildcard to find results based on the logged in user. This means the results change automatically based on who is using the filter. Second, Task, Assigned To ID, Equal, $$USER.ID only tells you if you are the task owner but it will not tell you if you are one of the other people assigned to the task. By default, the first person assigned to a task is the task owner. Their ID is recorded in both the Assigned To ID field and the assignment user list. Assignment Users, ID, Equal, $$USER.ID checks the IDs of all the people assigned to a task to see if the ID of the logged in user is on the list. This is what you should use unless you’re sure you only want to see tasks where you are the task owner. Finally, let’s look at Unassigned Tasks In My Role.
The first filter rule is Task, Assigned To, ID is blank. Remember that by default, the first person assigned to a task is the task owner. Their ID goes in the Assigned To ID field. So the easiest way to see if a task is not assigned to any user is to check this field. Even if there is not a specific user assigned to a task it can still be assigned to a job role. Task, Role ID equal, $$USER.roleIDs reads the job role ID of this task is equal to one of the job roles of the logged in user. This is most likely what you would want for this filter but when you type in $$ in the name field, you see another option $$USER.roleID.
This is the primary job role of the logged in user. Choose this if you want to only see tasks assigned to the logged in user’s primary job role. The $$USER.roleIDs list contains the primary job role as well as other job roles assigned to a user. So it’s not necessary to include both wildcards. Task, Is Complete, Equal, False. This is another way to say the task is not complete. It is the same as Task, Percent Complete, less than 100 meaning that it will also take into account any status that equates with complete. By knowing how a filter is built, you can decide if it’s meeting your needs. If you want to change a built-in filter, simply make some edits and save it as your own custom filter. -

Activity: Create a task report

You want to make sure you are aware of tasks assigned to one of your teams that no one has agreed to work on it yet. Create a task report named “Unassigned Tasks on any of my teams.”


Here is what the filter should look like:

An image of the screen to create a task filter

Set up your column view to include the fields you’re interested in or would like to be able to in-line edit. For example, you could include an Assignments column so you could assign a team member to a task directly from the report.

You might want to group the list based on the name of the team assigned to each task.

Here is what the report should look like:

An image of a task report
