Set up expense types

Expenses in Workfront represent non-labor costs associated with projects and other work. Expenses could be, for example, travel expenditures while visiting a client or the purchase of supplies needed to complete a photo shoot. These expenses should be logged within the project so planned costs and actual costs can be calculated and reported on for any project.

Workfront has pre-built expense types that can be used when entering expenses. The defaults cannot be deleted or modified, but new ones can be added.

  • Advertising
  • Consulting
  • Entertainment
  • General
  • Materials
  • Printing
  • Shipping
  • Travel

A system administrator can add expense types needed for their organization. These additional expense types can be modified, hidden, or deleted to support the financial reporting needed in your organization.

Project managers, executives, and others can generate expense reports — grouping the individual expenses by type, if desired — for tasks, projects, programs, or portfolios within Workfront. Project financials become much more manageable using expense types.

Create an expense type

Select Setup from the main menu

  1. Click Expense Types in the left panel menu.
  2. Click the New Expense Type button.
  3. Name the expense type.
  4. Add a description, if needed.
  5. Click the Save button.

An image of creating a new Expense Type

Using expense types

The expense options show up in the Expense Type dropdown when users create an expense on a project or task in Workfront.

An image of adding a new expense
