Use filters

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • Use filters between modules
  • Use filters as search criteria within a module
  • Review filter evaluation in execution history
You may not find the mighty filter as a technical term in any of our documentation, but we think that as soon as you learn how to use filters in conjunction with the mapping panel, you’ll realize how mighty filters can be in your scenario design. A filter can be configured between any two modules and it will compare two values separated by an operator to create a condition.
Similar to how you can build filters within Workfront, you can include multiple and, or or statements in your condition to refine how your filter behaves.
In addition, you have multiple different operator types that you’re probably familiar with, such as equal to, not equal to or contains, but as you can see in the image at the left, they’re grouped by certain data types. If you’re comparing numbers, you want to make sure you pull equal to or not equal to from the numeric operators. Same with dates or time or anything else. There are some advanced operators for looking at values that start with certain things or that have some sort of pattern that you want to match.
You’ll unleash the full power of filters as soon as you start combining the available condition fields with the capabilities of the mapping panel in the formula editor. If you’re familiar with Legacy Fusion or Fusion 1.0, filters in this fusion system will now replace those multiple continue if’s that you had to establish at the beginning of your flows in that prior system.
With execution history or the execution inspector within your designer, we can see how bundles of information either passed or did not pass certain conditions set up in your filter. In the first bundle, we can see that it did not meet the criteria set for that first condition. Instead of the PGIM center equaling ID, we can hover over that item and see that it actually equaled REG or REG and did not meet the first condition. Same thing happened with bundle two. It did not meet the first condition, so it was not evaluated against any of the subsequent conditions. However, bundle three met all four conditions and passed through the scenario. Bundle four was off to a good start and met the first condition. However, evaluated against the second condition, it canceled out and therefore that bundle was not evaluated against the third or the fourth condition set.
Although it’s not a filter per se between two modules, you can still set up a filter like search criteria on certain modules. That module can be within your scenario or it might be your trigger, meaning bundles of information will not come into that scenario unless it meets those certain search criteria. All the same capabilities of using the mapping panel and operators exist within that search criteria area. -