What are layout templates?

Workfront has a lot of good tools to help you get work done. But too much of a good thing can be overwhelming.

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Layout templates let system administrators and group administrators customize the user’s experience and allow those users to focus on what’s important to them.

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For example, the majority of your organization doesn’t log time. However, the consultant team does bill clients, so they need to log time to ensure accurate billing. With a layout template, timesheets can be hidden for those who don’t need them and show for those who do.

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Before you build

Workfront recommends talking with your users before creating a layout template. Involving those who will be using the layout template, such as the group administrators, will make placing the right information and tools in front of the right people a lot smoother.

And don’t be afraid to make changes after a template has been created. Continue to get feedback on what they need and want to see and access. Remember, layout templates are meant to create a clean and easy experience for your users.
