Customize Home Workspace with layout templates

Learn to customize your users Home area to access, track, approve, and update work quickly and easily.

Hey, everyone. Today we’re going to show you how to customize the Home Workspace area. This area is for everyone, whether you manage or are assigned to work within Workfront. Because the space can hold quite a bit of information, you, as an admin, will want to work with managers and team leaders to narrow this area down to what is most important to their users to see and use. You can do that by customizing the Home Workspace area through a layout template. If you haven’t already, you can find layout templates in the Setup area under Interface. From here you can either create a brand new template or edit an existing one. In this case we’re going to edit an existing layout template.
Within a layout template you can customize several areas provided within Workfront. They’re all listed under “Customize what users see”.
We’re going to select Home Workspace.
If you look to the right of Home Workspace, you’ll see two sections. Design & layout and Widget settings. Let’s first focus on Design & layout. Using the panel on the right, you can customize what users with this layout template see in their Home Workspace area. The first section is Background where you can add a bit of color from the predetermined options. It’s simple but can make a bigger splash when added.
However, widgets are where you make a difference for users trying to get work done in Workfront. Each widget displays a different type of information.
Some display any new and currently being worked on tasks, issues and requests assigned to the user.
Another shows any comments the user has been tagged in so they can comment back or have more detailed information.
Depending on the role a user plays, different widgets can be applied to the template. In this case, we’re working on the Content Marketing Team layout. So we’re going to add widgets like Team Requests.
This allows anyone on the team to see work assigned to the whole team, and depending on how this team functions, it may be that an individual could then assign the work to themselves, or it could create a discussion in a team meeting before any assignments are made. Either way, the users are made aware of those team assignments Mentions We would recommend adding this to any user’s Home Workspace area. That way they’re aware of comments they’ve been tagged in and can respond in a timely manner.
My Work This widget allows the user to focus on work specifically assigned to them, whether they’ve started working on it or not.
And finally, My Requests. This allows the user to see and keep track of any requests they’ve submitted to be worked on. To add widgets, hover your mouse over the widget and then click on the add widget button. Any widgets added to the Home Workspace area are placed in the space to the left.
You can of course rearrange and resize the widgets. For instance, for the team using this layout the team lead would like Mentions and My Work to be at the top and side by side.
To rearrange any widget, click and hold on the widget and then drag it to where you want to see it on the page. You’ll see that the system automatically moves any widgets that were there into another space. Do this for any widgets you’d like to rearrange.
You can also resize widgets to make them either larger, to fit more information in the widget or smaller to condense space to add more widgets. It all depends on the needs of the users with this layout template. To resize, click and hold your mouse on the arrow to the bottom right of the widget, then drag up down, left or right to resize it.
Now widget settings only apply if you’re using certain widgets that are listed. The settings allow you to determine which filters, columns, and groups can be used to hone in and focus the information shown in those particular widgets. Simply uncheck the box next to any filters, columns or groups that you want removed as options from the widgets.
Once the desired widgets have been added, rearranged and or resized and settings have been determined, click the Save button.
Once saved any users that have that template applied will see the Home Workspace area as designed in the layout template.

Customize legacy Home with layout templates

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • Navigate to Home settings
  • Edit global settings
  • Customize Home using a layout template
  • Remove items from Home
  • Add items to Home