Restore objects from the Recycle Bin

Project work goes through many changes. You might delete something, only to realize 30 minutes later that the task was needed or the document was vital to the issue you’re trying to resolve.

With the Recycle Bin, when the object is deleted, Workfront places it in the for up to 30 days. The system administrator can restore the object to its original position in Workfront, along with all its information (updates, logged hours, documents, etc.).

Restore an object

  1. Select the Setup area in the Main Menu.
  2. Click Recycle Bin in the left panel.
  3. Select Recently Deleted.

Recently Deleted section of Recycle Bin in Setup area

Each restorable object has a tab to make it easier to find the particular item to restore.

  1. Click the desired object’s tab.
  2. Check the box next to object(s) to restore.
  3. Click the Restore button.

Items selected in Recycle Bin

The object(s) being restored will briefly pop up in an In Progress section. Once the screen refreshes, the object(s) no longer appears on the screen because it has been restored. The items appear where they were previously in Workfront, which you can verify on the Recently Restored screen.

Recently Restored section of Recycle Bin in Setup area

Group administrators can restore a project that is associated with the group they manage, along with any tasks, issues, or documents associated with the project.
