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Use Adobe Workfront plugins to integrate with Creative Cloud

Integrate Workfront with Creative Cloud to find and update the work assigned to you in Adobe Workfront without leaving the following Adobe Creative Cloud applications:

  • Photoshop
  • XD
  • InDesign
  • Illustrator
  • Premiere Pro
  • After Effects

You must install the correct plugin for the Adobe Creative Cloud application you’re using:

Premiere Pro and After Effects video upload, and review and approval in Workfront, are not available at this time through the plugin.

In this video, you will learn how to do the following from within your Creative Cloud app:

  • Find your Workfront assignments
  • Upload files to Workfront
  • Add comments and tag team members
  • Request document approvals
  • Upload proofs and assign a proofing workflow
  • Log time
  • Mark your work complete
Welcome to Use Adobe Workfront plugin for Creative Cloud.
When using the plugins for Adobe Workfront you get a seamless flow of work between your Creative Cloud applications and the projects in Workfront. This makes it easier to report on your work so you can spend more time focusing on the creative process.
These integrations let you upload files into Workfront directly from your Adobe application. Comment on files attached to projects, tasks or issues. Request document approvals. Upload proofs. Assign a proofing workflow. You can even upload new versions of documents improved through the plugin.
Collaborate with team members and log time.
To use any of these plugins, first make sure to install the plugin. There are links in the tutorial to installation instructions.
Use a compatible version of the Adobe application.
You have a Workfront access level that allows you to upload documents and/or proofs.
And you have Workfront permissions to upload documents and proofs to your assigned work.
Once everything is in place, you’re ready to get started.
You’ll launch the Workfront plugin from the plugins menu.
Adobe Workfront for Photoshop, Adobe Workfront.
And it brings up this panel.
The next thing you’re going to do is log into your organization’s Workfront Domain.
It’s going to be domain name.my.workfront.com.
Domain name is what’s at the beginning of your Workfront url. Click login.
Next, it takes you to your login screen for Workfront.
Then it gives you the opportunity to allow access.
And now you can go back to Adobe to see your work.
Okay, so this is showing work assigned to me in Workfront. It’s grouped by due date.
And I have a lot of ways I can filter this and change things around. I can say I only want to see task and I only want to see things that are ready to start.
Now I can click on a task to go to it. I can see here, there’s an area for me to upload documents.
To see Subtask if there are any. No subtask on this task.
Any issues? No issues.
Any updates? I’ve got a comment in here. I can reply to a comment.
I can tag a team member.
And I can report time.
I’m going to go back to documents and upload a document. Click on new file here.
This is the the file that I’m looking at.
I can add comments if I want to.
And upload this. It’ll upload to the task in Workfront.
I can also add a file as a proof just by clicking on create a proof here.
I can add Approvers or I can add automated Workflow if I want to.
And I can mark this task as done.
Thanks for watching.