Create a basic filter

Create a basic filter in the legacy filter experience.

In this video, you will learn:

  • What a filter is in Workfront
  • How to create and modify a filter
  • How to share a filter with other Workfront users

Understand the new filter experience

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • Enable and disable the new filter experience
  • Create and edit filters
  • Stack filters
Understand the new filter experience. In this video you will learn how to enable and disable the new filter experience, create and edit filters, and stack filters. Enable and disable the new filter experience. Go to a task list, click on filters. You will see legacy filters. Under the three dot menu, you can enable new filters. Now this is available in a task list, a project list, an issue list, but not in reports. So if you go to like an issue report and click on the filter, you will notice it says legacy filters that doesn’t have the three dots. If it has the three dots, you can click on them to enable the new filter experience. Okay, back to the task list. We’ve enabled the new filter experience. To disable it, we can simply go back to legacy filters. Note that with the new filter experience, you see the task list, the entire task list. You can scroll over if you need to. And when you click on a filter, you’ll see it immediately active. There’s active tasks up here, and this is showing active tasks now. We have it showing 11 tasks when we were showing 28. Now there are a few things that you can do in legacy filters that you’ll do a little different in the new filter experience, such as if I want to look and see what active tasks means. I can go here. I don’t see an edit option. I can do a duplicate. So this is basically the same as editing before in the legacy filter experience. If I duplicate, I can see how the whole thing is created. So you see the word copy here. I can go ahead and edit the name, edit the filter, and save the new filter if I want. Another feature I have here is favorites. Notice that I have these three filters favorited. If I unfavorit them, they’ll simply go down to their place in the system defaults. If I favorit them, they’ll go up here into this list. System defaults includes all filters that came with the system. If a filter is shared with you, you’ll see another section called shared. Create and edit filters. We’re going to create a filter called my incomplete tasks. So we’ll click on new filter here. It says include if all are true. Another option, include if any are true. Now this is basically what’s referred to in legacy filters as an or filter or an and filter. So by default, everything in the filter has to be true. So that’s essentially an and filter. So the first filter rule is going to be to see if the task is complete. Now as you can see in the recent selections, I use this so I can just select it from here. Or I can start typing and type ahead will bring it to me. So here it’s showing me all of the tasks that are complete as I’m creating the filter. Of course, in this case, I want to see incomplete tasks. So I’m going to change this defaults. And we’ll add another filter. So I want to see tasks where I’m one of the people assigned, even if there’s multiple people. If I’m one of them, I want to see that. So I don’t want to use assigned to ID. I want to use assignment users. If I want to, I can browse fields here. Now I want to see if the assignment users ID is equal to dollar dollar user ID. Now when I click here, I can see a list of people I can choose from. And there’s also a list of wild cards, but I don’t see it because at the top of the list there. And if you find yourself in this situation, roll down here. Click on it again. And now you can see that at the top of the list, there’s something called me logged in user. That’s how they do dollar dollar user ID in the new filters experience. Now while I’m here, I’ll show you another thing. You can add a filter group. A filter group is what you would do if you were doing an OR filter. And then you can click on and and change it to OR if you want. We’re not going to worry about that on this example. I’m going to save this as new. And when I save it, it prompts me for a name. I can put it in the description. I can change the icon if I want to. And I’ll save it. And it shows up here in the saved section. If I click on it again, it shows up up here. So I’m now using my incomplete tasks as a filter. And there’s the list. Stack filters. Another feature in the new filter experience is the ability to stack features. So it gives me another way to do this same thing that I just created of my incomplete tasks. Let’s take a look at it. If I click on stack filters, it allows me to choose more than one filter. So I’ve just taken out all the filters. It says showing 28 tasks again. Okay, so now we have a clean slate here and we have stack filters on. So let’s go and stack some filters. Let’s say first of all, I want to see all incomplete tasks. So there were only two tasks that were complete. Now I have 26 tasks showing up in my filter. What if I want to stack on that my tasks? Now it’s showing 13 tasks again, just the things that are assigned to me that are incomplete. And you notice up here it says there’s two filters. So I can see that I have stacked filters, but I have to come in here to see exactly which ones they are. So that’s the new filter experience.